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JoBiN 1988
Doing a school project about the Anti-Jock movement, very interesting subject to research I wish you all the best in your endevors
PE teachers should all poo themselves.
Sports suck!
UwUwU i hate sports fuck them jhfihfiwhefiwh
Sports are hell, and PE is absolute torture.
To HELL with sports!
Sports are FROM hell, they ARE hell, and they're literally going TO hell when God sends all evil things that hurt people to the Lake of Fire.
I read your article "Take Back Our Schools," and I couldn't have said it any better. I'm laughing because it's 110% accurate, but in that day, high school and especially "PE" class were pure degradation.
The schools and especially "coaches" should be sued in a class action, because they don't EDUCATE anyone. Not one SINGLE one of them ever attempted to assist me in learning how to be more coordinated, gave me remedial instruction for my lack of natural ability, or even gave me a test or homework to learn the rules of any sport.Apparently it is ass-umed that all fathers teach these things to their sons. Just my luck, I had a sports-hating father and grandfather too. We like to actually make something useful rather than do pathetic greco-roman rituals. And there sure isn't a study hall for those who seek to learn enough about these satanic activities to be able to at least fit in with an average ability to perform before the kings of the school.
Coaches are exactly as you say, and they should be FIRED for doing nothing. They assign their golden boys to run the "class," then retire their big bellies back to the compound where they sit and discuss sports with their other ex-jock colleagues who are long past their glory days. Their sole mission is to exploit the next generation to see who is best suited to vicariously carry their pathetic torches, since they can no longer do it themselves.
Then those golden children have kids, age out, and the vicious cycle repeats with THEIR kids, so the monarchy never gives up the throne.
What a disgusting waste of life.
Your site is excellent!
TI Joe
Why do I hate sports?
-brain atrophy
-frustration, boredom
-dirty payments to athletes and sportists who don't deserve it
-stress over absolutely nothing
-this is not education! Go the fuck out of schools!
-sport robs people of intelligence, time, convenience, money
-if the mass population is gettig brainwashed i don't give a fuck, but when there are fucking MURDERS and WARS becausr of idiocy that's different
If this didn't convince anyone to stop doing Sports for their own good, you are stubborn, stupid, fanatical, boring wannabe like others.
Unknown, anonymous and forgettingworthy hero from Bratislava
sports are the scum of the earth! they deserve to be eradicated!! no such thing should ever be required, which makes it worse when people want you to "team up"
Sports suck.
Reagan M.
Sports haters are dumb. One example of a dumb sports hater is a letter written that said,"I miss the walking dead show because of 'stupid' sports commercial."Missing the show?ITS A COMMERCIAL BREAK.
One thing that I recommend to google is to take this and all other sports hating pages on the internet down to the abyss of hell. I love sports and I come across this shit while scrolling through sites. You made a quiz trying to say that sports players are dumb. WELL YOU ARE THE RETARDS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
I love sports
You all stupid ass who dont like sports. You think your protests are doing something but they dont do the slightest bit. Sports are themselves better than the haters. Dont approve this fucking letter if you want. You say sports fans are brain dead but US SPORTS FANS have more IQ than your damn asses. Sports haters are fat because they are lazy Penises.This website should be taken down and sent to HELL.Youre page will not influence anyone.YOURE SHITTY WEBSITE DOESNT WANT PEOPLE TO GET EXERCISE.And watching sports is entertaining dumbasses.You ARE THE UNREASONABLE AND INTOLERANT PEOPLE.And dont even try to say that sports haters are our friends and relatives.ALL OF MY DAMN FRIENDS AND RELATIVES ALL LOVE SPORTS.You motherfuckers say that your nothing will ever change if people dont unite to ban sports.WELL GUESS WHAT? NO ONE WILL EVER HELP BAN SPORTS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Sports dont suck
I don't like how sports are stresses. It's as if let's put it this way if you don't play sports especially football if you're a guy you get treated as an outcast. I don't like the attitudes and personalities of many sports people.....athletes jocks and football players. I also over the years saw how so many girls were attracted to these guys just because they were athletes or football players . They could be abusive towards women as long as they were athletes it was okay . Unbelievable
Joe Girandola
During my whole life I ve been FORCED to play sports and pretend to like them. Soccer in particular is a sort of illness where I live and I find it unbearable. It was almost impossible to see my friends without having to watch a f**king match at the pub or at someone s TV.
I AM LAZY and sport is such a meaningless fatigue: why should I waste my precious energy for it? I can stay healthy without it as well. Watching it is even more idiot: not entertaining or cultural in any way.
Over the years I ve learnt not to be ashamed of being lazy: to people inviting me to watch some f**king match on TV I kept saying NO until they finally stopped. I am the way I am and if you find me a weirdo well F**K YOU, you re wasting your time thinking of me. I feel awesome without sports in my life.
Society should stop considering sports as mandatory: I want the freedom of not being judged for my laziness.
Pietro, Italy
my dad was obsessed with sports and then i showed him this website and now he despises sports
jade opalo <>
cazenovia, new york
In high school I was in band and was thus forced to attend every single high school football game all 4 years. It was torture! I understand the game very well but I hate it.
My boss loves his sports metaphors, especially football. I don't understand your dumb sports references and I don't care who is playing who! Just stop it already!
And this year the Olympics are in China, and China is using this international sports event for propaganda and to deny their human rights abuses. And the IOC is letting them, and NBC, who are also airing the Super Bowl, are profiting off of that human suffering. It's disgusting!
End the sports tyranny!
Exhausted Mid-Level Manager
When I see people play football to puke.
Yarin George <>
Tel Aviv, Israel
I heard a state worker say he read an article that rated how well each of the 50 states paid their employees, and that Nebraska came in at 50th, last. Still paying MILLIONS to 2 fired coaches (the length of their contract) and a new hire. Winning games is more important than the well being of your infrastructure. Sweet...
Love the site, follower for many years.
I absolutely detest ALL sports and the way that terrestrial television rams it down my throat. I was outcast at school because I didn't like sports. I detest sport in all of its forms. It's got so bad I can no longer have the television on.
Keith Trott <>
Abergavenny, United Kingdom
I'm also a sports h*ter. A lot of sch**ls forced their students to do sports but it does not help at all, doing sports even make them more competitive and hating other people. On the other hand, people always watch sports and always wasting their time and making them worried unnecessarily! Also thanks to the owner for making this wonderful website-- I appreciate it! I searched "I HATE SPORTS" and this brilliant website popped up😃😀! Once again, SPORTS SU*K!
tiffanycherrylovesmathandenglish <>
I like your site, and your attitude. In my line of work, I have to watch sports big events to make sure they are online and working. I HATE SPORTS, so, I am getting real good at tuning to a sports program, muting it, and playing a PC game.... LOL
New York USA
I completely agree with Chris from Omaha. One of the best things about Covid is there has been no sports coverage.
Stephen Neiswanger <>
Austin , MN
I a glad their is a community like this, as I too, agree , Sports Suck!
Rob Young <>
Boston, MA/USA
I hate (use to love sports) Sports! I played baseball in college and have watched the MLB & NFL for 45 years! Well as of 2020 if you can t stand for the national anthem then fuck all sports!
Mark Cheffins <>
Powell, Ohio
I'm tired of the constant attention to race and political agendas of athletes. I never liked pro sports and am taking it down to the college level. College events are closer to a rap concert than an athletic event. I hate the jumbo trons and their constantly piped noise. It's so fake. I look forward to all the time in the fall I will gain!
Club sports are true outlets for REAL student athletes.
james cline <>
Athens, Georgia
Sportsball is tragedy.
Especially the taxes.
Love the site!
Scottsdale, AZ
Best part of Covid 19: NO SPORTS!
All cancelled.
Both teams: 0 Covid: 1
Chris <>
Omaha, NE
We must stop the globosporto agenda.
Oceanside, California
I really hate sports, man.
Alex Churchland <>
Olathe, Kansus
I agree, sports are a huge waste of time.
Last weekend's afternoon orgy of uniquely-American masculinity and raucous, unabashed consumerism, a.k.a. the Super Bowl LIV, just reinforced nearly everything I've read on this website. Meanwhile, Gordon Ramsay is profiting off of the claim that he helped the Kansas City Chiefs win by visiting them in November and cooking steaks for them... Hilarious!
I. Hate. Sports.
Yes: Because since turn of 21st century it seems to me that most pro-sport for most part have been slowly but surley been turned into absalute none-sense and i'm not sure to start. But many pro-leagues, sport goverments and organizer have allowed sports to be hijacked by money men and greed...where clubs are used to ether make profit or to sportwash...and players and TV erns more money than most avrege fans will do through out their working lives. Yet fans seems to be happy to let this continue why...since majority of them buy into this illusion that sports players are some short of superheroes like Superman, or Captain America etc. If you remove this illusion there is nothing about modern sport to be proud of or fashinated by.
