Here is a series of 18 videos.
Actually, it's 19 videos because I put up a link to a mirrored version of the 6th video. One version is unavailable to those living in the United Kingdom, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey, so you'll have to go to the mirrored version hosted by another YouTube user if you wish to see it.
Fortunately, there is always a way to get around any attempts at censorship by sniveling cowards who fear knowledge and science and who wish to keep us in ignorance.
Yeah! Nice try ya Bozos!
Anyway, I hope you'll all enjoy watching this series of videos.
Discovering Religion: Ep 1 - Ready-Made World
DiscoveringReligion | March 15, 2010
The first installment of my original series "Discovering Religion". This episode is a brand new introduction to my series, now re-mastered in HD!
In this episode I discuss the apparent conflicts that exist with our present observable reality and our past archaic religious traditions that not only seem to contradict one another, but all that we have discovered through the scientific method.
Click here for the play list: ... 541E8576D7
Discovering Religion: Ep 2 - Young Earth ... ion_922403
DiscoveringReligion | March 15, 2010
The second installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I investigate the widely held perception among creationists that the Earth and Universe are not billions of years old, but rather only several thousand.
Discovering Religion: Ep 3 - Purpose of Christ ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The third installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I discuss the reason Creationists believe Jesus Christ was incarnated as a human being and how this sets the stage for a great many conflicts with the acceptance of the scriptures as literal truth.
Discovering Religion: Ep 4 - The Flood - Part 1 ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
Please turn on your annotations for this video. I have made several minor continuity errors and I have corrected these mistakes in the annotations. Thank you.
The fourth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this two-part episode I examine just 4 of the innumerable problems that arise if the Flood Myth is accepted as literal, historical event.
Problem 1.) The emergence of predatory animals after the Flood and the conflicts that arise if present-day carnivores consumed only vegetation during the 1,556 years from Adam to Noah's son, Shem.
Problem 2.) The implausibility of a Human-Dinosaur coexistence and how such an absurd idea contradicts everything we know about life on Earth and the time-line of events in our solar system.
Problem 3.) The great many conflicts that arise with the Flood event and the knowledge the Earth once contained a super-continent known as Pangaea -- namely, if the Flood really did occur, how did marsupials and penguins make the journey back to their respective isolated continents, the only place they are and have always been naturally found to exist.
Problem 4.) The inability for creationists to reconcile the young earth view with the astronomical evidence of a universe that appears many billions of years old. Although creationists often weasel their way out of honest scientific debate by claiming carbon dating to be inaccurate or bring into question such natural processes as sediment deposition, ancient starlight that has traveled many billions of light years to reach our planet is the most concrete evidence the Earth and the Universe are indeed many billions of years old and the myths like the Creation and the Flood cannot be taken literally.
Discovering Religion: Ep 4 - The Flood - Part 2 ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
Please turn on your annotations for this video. I have made several minor continuity errors and I have corrected these mistakes in the annotations. Thank you.
The fourth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this two-part episode I examine just 4 of the innumerable problems that arise if the Flood Myth is accepted as literal, historical event.
Problem 1.) The emergence of predatory animals after the Flood and the conflicts that arise if present-day carnivores consumed only vegetation during the 1,556 years from Adam to Noah's son, Shem.
Problem 2.) The implausibility of a Human-Dinosaur coexistence and how such an absurd idea contradicts everything we know about life on Earth and the time-line of events in our solar system.
Problem 3.) The great many conflicts that arise with the Flood event and the knowledge the Earth once contained a super-continent known as Pangaea -- namely, if the Flood really did occur, how did marsupials, like the Koala and Kangaroo, make the journey back to their isolated continent, the only place they are and have always been naturally found to exist.
Problem 4.) The inability of creationists to reconcile the young earth view with the astronomical evidence of a Universe that appears many billions of years old. Although creationists often weasel their way out of honest scientific debate by claiming carbon dating to be inaccurate or by bring into question such natural processes as sediment deposition, ancient starlight that has traveled many billions of light years to reach our planet is the most concrete evidence the Earth and the Universe are indeed many billions of years old and the myths like the Creation and the Flood cannot be taken literally.
