pop music sucks

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Re: pop music sucks

Post by i_like_1981 »

James wrote:i Myself hate pop music but by no means would i say that it sucks. i like to listen to a mixture of rap, r.n.b, hiphop and techno. But notheless i do respect your opinions wberrley. you seem like a pretty cool guy.
Yeah, your taste in music is pretty shit. All rap is shit, even the early rap from the 80's. That's some 80's music I don't care for. I think rap is the curse of the musical world. As for R'n'B (not r.n.b, jackass), I do like Michael Jackson's material but that was mainly pop-orientated. Although tracks like "Human Nature" are good in my book. Oh, and that's a nice change in rank there. Perhaps it wouldn't happen if you stopped constantly making reference to 4chan stuff in EVERY DAMN POST. It didn't do any wonders for Hank or Nick and it never will for anyone. Have a nice day with your lame music - thank God I'm a fair distance away!

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Re: pop music sucks

Post by wibberley »

i certainly hope the world cup ends iun nihilisti9c chaos
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by i_like_1981 »

wibberley wrote:i certainly hope the world cup ends iun nihilisti9c chaos
I think "nihilistic chaos" is a bit excessive, wibberley. Over here the World Cup will probably result in England getting knocked out at either the quarter- or the semi-final stage. (It would be a right laugh if they were to get knocked out during the group matches. That would make me very happy.) Then half the population will just wander round aimlessly feeling depressed about themselves over the team's loss, like they've lost a member in all of their families. And of course, our good national newspapers will make it seem like the country's lowest moment. It won't exactly be nihilistic chaos, more like a nationwide funeral.

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Re: pop music sucks

Post by Indurrago »

wibberley wrote:Id like to nuke to hell every sports stadium,everyone who likes sports,including board games,especially chess and all electronic games.Id like to nuke to hell also anyone who listens to rock music as it sucks.
I grew up with video games. Though I didn't know any other people who actually played them til well into my teens. When I started learning computer science I started scratching the surface of what kind of dedicated work is actually put into them. I guess the role-playing aspect is what drew me into games than any actually competitive aspect in them. I play by myself because I enjoy experience figuring out how to do things by myself. But mostly the music it's what brings me back to old games I've played. You can laugh at the music, in the early years the music was indeed laughable. But later on things got better. They're some amazing video game composers out there who were classical trained and use they're skills to create some wonderful pieces. Music in the games are always underestimated and underrated. Sometimes they're the only redeemable quality in a game.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn4fzRK8 ... re=related
On the Beach of Dreams ~Another World~ by Yasunori Mitsuda. (He doesn't play any of the games he composes for, and his music never incorporates rock, and he's classical trained. He has an interest in foreign music as well which he DOES use, and well excuted.) This song is an example of a fine piece, though I agree now most of the music has gotten lazy and people have for the most part given up trying to be creative(in games and music). There's nothing pop or rock about it too. But to say that ALL of the music from games is crap is just plain false.

20th century music isn't that old. That's just a hundred years, plenty of good music even before then. I've grown an interest in traditional music from other countries. Traditional music like village folk music, old enough that that they make "classical" music look young. Classical music was the rock music of its day in sheer popularity. So they're were people like you and I like 1981 that disliked any of it also and favored more traditional music. Learning and listening to new instruments(cuz there a plenty of them out there and no one has heard them all) is always a joy.

You should go to the "what song are you listening to?" thread in the off-topic subsection and share songs from the past that you enjoy with the rest of us. :D

All in all I'm a bigger fan of the music then the actual games even though good songs are hard to come by. And yes, I dislike modern pop music too. :mrgreen:
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by wibberley »

i think all sports fans should suffer the fate of the vietcong prisoner in the famous pulitzer prize winning photograph of 1968
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by i_like_1981 »

wibberley wrote:i think all sports fans should suffer the fate of the vietcong prisoner in the famous pulitzer prize winning photograph of 1968
Need to try and tone down with the extreme statements here, wibberley. Although I'm very much hoping to see all the England fans receive a huge disappointment in the near future. I heard they only pulled off a 1-1 draw against the USA last night. Good. Perhaps that'll keep these sheep's over-confidence at bay!