No: Because I still think history of sports when they were in their infancy are still fashinating topic considering they were mostly born out of the working class past times in 19th century...and some what throughout 20th century...when sports were still somewhat connected to working class cluture. But then the money men came in so see the yes part above.
Jón Jónsson <>
Reykjavik, Iceland
I bumped into this website. I hate these egotripping fanatics.
Sports should be forbidding as sportspeople tend to use more oxygen and produce more carbondioxide. Ergo sports harm the plant!
The Netherlands, Zeeland
We have started an organization in Seattle to divert sports scholarships to teaching scholarships. Rather than funding the education of a golfer, fund the education of a teacher. Everyone knows there is a nationwide shortage of teachers.
Three-fourths of U.S. public school teachers graduated in the bottom 2/3 of their college classes. Let's attract our brightest high-school graduates to the teaching profession with full-ride scholarships and boost America from 28th place in education among the OECD countries.
Founder of the Foundation For Teaching Scholarships <>
I hate sports with a passion. All it is is a bunch of morons chasing balls. Manly? Sure! Kicking and chasing after BALLS is what all manly men do! Utterly. Ludicrous.
I hate it - it consumes the USA, with brainwashed morons making others wealthy by playing a game, while hard workers make peanuts. Idiots who deck out their cars with team logos, huh? TV stations for movies play Brazilian Hockey or some such crap. My dad used to say way back in the early 60's (when the World Series was THE event). If I had free tickets to the series with seats behind home plate and they were playing across the street, I wouldn't go. He ran track in high school, because he liked the exercise and knew the rules of different types of Sports, because he like trivia, but saw no point in organized sports. I worked as a secretary all my working life and when the boss thought it was a treat to take all to a baseball games - I pleaded to stay in the nice comfy office to answer phones. Sitting in a bleacher to broil to watch guys adjust themselves is no thrill for me. I told him it was liking forcing him to go to a knitting class or the like. P{oeple think you are nuts to hate this crud.
Donna <>
Fox, AR
I stay physically active where I jog and cycle and did play tennis and racketball in the past. I just don't see the appeal of watching sports on TV for endless hours and caring who wins. I'm invited to a friends house only to endure having to watch a football game because my friends are watching it during the visit. My cable company offers a full grid of sports channels that I don't care to watch yet I get charged monthly what they call a Regional Sports fee of at least $8.00 which infuriates me. I like your website and I'm glad I'm not the only man out there at get together's that can't contribute to a conversation because I don't watch the "Sports Ball" game last night. What a bunch of morons.
Annandale, VA
Sport is a pointless and futile waste of time. It brings out the worst in people. It encourages jingoism. The winner(s) are ugly in their triumph. The losers are sad, crushed and defeated. Nothing is achieved or gained either way.
Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon <>
Clophill, Bedforshire/UK
The bloody olympics are on and it is the worst part of every two years!
Imperpraetor Augustus Julius <>
Kaysville, Utah, United States.
I got an assignment to write about a sports article. I googled "sports articles for people who hate sports," and this came up. It is awe-inspiring!
I absolutely hate sports. It's not the actual sport, people can play if they want. What I hate is that it is mandatory in schools and that if you do not play sport you are essentially seen as scum. I think sport would be good as an option activity, not controlling everything. Whenever I meet someone they say "So, what sport do play?" And when I say "none", they give me this alien look. I am sick and tired of everyone expecting me to play sport when I just don't like it.
TheBluePigeon <>
I've always hated sports. I mean, I wasn't a jock growing up and kind of skinny. They never interested me. I'm not sure if it's because I really didn't like them or because of the fact that my Dad tried to push them on me and of course, he was very controlling and wanted me to do and like everything he did so perhaps I kind of rebelled. All I know is that I've never found much interest in them -and- I makes me ill watching grown men act so Jr High-ish. It's like the only thing they understand in life is sports and they are obsessed and fixated on the games. And they wear the shirts and caps like they were 10 years old. I find it all silly and immature!
Kevin J LaPerle <>
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I googled I HATE SPORTS and this website came up - THANK YOU! I also am a sports hater, I have always hated sports and always will.
I hated all professinal sports since i was a child.I live in a country where are (in most opinion)two biggest soccer rival teams.Almost EVERY game with these two teams end with fans beating up,and sometimes,killing each other.But they still come to see the game.Why?I wish I`d know.I have a very close friend who hated sports just like I do.But,everything changed when I returned from vacation,and he told me he really liked soccer and basketball.Then,I felt like my best friend had died.However,one of my school mates had introduced me to his neighbor who is a year younger than me.And,thank God,he hates sports just like I do.We agree in lot of things,but the thing we agree in most is definitevly our loathing of sports.SportSuck,I will give you all support I can to eradicate all professional sports,and,once and for all,prevent this sport madness!
P.S:Sorry if I made some spelling of grammar mistakes
sports r bad we should tear down football fields and replace them with calc 3 and organic chem classrooms
hate sports
I'm really glad I just stumbled upon this site. I'm am SO SICK OF SPORTS! I typed in "I hate sports" into Google and this brilliant website just popped up. I'm going to spend some time reading the articles on this page as well. I hate hockey, soccer, basketball, football and baseball all equally, you couldn't pay me money to watch a sports game.
Salute to everyone who hates this garbage as well.
Surge Cess <>
Toronto, ON
This site is a BLESSING! I never thought so many other people would detest professional sports & their teams, along with certain athletes, as much as I do. I absolutely despise soccer, baseball, football, rugby, basketball & most team sports. I especially despise jocks (who become most of today's arrogant, obnoxious pro athletes) because of the mentality of school coaches/teachers/principals who put them on a pedestal & turn a blind eye to their harassment of students they view as 'below' them.
This doesn't mean I hate all sports. Quite the opposite. I just pay more attention to individual/2-person sports such as some figure skating events, tennis, and some track & field events. I am fairly active myself too. I just don't go for the adulation of so many pro athletes that many of my co-workers go for.
Alberta, Canada
sports are a glorification of violence for the sake of violence. they breed ignorance and an us versus them mentality, that ends up being played in the political arena as war. sports are played by and followed by moral and intellectual failures.
This is the coolest website ever! So glad someone is finally telling the truth!
I think a site like this would gain more traction if it was a bit toned down. The problem with the title page is that is assumes all sports fans are "brain dead," "loud and obnoxious," etc. I am all for "I hate brain-dead and loud, obnoxious sports fans." But to say "I hate sports" because some fans are brain dead, loud and obnoxious is generalizing way too much. The loud and obnoxious fans are the ones who get the attention because the media focuses on them, but there are far more rational sports fans than irrational ones. Sports are great as one of many tools we can use to entertain and educate our children. It's not THE tool, it's one of the tools. Don't bash it because of the idiots. For that matter, as a musician and international studies graduate, I can DEFINITELY tell you there are some prize A-holes in music and in education, but never would I tell you to hate music and school because of them.
I feel alone in the cause sometimes... but this website brought to me the new light that I am not alone. I now walk the golden path that I hate sports and I am not afraid! ok ok Ping Pong is a great sport :P
ฅ^ ﻌ ^ฅ dwag
Ping <>
WA State
Keep up the good work.
David Nathan <>
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Kanaan Collins <>
Vidor, Texas
I am actually a Division III collegiate swimmer. Now I don't have sports at all, but your website gave me an interesting view of some peoples opinions. Some of the goals that you guys have are great I would much rather see academic recognition than all the athletic recognition that most high schools, colleges, and media outlets give. I agree with most of the things that people post on here about athletics not being so ingrained into our society.
I love sports both playing and watching, but yet I agree with a lot of what this website says. So don't have all athletes some of us agree with what you guys are saying
Erin <>
Greensboro, NC
This website is full of people who struck out at t-ball as a kid, and or didn't make their high school JV teams.
Dont Worry About it <>
The sports stations should be shut down to make room for an anime station.
Vulpes arcana
I have changed my pseudonym to confuse others, but I shall continue to state my messages.
* *
*Hint: I was sbkzntr_va_gur*
*_uvqqra_ernyz. *
In my mind, the IOCCC (International Obfuscated C Code Contest) is a far more interesting competition than the olympics.
Also, I hope that some footbaal fan will wander on here so that I can torment him
Vulpes arcana
Perhaps these trivial sports fans should try learning the concept of spelling before criticizing superior lifeforms.
Footbaal (pun intended) fans are lower life forms than Archaea.