Discovering Religion: Ep 5 - Semantics of Science ... re=related
Episode 6 has been blocked by channel 4 in the following countries
United Kingdom, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey
Link provided to a mirrored video at the end.
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The fifth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I address how certain words found in our everyday vocabulary take on a much different meaning when it comes to the vocabulary of science.
Often when a creationist or someone unfamiliar with the scientific method hears the word "theory" they immediately assume scientists are only guessing or at best have a loosely formed idea about a subject that is unsubstantiated by evidence. Although some people may legitimately fail to realize a "theory" in the mathematical, musical, or scientific sense refers to a comprehensive explanation that describes a great variety of facts, many others only feign ignorance.
Creationists apply a double standard to the "Theory of Evolution" by claiming it is STILL just a theory and has yet to show any signs of viability; meanwhile fully accepting the overarching principles that describe the "Theory of Relativity", "Theory of Electromagnetism", "Germ Theory", "Music Theory", and a host of mathematical theories, such as:
Algebraic K-theory
Approximation theory
Catastrophe theory
Category theory
Character theory
Choquet theory
Class field theory
Computation theory
Deformation theory
Dimension theory
Distribution theory
Field theory
Elimination theory
Game theory
Graph theory
Group theory
Homology theory
Homotopy theory
Information theory
Invariant theory
Local class field theory
Matrix theory
Measure theory
Model theory
Module theory
Network theory
Number theory
Obstruction theory
Operator theory
Order theory
Percolation theory
Perturbation theory
Probability theory
Proof theory
And the list could go on
Creationists accept the validity of other "theories", yet when it comes to evolution they blindly deny or even manipulate evidence -- so long as their preconceived notions of divine creation remain intact. With this episode I hope the viewer can gain a little perspective on how certain words are used in science and how this applies to the mechanism of Natural Selection, discussed in the following episode.
Discovering Religion: Ep 6 - Theory of Evolution - Not available in the United Kingdom, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The sixth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I examine the Theory of Evolution, or rather the mechanism of Natural Selection.
Many creationists look at the comfortable world around them and marvel at the amazing work of God's creation that, according to Ray Comfort, is responsible for such things as the banana. However, Creationists fail to realize that man's own hand is responsible for why many of plants and animals that have come under our domestication look the way they do.
Over hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of years, man has been influencing the surrounding world by selecting traits within plants and animals deemed desirable to appear in each subsequent generation. For this reason our roses smell so good, our corn is so sweet, how breeds of dog like the Chiwawa and Great Dane have come to exists, and even why the banana looks and tastes the way it does.
Darwin knew the extent of man's influence in the breeding and domestication of plants and animals. However, he went a step further and applied the same concept of selection to the natural world. Darwin's five year journey led him across the globe and to a very special chain of islands, known as the Galapagos. It was there Darwin began to piece together all the evidence he had collected, coming to realize the full implications of what Natural Selection meant in the grand scheme of existence and the origins of humankind.
For this discovery Darwin is heralded as one of the greatest scientific minds to ever exist, and by creationists he is viewed as almost an Anti-Christ figure. In this episode I hope to shed light on Darwin's discovery, initially made in the attempt to understand the mind of God, but in the process revealing the true nature of our origins.
Discovering Religion- Ep 06 of 14- Theory of Evolution - (mirror) Made available in the United Kingdom, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey ... r15AM7echQ
amarvarma2005 | July 22, 2010
From youtube Channell DiscoveringReligion ... This series is Fantastic
The sixth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". This episode examines the Theory of Evolution, or rather the mechanism of Natural Selection.
Many creationists look at the comfortable world around them and marvel at the amazing work of God's creation that, according to Ray Comfort, is responsible for such things as the banana. However, Creationists fail to realize that man's own hand is responsible for why many of plant and animals that have come under our domestication look the way they do.