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Re: pop music sucks

Post by Earl »

wibberley, I think that it would be interesting and profitable if we had a dialogue about the exact reasons why you dislike sports fans so much. I mean that sincerely. I don't want to embarrass you. The forum would be enlivened by such an exchange. Besides, you should feel free to express your specific complaints.
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by wibberley »

i thought that might get you going.in fact while i was away on holiday in devon last week i overheard some old bloke in the co op ranting and raving to everybody and i just happened to catch the phrase "they all want their throats cutting and be dumped in wheelie bins" which sounded right up my street,so for that matter i apply it to all sports fans
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by Skul »

Sorry, but I didn't see a reason there.
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by i_like_1981 »

I myself don't think wibberley is that bad. I received some PMs off him a few months back, shortly after he joined us, that showed he was quite a civilised, intelligent person. And of course, I do appreciate anyone who cares for old music at the expense of liking anything new. Hoping all is going well with the 1920s stuff, wibberley. Stick by the old ways. But perhaps tell us why you come to hate sports so much. Nothing wrong with that - this is the right place. And there's nothing wrong with living alone either. Hell, I do. Women these days don't care for individuality in men. No, these days it's all about who's got the most inflated ego or as for the late teens/early 20s range, who can down the most vodka without having to be rushed into hospital. Okay, going off-topic again. But wibberley, we're interested to hear why you despise sports. And yes, I too can't wait to see England get knocked out of the World Suck. (Thanks for the name, dickfilthy - can't stop using that! Already used it at work today and got the odd nasty look or two!)

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Re: pop music sucks

Post by Earl »

I don't think he's bad either. All I'm saying is that I think it would be interesting if he gave specific reasons as to why he feels the way he does. After all, this website is the right place to express such views; and he will receive a sympathetic hearing.
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by Skul »

i_like_1981 wrote:I myself don't think wibberley is that bad.
I don't know if you're saying that due to my previous post. I never said nor implied that I thought he was a bad person (I don't), I just said that there were no reasons like Earl was asking for.
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by wibberley »

i am on the right site am i not? all of us on here hate sports do we not? The reason i ask is that i am being asked by supposed fellow haters as to why to WHY i hate sport so much.surely,its plain to see,it just plain sucks,you must see that.When i ask people if they are getting ready for the prom season starting next month they say no.Dont you listen to anANY classical music? i reply."NO" they remark,curtly.Popular opinion is on their side.Somebody i knew went around chatsworth house not so long back and said they got nothing from it."Did you go around blind-folded?" i replied.how could anyone say anything like that about such a magnificent place.But they do and with impunity and nobody questions it.
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by HugeFanOfBadReligion »

wibberley wrote:i am on the right site am i not? all of us on here hate sports do we not? The reason i ask is that i am being asked by supposed fellow haters as to why to WHY i hate sport so much.
Well, everyone has a different reason. And some don't actually hate sports, in fact I don't necessarily "hate" them, like Earl for example. He has said several times before that he doesn't hate sports, he is just against the sports culture (sorry if I am speaking for you Earl, correct me if I am wrong or if I worded this statement wrong) when it causes problems such as violence or criminal behaviour (which it often does). I dislike sports for several reasons, one of them being I was never very interested in them, another being that a significant proportion of the athletic students at my school/former schools are/were complete assholes who liked to pick on those who weren't as popular or weren't as athletically talented. Many members have different reasons, some just aren't into sports and want to find a place where the talk isn't all about how the game went. So that is the reason why you were asked to explain why you hate sports.
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Re: pop music sucks

Post by Fat Man »

There was once a time, a long time ago when I didn't actually hate sports, but was merely not interested in sports.

But it was the obnoxious sports fans and jocks who bullied me around, they taught me how to hate sports.

Yeah! I guess the best way to get people to like the same things you like, is to beat the living crap out of them, then, they'll really love you for that!

ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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