The sports industry should be replaced by a test of intellectual skill, with chess, go, nomic, and trivia contests replacing trivial activities such as footbaal. In a few years we may have robots to do physical labour so physical ability will be irrelavent. Thus, a test of intellectual skill would be a logical replacement. Imagine a world where Fire Emblem or computer programming or rpgs or some other activity that requires actual thought replaces watching grown men kick balls or hit things with sticks.
all sports should be banned except cricket.
It is in my opinion that sports are what is making the bulk of America extremely unintelligent. Starting in high school sports are shoved down our throats. I feel that the more intelligent students are cast aside just because the have what sports fanatics don't. That is an intelligent thought. I am delighted that there are so many people that share my views on the subject.
Alex Jewell
Parker PA, Pennsylvania
I get so tired of people putting me down because I don't waste my time and money on sports crap!!! Even at work, people are so disparaging, and want to spend their time promoting a stupid football team. I will never, ever understand it. I need to find people who feel the same as me! Probably not in this state. SIGH
Wendiroo <>
Parker, CO
What incentives do you all use to get people out to your protests? Curious because I love the idea of this, and also for a class.
Magorah <>
Ashland, OR
Sports suck so bad.
The Professor <>
Freedom, Maryland
I don't care about sports because I never played any sports.
Reason:- Social Anxiety Disorder
My friends are absurd me because I'm not in sports.
I want to live alone without anyone bothering me.
Is there any country to live alone?
Hasitha Samarakoon <>
Kegalle, Sri Lanka
I'm doing a high-school research project on the "Anti-jock Movement" and I think it is hilarious. It ridiculous and impractical to say the least that some people really think sports "threaten mankind's existence." Sports have been a part of human civilization going very very far back in history. Society has developed just fine until now, so what's the problem? also, one big argument, is that the sports industry, especially in North America, brings the government very much money, and is a large part of our stable economy. If anything your people's stupidity is what threatens mankind.
Richard <>
Mississauga, Canada
This is an awesome website. It feels really good to know that I am not the only person who hates sports.
Sports hater
I have been married to a sports fanatic for 28 yrs! She not only watches football but basketball and baseball as well. I spend a lot of my time in the garage or outside in the yard. Our son hated sports until last year when my wife sucked him into it now it's 10 times worse because not only do they watch it they talk about it all day long!
Fredrick Trippler <>
Port Hueneme, CALIFORNIA
Hello. Wonderful site! I wish you had a Facebook page linked in here to further the cause. I think there are real connections between chest-beating, foaming mouthed sports mania and those who readily embrace any opportunity for warfare. Such a thin line between flags and uniforms with which one mob might unite themselves with seething rage and hostility against another. In relation I present the fact that there are primates who will wage war on predators and others of their own kind in roughly organized bands as they wield sticks and rocks. I submit that baseball seems to me most directly related to this aspect of primal mob rage, including in its implements of bats and balls. I came to this page as I recently had to eliminate cable television from my life, and I thought about the fact that where I live it is apparently a given that any cable subscriber will happily pay exorbitant amounts for dozens of sports channels, as though it is unimaginable that anyone might want cable purely for imaginative cinematic escapism and humor. Keep up the good work. Intelligence and its celebration are greatly needed and appreciated. Kane S. Latranz
Kane <>
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Another year of people getting brutally beat up in something that they think is a game. Lovely, isn't it? Goodness, it's just so FUN to watch people fight over something as simple and easy to get as a ball and try to see who can jump higher than everyone else. Seriously, though, sports are just for people who want to act like three-year-olds!
Oh no, another year of cities bidding for the olympics and having to hear about this city and that city that are spending millions to attract a very boring event. How many hookers and bribes will determine what city gets the olympics this year? I'd pay money to keep the olympics out of my country. Other than the world cup, there is nothing worse than the olympics. Oh, have they added no handed, blindfolded, skeet shooting to the events list yet? What a joke.
tired of sports
I think the only thing worse would be people being killed and/or eaten in a Roman coliseum. Oh wait, it's the exact same thing... minus death.
Mark <>
I've always had this suspicion that people who like sports are the people that will be used as food when the aliens arrive. They push these 'chase the ball' games on us from an early age and the majority of these fools will think "hey, I gotta fit in! Don't want to be weird!" And then they got you! And they feed it too you constantly through TV and clothing and radio and effing fast food promotional garbage. The people who love sports are the same people are the majority. They're the people who followed Hitler, the people who owned slaves and the people who burned witches! Congratulations! You're all following the herd into the next horrible historical event! And all it took was a need to chase a ball!
Roman <>
Fairhope, AL
Why is it that people can't put their interests into more productive things? As pretty much the only 15 year old in my area who reads books, I am happy to find that I have contemporaries. I enjoy the fact that they call ME gay. THEY are the ones who like watching muscular men in spandex grope each other on a field.
Brandon Johnston
Utica, NY
So sick of having people instantly hate me because I dislike sports (particularly volleyball, no one needs to see your ridiculous spandex butt playing glorified keep-it-up) my asthma isn't my fault. My lack of coordination isn't my fault. My inability to see the need to get ridiculously competitive like five year olds is kind of my fault. When someone decides to treat me like a loser because I can't do sports all it does is dislike them more and more.... Course I can't really expect anyone who is obsessed with sports to make that connection, not enough brain cells left.
Since grade school I've been confused by all the excitement over sports. I'm not gay, I'm not weak, I just see the whole thing as such a time suck from things like making money, creating products or making love to your wife. Sports keeps us blind, stupid, and predatory.
Why not at least make it interesting. Change the rules of football every year or so.
Alexander <>
Las Vegas, Nevada
lIKE THE REST HERE I don't get it, Why the insanity over a stupid game. I'm 62 years old and have been an outcast for all my life because of my lack of intrest in stupid games...
Pat Bell <>
Laughlin, NV
really want this to be leauge of activist who get paid for it ; after alll ; the ones who love spend ther hard earn money on it and sports stars get way to much ; so i figure this sports sucks thing should be leauge of getting something for it and constructive critisism about it ....
cincerly , ece homo(yeshu)
sha'i yeshu <>
meridian, usa
really want this to be leauge of activist who get paid for it ; after alll ; the ones who love spend ther hard earn money on it and sports stars get way to much ; so i figure this sports sucks thing should be leauge of getting something for it and constructive critisism about it ....
cincerly , ece homo(yeshu)
sha'i yeshu <>
meridian, usa
I wish I could just speak to my school or something about it, but I don't have the courage to do it BECAUSE EVERYONE AT MY SCHOOL LOVES SPORTS EXCEPT FOR ME AND MY FRIEND.
Barely any people at my school knows I hate sports, because I don't really show it. However, I can't show myself having fun in sports. Why? I CAN'T.
Here are some reasons as to why I hate them. First off, the amount of times I have been injured in it...ITS OVER 9000, AND MY PE TEACHER DOESN'T GIVE A CRAP. NOT ONLY THAT, HE DOESN'T LOOK FOR A SOLUTION EITHER. It's not just that. Students in my class in school would know that I am a very, very quiet person. Now, I think it would be horrible if a very loud guy had to do something very quietly, because maybe he just LOVEEESSSSS talking. Now, same goes for someone that is very quiet and they do a loud activity. Guess what? SPORTS. ARE LOUD. I. AM. QUIET. I hate it when something is really loud. Not only that, BUT HOW IS SPORT GOING TO HELP US IN OUR LIVES? I'm going to become a doctor when you grow up. HOW IS KICKING A BALL GOING TO HELP ME IN BECOMING A DOCTOR? HOW IS YELLING AT A TEAMMATE BECAUSE THEY DID SOMETHING WRONG (e.g didn't pass to his teammate or something) GOING TO HELP IN BECOMING A DOCTOR? Not only that, but sports...THEY ARE SOOOOOO OVERRATED. They may actually be the most overrated thing in the world. I'm a gamer, and apperatly they say that violent video games make you violent. THIS ISN'T TRUE AT ALL. Everyone in my year level at school would know that I am a really, really nice dude. I hold doors for everyone and stuff...BUT SOMEHOW VIDEO GAMES ARE VIOLENT RIGHT? AM I VIOLENT? NOPE! Not only that, but GTA4 actually sold more then 25 million copies. Cool right? :) Do YOU see more then 25 million murders out there? NO YOU DON'T. Why? BECAUSE IT ISN'T TRUE. DO YOU KNOW WHAT MAKES PEOPLE VIOLENT? SPORTS! NO ONE HAS REALIZED THAT YET. They make people violent because...well, you should know...
I'm ending this here.