Over hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of years, man has been influencing the surrounding world by selecting traits within plants and animals deemed desirable to appear in each subsequent generation. For this reason our roses smell so good, our corn is so sweet, how breeds of dog like the Chiwawa and Great Dane have come to exists, and even why the banana looks and tastes the way it does.
Darwin knew the extent of man's influence in the breeding and domestication of plants and animals. However, he went a step further and applied the same concept of selection to the natural world. Darwin's five year journey led him across the globe and to a very special chain of islands, known as the Galapagos. It was there Darwin began to piece together all the evidence he had collected, coming to realize the full implications of what Natural Selection meant in the grand scheme of existence and the origins of humankind.
For this discovery Darwin is heralded as one of the greatest scientific minds to ever exist, and by creationists he is viewed as almost an Anti-Christ figure. In this episode I hope to shed light on Darwin's discovery, initially made in the attempt to understand the mind of God, but in the process revealing the true nature of our origins.
Thanks to other YouTube users mirroring videos on their channels, there is a way to get around the censorship imposed in some regions around the world.
I have even mirrored some videos on my channel to help other user members of YouTube. So, I'm proud to be a fellow member of YouTube and having the opportunity to help some of their other users by mirroring videos at their request.
It's a glorious battle for intellectual and academic freedom against censorship and against those sniveling cowards who would attempt to take down other user channels.
YouTube has become another political battlefield, and I'm spoiling for a good fight!!!
And so . . . . . to all you right-wing cowards out there . . . . .
Anyway, here are some more videos.
Discovering Religion: Ep 7 - Transitional Species ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The seventh installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I discuss the FACTS of evolution.
Creationists attempt to poke holes in the Evolutionary Theory by claiming the fossil record is absent of transitional animal species, that link one form of animal to another. However, there are thousands of transitional species. In this video I explore several key examples, linking fish to terrestrial tetrapod (four legged animals that moved on the land) as well as the links between four legged mammals and modern days whales. Transitional species are just a fraction of the overwhelming evidence that exists in support of evolution by means of natural selection.
The following species are discussed in detail:
Discovering Religion: Ep 8 - Achaeopteryx ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The eighth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I continue the discussion on the FACTS of evolution through a detailed examination of a transitional species known as Archaeopteryx.
Creationists claim Archaeopteryx is only a bird and in no way serves to link dinosaurs to modern-day birds. However, in this video I list up to 17 purely reptilian features unique to Archaeopteryx that are not found in modern birds -- displaying, without a doubt, Archaeopteryx is indeed one of the most important transitional species ever found.
Discovering Religion: Ep 9 - Vestigial Organs - Part 1 ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The ninth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I explore such concepts as descent with medication, homologous structures, and vestigial organs.
This is one of my favorite videos of the series, as it serves to display the powerful mechanism of natural selection that has shaped all life on this planet. In part one of the episode I explore various vestigial structures found throughout the Animal Kingdom:
Presence of a reduced pelvis and femur in whales, as well as the development and subsequent reduction of hind limb buds in the cetacean fetus.
The loss of eyes in cave dwelling animals, such as the Blind Mexican Tetra and the Blind Texas Salamander.
The Dandelion contains sexual organs, such as a stamen, pistil and pollen, although this plant reproduces through an asexual process known as "apomixis".
Certain reptiles of the genus Cnemidophorus only exist in the females sex and reproduce asexually, although females still act like males by continuing to engage other females in mating rituals.
Monotremes, like the platypus and echidna, have both an "egg-tooth" and a caruncle, structures used by animals like reptiles and birds for hatching through hard egg shells. Marsupials also express transient egg shells and caruncles during their embryonic development.
There are also many variety of animals that display wings although they are unable to fly, such as beetles of the genus Lucanidae, as well as birds like the Kiwi, Ostrich, and Penguin.
Discovering Religion: Ep 9 - Vestigial Organs - Part 2 ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The ninth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In the second part of this episode I explore the vestigial structures found within the human body.
