Earl wrote:Take a look at this statement of Brigan's. It's interesting.
Brigan wrote:All this time you've been talking to a bit-obese guy who's never got anything for free, not good on sports, been bullied in school, Worked my ass of to get where I am. I've been held at gunpoint at least 3 times, cash register got cleaned each time, My home has been subect to burglary, now I wasn't so depressed like a Rape victim would be, but FUCK. People put their shit together or they end up just like you.
Looks like the two of you guys have some stuff in common. Very interesting, indeed.
Yeah, well, at least he wasn't injured.
Back in the summer of 2001, I was attacked with machete, my left wrist fractured and I was struck on the back of my head and I was bleeding all over the place.
I lost a lot of blood, not quite enough to require a transfusion, but I came very close. I could have easily died that evening.
My left wrist and my hand is permanently crippled up.
Can't play the guitar or do oil paintings anymore.
Brigoon only had some cash taken from a cash register and a TV stolen from his home so that he couldn't watch football.
I had my entire life taken away from me, and I'll never get it back!
Oh! But my rotten brother, he has everything!
When he was living up in Minneapolis Minnesota for a few years, he attended AA meetings, somebody said or did something to get my brother all pissed off.
Before moving down from Minnesota, he paid someone over a thousand dollars to have the guy beaten up, worked over real good, and both of his hands broken.
You see, my brother has money enough to hire a hit man to have people that he doesn't like, beaten up and crippled up.
I can't even afford to have a pie thrown in somebody's face.
My brother AND sister are BOTH scum-bags.
Since becoming a Catholic, my scum-bag brother believes that his priest has the awesome power to call down the creator of the universe to enter a little round cracker, and every Sunday, he gets to stand in line to eat God!
His priest also has the power to fuck babies!
And my scum-bag sister is a Mormon and she probably wears magic underwear.
And, I'm the one in my family who's nuts because I wanted to study science in school???
As I had once said before, just out of curiosity, would like to go after my Mormon sister, and beat her with a lead pipe to see if her magic underwear, that all the Mormons wear, will protect her from injuries.
Just kidding. I really don't want to beat either one of them.
I just want them to stay the fuck out of my life!
Yeah! Nice siblings I have!
A cracker boy and a magic panty girl.