James, the Doorholder
Nina <>
Why do so many people love sports?! It's all about violence and money! I think there is ALWAYS at least one sports show or sports add on tv AT ALL TIMES!!!! It's so annoying and you can never escape it! I mean,it's like,"Do you love sports?" Me,"No! Now shut up and stop wasting my time! I have a 'The Walking Dead marathon to watch,and I'm missing it becaus of these stupid sports commercials that come on every 30 seconds!" It just gets so aggravating!!!!!!!!!
Jasmine <>
Memphis, Tennessee America
Why do so many people love sports?! It's all about violence and money! I think there is ALWAYS at least one sports show or sports add on tv AT ALL TIMES!!!! It's so annoying and you can never escape it! I mean,it's like,"Do you love sports?" Me,"No! Now shut up and stop wasting my time! I have a 'The Walking Dead marathon to watch,and I'm missing it becaus of these stupid sports commercials that come on every 30 seconds!" It just gets so aggravating!!!!!!!!!
Jasmine <>
Memphis, Tennessee America
I love this website. =D
Why don't we focus our money and energy on things that aren't sweaty men/scantily clad women fighting over a vaguely spherical object?
sports are dumb
Sport-hating in Seattle
I think it's boring seeing so much sports dominate TV at times and dislike it when they (The sports Fanatics) feel their idea of entertainment should be allowed to negatively impact EVERYONE else with the endless overtimes, timeouts etc. Set the timer; game ends when it ends is how it should be. Like all other televised activities. I also noticed it is almost exclusively the sports LOVERS who are posting the foul mouthed and hate filled replies here on your web site. I never would say it's not OK for them to like what they like; and to enjoy it to the fullest. Just leave me out of it; and keep it to your own time frames.... peace and love, peace and love.
Atlanta, Georgia / Unisted States
It is not a matter of sports as an act being stupid, we could all certainly use the exercise. But the followers and all those passion crap that made it so infuriating. What can sitting on your behind blindly cheering / rooting for some guy or team gain you? Does it somehow make your life any better? Or are they just looking for the "validation" that they always dream of, I could have been there shooting that hoop, or kicking the ball. Instead of they picking up their own weight and doing something more productive.
To think these people even paid to be there when it should have been the other way around; to instead be paid to watch this grown up adults "play" with each other with a ball or whatnot.
These guys certainly made the lives of advertisers, team owners, and their "superhero" sports stars better with their wallets.
Sports are the worst!
Yeah I hate sports
Tony Romo <>
I completely agree with this site. I hate sports SOOOO MUCH.
Lauren Mcwhirter <>
Love this site, and totally support it, can't wait to make an account for it! :)
Lauren McWhirter <>
Why is it wrong for someone to like what they like. You are all fat undesirable neck beards so of course you know what it's like to be made fun of for liking my little pony, so why would you of all people say it's wrong to like something that isn't liked by all people? The real reason you complain about sports is because you are all just a bunch of underachievers who have done nothing with their lives so you all have the need to blame something that society likes which you see as stupid. No you are not smarter for disliking sports. No the reason you didn't get into Harvard wasn't because they were busy enrolling athletes, it was because you are fucking lazy. Of course simply not liking sports is not a problem. I have friends who don't really care for team sports, however, we don't fight over differences in choices of entertainment. This sentence may sound strange to you since the moment a person makes the mistake of talking to you in real life, you immediately go on a tangent about how you are better than everyone else, at which point they slowly walk away while you sulk home to cry to the internet about how oppressed you are.
Mot Reuces
"In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any barbaric, phony sports. But because, I am enlightened by my own intelligence." - Aalewis
A. A. Lewis <>
I hate sports with a goddamn passion! Sports should be annihilated from regular society.
Matt <>
Prescott, Arizona
Ya'll are assholes, keep your mouths shut and let people enjoy what they want.
ryan olson <>
Chicago, Illinois
Yes! Thank you for this breath of fresh, less sweaty and testosterone laiden air! Ahhh! Minty
Jacob Aman
Watsonville, CA - California
The "worship" of the Athlete has gone on for to long!
Our schools are no longer places of learning but indoctrination for the barbaric sports culture. It is nice to see I am not alone.
Normal Thinker
Hell, Michigan USA
Made a sports suck facebook page! Like!!
Sports Hater
Watch this swing!
G.W. Bush
I don't necessarily have a problem with sports, per se. I have a problem with the fact that men get ostracized for a lack of interest, which brings out the knee jerk hostility in me.
Phil <>
Tracy, CA
íîâîãîäíèå èãðû ïîèñêè ïðåäìåòîâ.
Kalamaria, Greece
sports = stupidity
Dr Feelgood
People are born and forced to love sports by their parents. But seriously I don't see any fun in things like kicking a god-damn ball around a field!!
I do not like too much importance being given to sports.
vishnu kumar sharma <>
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Why is everyone obsessed with other people purposely giving each other brain damage?
Booker DeWitt
I love this support group!!!
Chris <>
Colorado Springs, CO
I didn't think a website so magnificent would ever arise from the dark, vast bowels of the internet. But I've found it. There are actually people who share this rational hatred of what has ruined so many children's lives, what has consumed the media and monopolized society to the point where you can't avoid it for an hour, what has turned people against each other to the point of physical hostility, and most importantly, created a society in which one MUST follow this brainless cult or you are looked down upon by nearly everyone.
Down with this tyranny disguised as a ball and a net!
Ben <>
Blaine, Minnesota
Last yr(13-14), people here in MA were really making sports the center of their lives. Maybe cuz sox won World Series. But I was so tempted to show my anger towards this. Hopefully sports popularity subsides thir yr.#sportsuck
I've never liked sports. To me, they are way too overrated. Seriously people, do something that will actually contribute to society (saying you're "entertaining" people while playing sports is not an option).
In my classes, sports gets in the way. I come to high school to learn, to educate. Not to hear about last night's football game. It really irritates me how much of a distraction sports has become to education in the classroom.
What's also really annoying is when people ask me, "Oh, which sport are you in?" I am not in a sport. People who play sports need to realize that not everybody likes their stupid games.
Anthony <>
Kent, Ohio, United States
I Hate Sports!!!!! Death to all sports!!
What happened to the forums? They were always funny to read.. especially when a sports dork would get on there and try to argue. Will they ever be back? Or a new discussion board?
Ray Fuller <>
Council Bluffs, Iowa U.S.
I like sports. stahp hating.
Noah <>
I just hate them, there is no reason for me to like. Although my brother and my dad like it a lot, I'm just too indifferent towards sports.
Raj <>
ugh, I remember getting dragged out to pro football games with my dad when i was a little kid. i was forced to watch some sport i had no interest in while i freezed my balls off in the uncomfortable stadium seats.
i also couldn't stand how high school jocks were treated like gods, and don't even get me started on those damn pep rallies.
I hate sports! Watching sports is, to me, like watching paint dry, boring. I don't understand what is so entertaining or great about bouncing a ball and tossing it into a basket, or throwing/kicking an oblong across a field, trying to catch it or kicking it between two posts. Then there's swinging a club to get a small white orb into a cup in the ground. Lets not forget swinging a racket to hit a ball over a net so another brain dead sports nut can try to do the same thing back! All of these so called sports "stars" are paid absolutely ridiculous sums of money for doing the aforementioned things. I don't, won't, and will never watch or support any of it.
I hate sports!
Jennifer Espinoza <>
Houston, Texas
Oh my, so many like-minded people, am I in heaven? I truly hate sports, especially because anytime I want to watch my Show I can't because my step dad "needs" to watch the "game" and he apparently cant watch it on his own tv in his room? and how he says I am not a man because I enjoy anything thats not a sport unless I my self am playing, whats the point of watching other people play and have fun. go out there and do it yourself.
Wesley <>
Evansville, Indiana/ USA
What common Atheist said.
Kevin <>
Fort Mohave, AZ
Ich hasse Sport, weil es zwecklos ist.
I just do
There's nothing wrong with what people want to do but I just don't like sports
B Hampshire <>
Manchester , Greater Manchester United Kingdom
i hate sports
belle chasse, LA
Sports-watching amounts to nothing more than watching a bunch of sweaty grown men running around chasing a ball. How this can be fun for other men is a mystery, unless there is a homoerotic component to it. Nothing wrong with that if that's what floats your boat, just be honest about it. I say this because women often express interest in sports-watching and they confess it's because of the physically-fit athletic hard bodies of the men who play. This is especially true of UFC, where scenes like this are common:
And I cannot express how repulsive it is mentally when I see a bunch of mindless, chest-thumping sports fans scream into the TV camera yelling 'WOOHOO!!! YEAH!!" It's just a hair away from tribalism or gang members bragging about their machismo.
Common Atheist <>
I don't really hate sports, but they are America's "bread and circuses" to keep the people distracted.