Human Vestigial Organs:
Wisdom teeth
Plantaris muscle
Human tail
Ear-wiggling muscles
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Olfactory Receptor genes
Body hair
Goose bumps
Male nipples
Poor Design in the Human Body:
Blind spot in the vertebrate eye
Bursa of the knee
Ulnar nerve of the elbow
Poor protection of the brain by the skull
Lack of brow ridges found in other primates
Discovering Religion: Ep 10 - Neanderthal ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The tenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I explore concept of the caveman and the inconsistencies that arise between the scientific and theological time-line of anthropological human development, from hunter-gathers of the Stone Age to farmers and shepherds of the Bronze Age.
Discovering Religion: Ep 11 - Human Origin ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The eleventh installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I trace the journey of human evolution, from 3 million years ago to present day.
Note: Much of the information as well as video in this episode comes from other sources. It was not my desire to plagiarize or infringe on anyone's original material. My goal is to condense and simplify the great wealth of information that exists on human evolution into a format suitable for the YouTube audience.
Discovering Religion: Ep 12 - Arrival of Man ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | March 20, 2010
The twelfth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I trace the final step in the evolution of our species and discuss the most important clue that shows human beings do indeed share a common ancestry with other primates.
The Chromosome 2 fusion is examined in detail, showing not only is evolution supported by fossil evidence from the Earth, but also by genetic evidence found within our very genome. This video demonstrates the overwhelming, undeniable truth that evolution is a FACT, not a hypothesis, opinion, or matter for debate.
Discovering Religion: Ep 13 - Predictive Power of Evolution ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | May 26, 2010
The thirteenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I discuss evolution's amazing ability to provide us with deep insight into natural phenomena that we would otherwise be unable to glimpse without the predictive power of evolution.
Such capability was exemplified in Darwin's predicted pollinator of the Comet Orchid, a prediction confirmed 21 years after his death!
The predictive power of evolution is unmatched, even by the so called "theory" of Intelligent Design. I put the predictive capability of each theory to the test by examining the anatomical complexity of the heart in the following four animal categories: fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds/mammals.
Although the theory of evolution allows us to make very accurate predictions about Earth's biological diversity, there are some phenomenon the Theory of Evolution is not always expected to predict, such as the convergent evolution of human and koala skin.
But the Theory of Evolution is not solely limited to making predictions about flora and fauna, or reconfirming our evolutionary origins. In the next episode I will discuss evolution's role in the research and development of drugs to fight bacteria and the micro evolution that results in their attempts to evade our best efforts to prevent disease.
Discovering Religion: Ep 14 - Micro and Macroevolution (HD) ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | June 29, 2010
The fourteenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I discuss the evidence for micro-evolution (genetic variations within a species) and macro-evolution (the accumulation of genetic variations leading to speciation).
Creationists often claim micro-evolution cannot be extrapolated over time, resulting macro-evolution -- and because we have never directly witnessed macro-evolution it therefore must not occur. I refute these claims as well as sum up my argument on the historical occurrence of evolution.
In the next few installments I will begin to shift my focus from scientific topics to more social, moral, and ethical conflicts inherent to a literalistic belief in religious mythologies.
References and Works Cited
"Creation vs Evolution - Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria "
Scientific Papers on Nylon-Eating Bacteria: ... rom=jnltoc ... id=7646041
Discovering Religion: Ep 15 - Past Supression of Science ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | August 09, 2010
In the fifteenth installment of "Discovering Religion" I discuss the historical suppression of science by Christian authorities. But this is really nothing new. Modern-day Christians constantly attempt to suppress scientific knowledge they see as contradicting their literal understanding of the Bible.
This is perfectly exemplified by Ray Comfort's insane version of dog evolution, highlighted at the beginning of the episode. Although Comfort is satisfied to manipulate scientific information and denigrate Darwin's life work, Christian authorities of the past were more keen to excommunicate, torture, and put to death anyone they deemed as heretical.