Hickville, Amerikka
Sport should die
Dominic Pelle <>
Pity about the forum - oh well, I guess life has to go on. Shame I won't be speaking to the others again, but still, fun times we had, oh yes indeed. Still don't like sports any more than I used to - how pleasing it was to see England crash out of the World Cup after three (or maybe even two?) games this year. Hardly surprising, though.
Cheerio (for good).
Best regards,
Everyone is always talking about sports...
Crikey, it's been a while. Have I missed anything?
Best regards,
Winnipeg, Canada
Sports bore me..
Anna <>
Spokane, Washington, USA
the world cups has begun! my coworkers are making disturbingly sexual noises instead of working. fuck. this.
I hate sports
Dipak Chakraborty <>
Kolkata, India
I hate sports stars. They get less money then me.
Justin Beiber <>
Toronto, Cananda
Every Tuesday period 5 is hell. Eve one takes it so seriously! Even the ones who didn't make the team! PE classes aren't even that bad!
I left a man because i died brain death due to remote control hogging for football, hockey, and nascar. Luckily, I was revived by a jolt of PBS, SCIENCE CHANNEL, BOOK TV, and LINK TV straight to the heart. Hallelujah!
Sandra Watson <>
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I am a non-sports enthusiast, but am pro-health & wellness enthusiast.
I think that this website is brilliant and speaks to millions of thinkers alike including myself. Well done.
I am pursuing a fitness & wellness center business idea that targets individuals between 35-55 who are non-sports enthusiasts and who care about their health and longevity of life. Just a basic fitness center that promotes outdoor, adventure and the cycle of life, but does not force feed anything.
Any collaboration, networking and information sharing is welcome. I would like to find out how many of us there are so I can present to my investors. I think they would be astounded by the numbers.
Dan <>
Sport dominates everything within the social environment, 'We have to turn the jukebox off cause the match is starting in an hour.' 'But Ive put money in it!' 'Tough!' is the usual response.
Then there's the noise and screaming, by fully grown adults, when this team scores or that one doesn't. Who is really that bothered, unfortunately social events pander to this archaic, Roman coliseum, tribalism. The knock on effect goes further than the time of the 'game' and pervades into our society. 'What team do you support?' 'I dont, cant stand sport.' 'Whats up with you!!??' then it descends into the usual rhetoric, of slurred, sarcastic, and very often, dull, poorly formed sentences charged with anger and frustration. Anyway enough of my rant I await the day when sport is abolished on the grounds of Health and Safety...oh, and I forgot to mention the effect all this has on our schools, bullying, pushy parents, unfair competitiveness, name but a few. I spend my time much more wisely!
Kobalt <>
Merseyside, United Kingdom
Why does a guy gets locked up for 10 years for just exposing wrongdoing in football(if he is going to get locked up, I don't know if he's going to be locked up or not, but this is a legit claim)????? I interpret this as anti-freedom . Source: .
People are crazy, they always want to be this 'LeBron'(if that's how I spell it,correct me if I am wrong), and people just dream and sit around and wasting time, doing almost NOTHING productive.Only those who know that working hard will give you fame (like Jermey Lin, who might get teased/bullied by others but he doesn't care and keeps going, only he deserves the millions of dollars, because of his hard work, just my opinion)will do something.
Now, for the last part: People's Republic of Promise Lands is created to be free of corruption(includes sports) and maybe battle corruption(if we can). So this micronation of mine has banned professional sports in one of the articles of our constitution(cool, right????). So, this is mmy the 1st, and Peace Out!
P.S. I came up with this acronym for us sports haters ONLY: Especially Stupid People's Network(get it????? I know right.)
His Supreme Excellency Majesty Ruler mmy the 1st(of the People's Republic of Promise Lands, an micronation that has banned professional sports in one of its constitution article) <>
Promise Lands(capital), People's Republic of Promise Lands
I'd like to move to a utopian community where sports don't exist.
Kristen <>
San Francisco, CA
Sports - I don`t think sports are bad, as long as they improve team spirit and physique. But, when it comes to people who watch sports like madmen and discuss them at workplace are real crap!. I would love to imprison them all. But i have nothing against people who play sports for fitness, coz that`s what it`s meant for and not gain knowledge on every tom, dick and harry who played a sport and would never know about you nor are you going to meet any of them in your entire lifetime. Sports fans who watch sports and play very little or never play are the ugliest and crappiest people on the surface of this planet who should be eliminated altogether. They`re just a waste of space and time.
Ananth <>
Chennai, India
OMG I HATE SPORTS!!!!! It is so useless and puts unnecessary stress on people if they're not good at it. Apparently, you're gay if you can't run like Usain Bolt!
Dawood <>
London, United Kingdom
Growing up it was sports or you are nothing. You are an athlete, or you are nothing. Well I guess I am nothing. My kids will never feel like they are nothing.
Tricia Pankratz <>
California, USA
I hate everything about sports. They're annoying and boring and I suck at them.
shauna <>
Hudson, USA
finely people that are not afraid to speak out against the total insanity of sports.
They are here to distract the masses from the important issues that face mankind, to keep the sheapople in line.
Im a 62 year old male that liked to play sports as a child but cant stand to watch any of it, even when I was a child could not understand all the excitement over a stupid fucking ball game.
Pat <>
Portland, Oregon
I hated jocks in school and still hate jocks. I never have seen the point of watching "the game". I have noting in common with these creeps who send their lives in competition to see who has the biggest balls. I can understand playing sports, that can be fun, but watching a bunch of overpaid idiots chase a ball? No way.
Donald Fortenberry <>
Pittsboro, North Carolina
Finally! The site and group of people I've been looking for!
I've been treated like a weirdo my entire life because I have never understood why a bunch of assholes gather to yell at overgrown sweaty monkeys in tight gay pants humping each other up and down a field.
Fuck sports. I didn't go to school for some fatass to scream at me to run, I went to school to learn more important shit.
I can do more HTML than any sportfag, and I can only make 1990's-era webpages.
If I went and watched the SuperBowl at someone's house, I only would go for the snacks. I would leave 30 minutes in. (after the 90th ad)
I admit to being sportingly illiterate!
I hate the tribal mentality of sports fans and I feel totally devoid of any understanding of sports. A great time waster and the true 'bread and circuses' opiate for the non thinking masses.
Barnaby <>
New Plymouth, New Zealand
You know I don't think that I would hate sports so much if they would just leave the regular programs the HELL alone! What needs to be done is people like Comcast should separate all the T.V. shows. Like all sports go on espn and no where else and all scifi shows go to the scifi channel and have nothing but scifi shows. (NO WRESTLING!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I hate sports and I'm proud. Got a problem with tha? People think WE are wierd, no. THEY are wierd. Football is the retarded thing ever. Dont mind golf, but this sh*t makes no sence. They buy players??? 4 mill for an asshole who kicks a ball around. Maybe give that money to charities? God help them, because with the classmates I have....Christ. Ahhh...all the fake tears from Ronaldo or whatever his name is. Go and pray or whatever. GAL.
Jakub F <>
who /sp/ here?
Heem Sleepy
Sports are what is wrong with this country. Fans care more about sports than they care about their family or real life issues. Does anyone else wonder if the govt. doesn't push sports at us to keep us from paying attention to real issues?
If I were a sports fan I would not watch because the game is bought. Teams do not represent cities, the players do not come from there, they are bought,thats cheating. Is the game even real? I dought it, not with that ammount of money involved. What ever happened to it's not whether you win or loose it's how you play the game? What values we are instilling in our kids about sports is a crime. Hatred, anger, cursing is not what sports was intended to be. What about helping the kid who is not as good not ridiculing them. IT'S A F#@$&%#G GAME.No different than momnopoly.
What really pisses me off are schools cutting teachers and not doing away with sports instead! Do you realize how much money is spent on athletic fields,stadiums,gymnasiums etc. And this has nothing to do with education. Instead of building a new school, turn the gym into classrooms,tear out the athletic fields and build new classrooms on the ground the schools already own.
On another note sports are not news. They have their own time space on the news and in news papers. KEEP IT THERE! I can't stand turning on the news or picking up the paper and the first thing I see is sports or something about a sports person. Put it in the damn sports section so I can throw it away or turn the channel. When I see this you can figure there has been nothing important happen in the world or are we being distracted {manipulated} away from real issues?
gardener <>
winfield, Missouri
Lexi <>
Shanghai, China
yeah I hate sports, also this looks like a great place to meet chicks!.......and you can be rest assured their not those totally weird ones that actually like ( or pretend to ) Sport! I have realized now why people hate Mondays, it's coz all the SPORT ON THE NEWS Mondays!
paul <>
sydney, nsw, Australia
its a waste of time and boring as hell, why dont they watch interesting things instead, like horror movies or animations
max <>
nyc, ny/usa
I really don't get the point of them! Competing for useless points? Being forced to do a physical activity you DON'T WANT TO DO? What the heck!! I can't stand watching most sports, and I H A T E HATE it when people blab on and on and on about sports they've played or watched. Just shut up! Do your own excercise that isn't SUPER DUPER cometitive. I hate sports! Urggggggg
Kate G
I hate sports in general and the Olympics in particular. Ordinary radio programs are being removed, moved or shortened, all in favour of those bloody sports reports. TV programs suffer the same treatment too, and people just can't accept that I hate sports. I don't care who jumps highest or longest, or which team can get a stupid rubber puck into a goal. What if we took away all sport programs and replaced them with, say, gardening programs? Or a three weeks long opera? F U C K sports!
Helen Sweden
I cant even begin to tell you how much i hate sports and find it pointless. All my boyfriend does is watch/talk about sports. Very Annoying!! Someone pluck my eyes out.
Brianna <>
Clearwater, FLORIDA
I have found my spiritual home.
Tim Wilson <>
Peterborough, Cambs
Will Byargeon <>
Houston, TX
I'm trying to have an INTERESTING conversation and some moron starts talking about some pointless sports score. Why do idiots not realise that sports is a waste of your life's time and effort. Unless your getting paid to play Quit trying to follow what others think is cool and get a life!! Hey wake up sports fans the very people you worship couldn't give a shit about you. your just a loser while they are living it up cars, very hot girls, money, fame and your the reason they can have that. Otherwise they would just be dumb poor losers with no life just like yourself! I also wonder how many idiots pretend to like sports just to fit in. I hate hierarchy and pecking orders and rules simply because it gives the advantage to those who are blessed. How am I to succeed in that, how are you to succeed sports loser? So moron sports fans by following instead of walking your own path you are depriving yourself of your own success by wasting time on sports! Challenge or make your own or avoid the hierarchy that doesn't favor you!
Sports losers I guess it because you're so dumb you can function else where and think like a sheep but pretend to be the wolf when you don't have the cognitive ability to actually lead in the real world!! I can understand someone pretending to like sports if they lead a company and is trying to use that as an advantage or if your trying to make sales to a bunch of sports morons, that's called taking advantage of it make an advancement, that's good! But if your just an average loser, quit wasting my precious time and go hang with your fellow sheep and repeat the same sounds over and over again for hours. Bla bla bla is the sound of sports morons in a group. Get real!!
Paul Lu <>
Adelaide, Australia
I can't comprehend why somebody would worship sports, of all things, when there are so many other activities and people worthy of worship.
Like Morgan Freeman.
Watching sports is a huge waste of time and money. It's also detrimental to good health. Look at all the fat old men and women who sit for hours watching sports.
Sport can suck. And certainly paying money to sit on your ass watching a game might seem strange. But Sport can be very beautiful and full of patterns and images that are just as entertaining as a song or artwork. I came to this site because I'm sick of watching sport but somehow reading some of what's here reminded me I never want to be an anti sports snob.
Glad I found this much I want to say and don't know where to begin. I will say that when sports teams start giving me a percentage of their earnings when they win a game....then maybe ill give a fuck !!!
Sterling Smith <>
Clanton, Alabama/USA
The number of kids signing up for and playing football in school are dwindling! We are making a difference! One day school-sponsored sports will be a distant memory!
I just saw a piece of news ( Yahoo Nov. 17th,2013) about a 400 pound teen in Washington state I assume. He is 6 foot 5 inches tall. This so called sport would be suicide for anyone who is on the opposing team. The powers that be think that they have the edge over the opposing team. Frankly what parent would allow their teenage son to even go out on the field. Or are they so consumed by the power of the "game", if in this is the, case playing the game with a player who could be twice the weight of their precious son for whom they are willing to RISK HIS LIFE ALL FOR THE SO CALLED GLORY.. In actuality there should be no human on the earth that weighs that much, let alone fight it out by virtue by massive obese weight on the football field. What young teenage football player thinks in his own brainless mind that he can overcome such an outrageous killing mass of fat and bone. Unless they want to put him out of the game for the rest of his life by attacking from the blind side and take out both knees so he can never do harm to anyone EVER!!! Don't we have enough teenage boys damaged by fellow players?? I am sure that the people responsible for allowing this mass of whatever he is, are happy that they have a player who can run over the opposition and potently damage them for life. They too are like the trainers that the Colliseum had to train the men to kill, just like in the movies. Watching a game featuring White Swan High as one team in just like the GLADIATOR "games". If any one player was hit so hard that the paramedics had to be called, well the game would just go on, with maybe a moment of silence as the word gets out that the player died on the way to the hospital. The game must go on, regardless. A concussion is very common with NFL players. It is only a news item mentioned that major league players have brain damage and so shall it be for promising high school boys who can play for a college team who will ultimately in college play all for the glory and of course millions of dollars. So what should happen. Well we need a person with some sense that puts a weight limit on who can play this dangerous so called game. Who would want to stick his neck out for this atrocity in high school sports??? This whole so called sport in responsible for millions and millions in illegal gambling,drug use,intimidation, brain health problems, and more. Add up all the things that I have said and still believe that the whole sick so called sport is worth watching or going to. I believe that ANYONE: man,woman or young person, good Christian or lousy heathen,any race,creed or color should appall this so called deadly sport.
Lake county, Illinois
Does anybody know what happened to the forum?
when I tell a friend of mine that watching sports is stupid, he counters with " but you watch TV Dramas and sitcoms and listen to music and read poetry, so how is that different than sports? Its also entertainment". How do I answer that?
Nick Ron <>
Glad I'm not alone. The red sox won the world series.... that's baseball, I think... And everyone is screaming and shouting the streets, honking horns, and trying to get on one of the million news cameras capturing all the insanity.
My question is: So what?
What is different today because they won as oppose to some other group of guys with tight pants.... Oh, because youre proud Boston won? You do realize hardly any of the guys on your team are even from Boston and would go to another city if they multimillion dollar contract is multimillion enough. Are there less wars today, less starving children, less pollution, more compassion and more wisdom because the red sox won? what could justify such an exuberant response if nothing is different today from yesterday. No matter who won, the world is still the same.
If only they put all that energy into things that matter: voting and getting involved in politics, joining or starting a nonprofit group, or maybe going outside and playing rather than watching other people play....
I just don't get sports... there must be something wrong with me.
Toronto, Canada
Baseball sux
I'm glad I found a web page that I can finally agree with! I hate sports and all sports fans are just wasting their time!
Sports is most men's small talk center piece, I like throwing the ball around to my son I enjoy watching my kids play football but every where I go some dudes coming up to me asking me if I saw that game last night, get a life who gives a @#%t and that doesn't mean I dont like women these "grown heterosexual men" would pay to take shots out of they're favorite players joc strap it's really weird take it down a peg guys I have to know do women think this is really masculine or what?
Daniel Espy <>
Las Vegas, Nevada
I read about a young man of 16 years old who died three hours later after he was hit with an illegal NFL tackle, that being helmut to helmut. No one says much about this. Look what a high school student did to another player. No one cares.
John Culpepper
These is something wrong when grown men get paid hundreds of thousands if not millions to play a game. Socially it is only one step above gladiatorial combat.
Helen Metzger
sports is just a waste of time , money and power , i prefer sitting in my home watching tv , without people shouting every where , where it is peaceful .
mohamed <>
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
A few minutes ago, I was sitting on my couch as my faux football fan mom was cheering at a game on the TV. I mean, she goes through little Renaissance things every few years where she'll be super enthusiastic about sports for a year, and then less and less each year, and then she's suddenly interested in them again. I tried to like football because any American who doesn't like football is a wuss, but I couldn't do it.
So I Googled "I hate sports" and this website was the first thing that came up. So yeah. Good to be around people like me.
Holden Goodgine <>
Schenectady, New York/ United States
Thanks you guys, I really enjoyed your website. It's great medicine to me whoever mt bro plays his sports video games and watches English soccer (Why would Americans care for a bunch of overpaid britbrats) well the UofM football started so I'ill visit your webisite vary often for my sanity
I remember hearing long ago the following statement that rang so true to me...
"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things."
I didn't know then, but later found out it was a passage from the bible.
Yes, I played sport as a child, was forced to at school, but I wasn't obsessed with it. It was just a way to have fun. What I can't stand is how Sport is such big business and how much of society's attention it demands. Think about it...The Olympics, The Soccer World Cup, Wimbledon, The Cricket Ashes, Rugby, football, basketball, golf. I could go on and on...My local paper is infested with sports articles. At least one third of I could throw away. And most team sports centre around a ball of some kind...a childhood toy!