Using Common Sense to Debunk Evolution (Ray Comfort video)
Thunderf00d For Thought (NephilimFree)
Discovering Religion: Ep 16 - Embryonic Stem Cells & Capital Punishment ... re=related
DiscoveringReligion | August 10, 2010
The sixteenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I discuss the current actions of Christian Americans to suppress modern-day scientific advancements. In particular, I address the movement by Christians to outlaw embryonic stem cell research, a stance they have no justification from the Bible in taking -- a situation that very closely parallels the Church's suppression of Roger Bacon and Galileo Galilei's scientific discoveries.
Additional information I could not include in the video:
Giving insulin to children with Type I Diabetes is a viable means of treating this disease, however; after 15-20 years of living with type I diabetes, the danger continues to grow, possibly leading to kidney failure, heart disease, blindness, brain damage, and premature death. This is why stem cell research is so crucial to patients suffering from this serious condition.
Bone Marrow Transplants:
There are many patients, both child and adult, in need of bone marrow transplants that would greatly benefit from the use of stem cells. For 2/3 of them, there is no donor with an acceptable genetic match. However, even when a match is found, it is never perfect. With stem cells, doctors could grow cells customized to the needs of the patient.
On a personal note, a good friend of mine mentioned that his best friend in high school needed a marrow transplant. Each one of his friends volunteered for the test to see if they were compatible; however, an acceptable donor could not be found and eventually the boy died. This terrible scenario is played out countless times, and it may be alleviated with help from embryonic stem cell technology.
Use of Antibiotics:
In the video I mentioned the use of antibiotics kills thousands of bacterial cells during an infection. Although these cells are foreign to the human body, causing disease, there are many kinds of enteric bacteria that can be affected by these antibiotics as well. For example, patients treated with clindamycin or ampicillin may also kill of beneficial, naturally occurring bacteria in the GI tract. Once these good bacteria die off it allows dangerous bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile, to take over the gut, producing a disease known as pseudomembranous colitis.
Michael J. Fox Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Bush On Embryo Adoption & Ethical Stem Cell Research Video
Politics: President Obama on Stem Cell Research
Dick Cheney on Same-Sex Marriage
Stem Cell Footage:
Stem Cell Info (wiki):
Texas Executions:
Stem cell research may one day find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, Alzheimer disease, and many other genetic disorders.
The Bush ministration has tried to ban stem cell research, but thank goodness President Obama wants to legalize it.
TheNewYorkTimes | March 10, 2009
President Obama signed an order reversing the Bush administration's strict limits on human embryonic stem cell research.
Also, something not mentioned in the above videos . . . . .
. . . . . concerning sex education . . . . .
Here in Texas where I live, the sex education courses in our high schools is based on "abstinence only" with nothing mentioned about the different types of birth control available.
It is a well established fact, that in states where they either don't teach sex education, or in states where they teach "abstinence only" those states have the highest rates of unwanted teen pregnancies.
But in states where their high schools teach all the facts in sex education, those states actually have much lower rates of unwanted teen pregnancies.
Ignorance is NOT a virtue!
Ignorance is NOT bliss, it's oblivion!
Ignorance kills!
Knowledge is power!
And finally . . . . .
To all the sniveling cowards out there who still persist in the false flagging of videos as inappropriate for minors, and multiple down-thumbing of videos, and filing false DMCA claims in their attempts at censorship of scientific educational channels . . . . .
. . . . . please do read the following . . . . .
All source material found in the Discovering Religion series is compliant with
The United States Copyright Act of 1976, title 17 U.S. Code section 107.
Under the doctrine of "Fair Use", copyrighted material may be used for the purpose of:
Commentary, Criticism, News reporting, Research, Teaching, or Scholarship.
I do not intend to profit from this work. The filing of a false DMCA claim
may result in serious legal repercussions, including fines and compensation
of any pertinent legal fees. I am knowledgeable of my rights and I am operating
within the legal boundaries as it pertains to all material found in this series.
Before filing a DMCA claim be advised of your rights and limitations in this regard.
That is all.
Discovering Religion: Creationism & Evolution - 18 Videos
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Discovering Religion: Creationism & Evolution - 18 Videos

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!