Also, another big gripe of mine is the adulation that is bestowed on all these sports "stars". For crying out loud, they are worshipped because they can kick, hit, bounce a ball better than most others. So what!!!
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sports as such or the people who play or watch it. What I do mind greatly is its predominance in the media and the relentless force feeding of it to us over just about anything else.
I hate sports! It's one of the worst things I had to do in my life. School is not a place to force me to play basketball, football or volleyball. I also can't understand all that football fans who yell like monkeys when someone wins. I am not watching any of this games, it's boring. No PE in schools!
So glad I'm not alone...
I have played sports most of my life including football, baseball, and hockey, as well as currently enjoy tennis. However, I don't get the obsession among sports fans.
MJ <>
Allen, TX, Texas
i love snowboarding/ snowskating/ skimboarding/ skateboarding.
I love board sports.
But I just don't like the idea of statesponsered sports in school, etc.. or folks who go crazy over sports where:
1. people pay to see it instead of doing it themselves.
2. argue and get physically violent over it.
3. I like the way you make the connection from "sports in school" to sports in adult life.
tauk chang <>
monterey park, ca
sports are so awful. i was playing an open mic last night and i recorded it on video. when i rewatched it i realized i was playing music in between 2 large flat screen tvs. one tv was tuned to american football, the other to baseball. both were so distracting in the video im thinking of not posting my video on the internet. to me it represents how national, big stupid entertainment divides ppl and stomps out the artistic creative entertainment which brings ppl together. sure ppl have different tastes in music or like some bands more than others but at least music fans aren't stupidly competitive about other ppls taste in music.
Ive always hated sport and when someone said to me did you see that goal by clinkerlicker or svinkterpoke last night i love letting rip and telling them where i stand with watching fecking sport GGGrrrrrrrrrrrraaa
Julian Evans <>
Aberdare, Wales
I don't hate sports. I hate the corporate machine that indoctrinates millions of children every year into the cult that is professional sports. I disdain the culture that surrounds the people our society place on the altar of popular opinion. I hate the money, steroids and abhorrent behavior that these so called "heroes" worship while the fans that provide them with their massively bloated incomes fritter away $400.00 for four tickets, parking a few hot dogs and a beer and pack up the family to go to Fenway Park only to hear some shitfaced loudmouthed drunk rail about how the guys on the other team fuckin' suck. Nice way to burn a few hundred buck and some valuable family time eh? I play ball with my son and we go fishing and other things that get us out of the house and away from the video games. I don't hate sports in and of itself. I hate the cult of personality that surrounds it.
Thomas Monroy <>
plymouth, ma
This site is great for kids especially who feel alienated by omnipresent sports cult in our society. It lets them know they are not alone.
As someone on here mentioned, many of the sports fanatics can barely pry themselves out of their blue velvet BarcaLounger and barely have enough manual dexterity to snap open a beer can.
I am 6'4 240lbs of muscle, but eschew all of this sports mania. What a misplaced set of values when ball tosses are worshipped as "heroes" and the kid focused on improving their minds are ridiculed and exiled socially.
Nothing good for humanity has come from sports. Science, Math, literature politics have all improved the lives of humanity. One ca do functional excercise without all this misplaced hero worship.
Develop your mind and make money and your success will continue throughout your life. Individual excercise and the money from developing your mind can help you dress well, travel, have a beautiful home, and if you need want it, plastic surgery to mprove things you feel awkward about. As another guest mentioned, with all that you can have endless hot sex, which is a much more fun physical activity!
Andy <>
Chicago, Il
Kid's sports are great. but for adults, I don't like watching other people have fun, being made "hero's", and collecting huge amounts of money doing what they love. Professional sports are a diversion keeping people clueless as to what's going on in the world.
The BIG thing I don't like is the bullying it fosters and the isolation and judgement from people when I say I'm not into "da game". They've actually made my life more difficult.
I'm a black belt in traditional Karate and certified by Navy SEALS and harbormasters in Underwater Search and Rescue (I've saved, by myself, two kids and a middle-aged woman from drowning). I work out and love to trail run and scuba and swim. I just can't for the life of me understand why everything has to be a competition. I can run fast and hard on steep, rugged trails for 8 miles, but I'm ridiculed because I won;t compete. In high school in my first year I tried out for the swim team and was faster than the seniors in their fourth year. The gym teachers treated my like crap because I wouldn't join "the team".
I do things because I enjoy them and to stay healthy. NOT to do them better than anyone else for a trophy or ribbon. It takes all the fun out of the activity for me.
Just damn tired of being judged "not normal" and shunned because competing is not important to me. I compete with myself to grow emotionally, intellectually and physically (traditional martial arts offers that. It even centers on that). I don't need to be better than anyone else for my sense of self worth. Sports freaks are intimidated by that. THEIR sense of self-worth comes from other people. Not from inside themselves.
Ted Sebastian <>
Surprise, AZ
I hate sports from the bottom of my heart and watching sports on TV makes me feel suicidal. I consider all the hardcore sports fans as boneheaded and people in this forum are my brother and sisters.
Hasibul Hasan (Sazal) <>
Check out this link. It will blow your mind. Shows just how dangerous the jock mindset is.
6doublefive3two1 <>
California, U.S.A.
Sports are to be played, not watched! What difference does it make to you fans if your favorite team wins or loses? It doesn't affect your life.
But if you ask such fans why they even like sports they have no response. Fans are loud, boisterous, rude, and irritating. And despite the fact that they enjoy something athletic, they're usually quite fat!
I don't get why they pay a man millions of dollars just to carry a pig's bladder down a cow pasture. All those grown men fighting over that one ball, when they can all afford to buy their own!
Seth <>
Lancaster, California, USA
Sports have no place in our society. It's really sad to see our society being focused on some idiot passing a ball around, and getting upset when they lose. It's much too barbaric.
Evan C. <>
Baltimore City, Maryland
I hate how people force you to do sports and only the strong are popular. I just found this site today while searching evidence for a school project. I am happy to have found a site that doesn't encourage sports. I would gladly play videogames, read a book, or do math instead of sports. I think its great to have a site where nerds or anti-sports people can come meet together.
Joshua Wu <>
San Ramon, California/USA
When I was younger I would rather ride my bike. The idea of my free time being taken up by essentially another class never appealed to me. Durring middle and high school I was confused by other students' contempt for school/teachers, yet they couldn't get back to school fast enough when it came to sports. Sports cultivate a sense of meaning for a mob engaged in something less than meaningful. Too often, children and some adults equate team sports as recreation. This is not the case. In elementary school I loved to play dodgeball, four square, smear the queer, three flies up, and when we could british bulldog. Kids need activity in order to be healthy, refresh their minds, and burn off all the "piss and vinegar". The notion that kids must be in a "team" in order for recreation to be legitimate is a sarcastic lie told by institutions. Institutions by their very nature are about control. In most circumstances that it a good thing. They have a purpose and they achieve their goals. That's what we pay them for. However, kids don't require an institution to teach them play. Play is a natural and part of life. Why is it that institutions find it necessary to ruin natural play with excessive rules, teams, and the stupidest of all ...cheerleaders ? This is why: Most people are scared to be in full control of their lives. Institutions know this. They teach children to find comfort in a crowd/team and create a psychological dependance to group harmony and subordination. No, institutions don't give a damn about a kids physical or intellectual health. Team sports are about control. Team sports teach kids it's admirable to follow the heard as long as they're "doing their best".
6doublefive3two1 <>
California, U.S.A.
O.K i am a gigantic tomboy... except for the fact that i DESPISE sport. It is worthless and pointless and should NOT be forces on school kids around the country. Some people just CANT FICKING DO SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I go to Sydney Girls High School and guess what? OUR CLASS NAMES ARE S-P-O-R-T i am in T and we do like 240 minutes of sport a bloody week and i swear if one more teacher tell me 'YOU CAN DO IT' I AM GOING TO MURDER THEM! argh not to mention the fact that YOU HAVE TO CHANGE INTO THE SPORTS UNIFORMS AND THAT IS BLOODTY ANNOYING ESP. IN 7 MINUTE BREAK!
What a brilliant idea! MAKE KIDS RUN 7 KMS FOR 'FUN'! HA HA GENIUS. I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS TRADITION CARRY ON FOR GENERATIONS AND INDUCE LEGAL MIND NUMBING TORTUE TO STUDENTS EVERYEHERE!'yeah... in short SPORT SHOULD NOT BE COMPULSORY dont kill sport! make kids stop having to do it,. Let the enthusiastic kids enjoy themselves while everyone else can some other crap. THE END!
Sydney, NSW
I follow no teams in any sport, know not a single statistic, and recognize the names of only very few all-time notable players. Sports-related conversations bore me instantly. I find televised sports intolerable, especially when they preempt anticipated evening viewing. And now I learn that learn that most of the cost of cable tv subscriptions goes to pay for sports viewing licenses! I support any actions that would keep sports fans happy, but give them entire separate access to media, physical venues, &;c. I very much would prefer not to be inconvenienced by, or forcibly co-opted into, any aspect of their subculture!
I really tried giving sports a chance. I've done swimming, tennis, and lacrosse, but ended up hating and quitting all of them. PE is horrible as well. I'm not overweight or anything like that and in my opinion I'm actually pretty fit. Everyone always asks what sports I do, but honestly I'd rather workout at a gym or jog a few miles. If sports really are a big factor of helping you get into college; I'm a 15 year old failure. :)
Sports suck and the majority of its fans do too. I hate how most fans think they're some big coach and they know exactly what the team should do. I also hate when people say "we" as if they're actually involved in the success of whatever stupid team they follow. Totally pointless.
I don't just hate sports. I loathe sports. It's a waste of time and the people that tend to like this absurd and disgusting activity tend to be low frequency and rarely have anything of substance to talk about. Such people remind me of why abortion needs to remain legal.
Ben <>
The Ark-la-tex region,
I don't just hate sports. I loathe sports. It's a waste of time and the people that tend to like this absurd and disgusting activity tend to be low frequency and rarely have anything of substance to talk about. Suck people remind me of why needs to remain legal.
Ben <>
The Ark-la-tex region,
thank you so much for this site, it makes me sick how people
worship at the altar of sports, I am 49 and have been weight lifting for my own personal satisfaction, since i was 15.
I think exercise is very important but the sports sheep remind
me of the religion sheep. How can people protect someone who
has molested children or young women because it could hurt there sports team. So so sick.
Dennis <>
Sterling Heights, mi
My school's obsession with sports has driven me up the wall. Your worth as a human being is LITERALLY judged on your athletic ability and how much of a mindless sports fan you are. There are ten-minute-long discussions about last night's game in class, and the TEACHERS participate and gladly interrupt the lesson. TEACHERS. I cannot go a single day without hearing talk about how the Cowboys suck or the 49ers rule or whatever. The school has even recently cut funding of some extra-curricular COMPUTER classes to fund some dumb football programs.
I absolutely hate sports and everything about them. Please join me and sign the guestbook as well!
ShineStrong26 <>
Boyertown, Pennsylvania
I hate the people who think that whether a sports teams wins or not, affect their life. All the postings on Facebook, Twitter, etc. are pointless. And don't get me started on the millions of tax dollars used to build these playpens.
Julie <>
Baytown, TX
Great site, I've been feeling this way since I "grew" a brain in university and learned to think critically. In highschool I would pretend to be interested to fit in (and still do to a point). And ironically at 6'1" 210lbs and broad-shouldered in build people really assume I'm into sports!! I quickly confuse them by talking about technology or quantum physics or another intellectual topic and quickly chuckle as their eyes turn vacuous LOL. Keep up the great work, already emailed the site to fiends of mine who think the same!!
Rob David <>
Toronto, Canada
Great site! I posted a link to my Facebook page! I'm sure I'll get a lot of nasty comments from my "friends" there, but I don't give a shit! I can't stand sports!!!
To John Suzadail: the reason anyone, especially pudgy middle-age guys, drones on endlessly about sports is because they're living vicariously through their "heroes" (what the fuck is so heroic about catchg a ball or running faster than guy next to you?!?)
When you go out for a beer, don't go to a sports bar! I know that's not always easy to find, but even though most bars, unfortunately, have "the game" on, not all bars are full of obnoxious sports fans creating and yelling and wailing. I'm sure you can find someplace more low key than the bar down the street.
Either that or enjoy a beer in the comfort an privacy of your own home.
Anyway, to paraphrase The Lonely Island song "We Like Sports":
We hate sports and we don't care who knows!
From Wimbeldon to the Astrodome!
We hate sports and we don't care who knows!
Football! Football! Football! Football!
Tennis! Hockey! SUCK!
Frank Sellers <>
Philadelphia, PA
Love the site! I thought I was alone.
I bet if you did a study it would show that people
that hate sports have generally higher IQ'S
How people can get so worked up over a game they have no involvement in is beyond me.
Damien <>
Hollywood, California USA
Love working out and staying fit but I consider those that follow sports teams to be complete idiots.
And to all the New Yorkers down here in South Florida who hear my Boston accent and want to debate the Red Sox and Yankees, I DON'T KNOW WHO'S ON WHAT TEAM NOR DO I CARE TO KNOW! GO WASTE TIME WITH THAT FOOLISHNESS SOMEWHERE ELSE!
South Florida
Evolving Ex-Sports Fan:
I think there is too much emphasis on athletics particularly in the public schools. After having reflected on how much time I've "wasted" watching sports on TV or at a stadium, I cringe at the number of "hours" lost. That time could have been used to learn a new skill, or enhance a relationship, or just go out and have some fun!
Ex-Sports Fan
I thought I was just a very unenthusiastic person till I fount this site
Chase Evers <>
Excel, Alabama
Apparently In some schools, If you don't like or you're not good in sports, everyone hates you and they start making jokes about you. This needs to stop.
Cameron, North Carolina
Growing up, sports weren't that big of a deal. My dad watched the Phillies and the Eagles, but didn't talk about it. I wasn't an athlete, but I didn't have a problem with athletes. Sports only became a problem when I went in the Navy and was forced to be around guys who thought it was the whole world. For instance, during A School, playing volleyball for PT. I sucked, and this guy comes up, points at me, and yells "you better learn to play!" What the hell?! I didn't realize we were trying out for the Navy volleyball team. Now, 15 years later, I'm still around idiots who can only talk about sports. At work, it never fucking ends. If sports is so important to these people, why didn't they try to get a job working for some team? Get the hell out of the rest of the world. I say this because every time I want to go out on a Sunday afternoon for a beer, I always forget " the game" is going to be on. Then I sit there with my wife making snide comments, getting more pissed off at a whole room of braying jackasses. Bleah.
John Suzadail
Boyertown, Pennsylvania
What I really hate are sports fans wasting intellect and memory capacity by filling their heads with volumes of sports trivia and minutiae. I never understood how the outcome of a game that you are not a part of could possibly make a difference in your life. These otherwise intelligent people don't want to talk about anything else but "the game". What a waste!
Jerry Park
Thank you for this website! I absolutely hate, loathe and despise sports, and I don't understand why people can get so violent over something supposedly "fun." People have been killed...why does this continue? And rabid fans everywhere treat non-fans like something's wrong with them. All the division in the world needs to stop, and especially over something so frivolous. Go out & have a fun time, sure, but stop making such a big deal out of it, sports fans! IT'S JUST A GAME. Or it's supposed to be. And stop waving this crap in our faces, taking over our televisions and roads to and from stadiums, etc. It's ridiculous. I would love the see the day that "sports" takes its rightful the bottom of a waste can.
Denver, CO
Nice to see a site I can relate to.
I'm not going to get all hu-rah and say I hate anything, I just cannot understand paying people millions of dollars to throw a ball around. Much as I cannot understand the millions that flock to stadiums and churches each week. I am not weird or disconnected, I am the future.
The days of change are upon us, the days of of sustainability are near. Jesus ain't coming man, and you'd better learn how to hunt because that's the only sport that will remain. Cheers to a new, refreshed world. Being thrown back a couple hundred years will do us all some good, I'm ready... Are you?
Piss On Golf!
Willie Joe Hater
Bill Joeson <>
I only have three words
I hope that someday... SOMDAY! That P.E will be that class that you take if you want to stay healthy, not be beat up by sports Neanderthals
Silly sport cavemen
Oh, thank god for this website! I have been hating sports forever and could never find another person that uses their brain!
Sam Harmic <>
if it was up to me I would throw all the sports fans in gulags. the revolution starts NOW!
comrade erskin
Frankly, if it didn't threaten the financial stability of our nation I'd outlaw all pro sports right now and start downplaying college sports as well. Call me crazy, but academics should come before playing games. I work with a guy who keeps trying to get me to join his softball team. Now I've considered it because it's a good way to meet people and have some relaxed fun. Except it wouldn't be fun because this guy is a complete sports freak. He needs a lot of reassurance that he's awesome and tells us all about his exploits on the playing field and complains that the other players all suck and don't try hard enough. It's all win, win, win with him and it would drive me crazy to be around that for long. He's been out of University for nearly four years and yet he still blindly and rabidly hates the school team that was the rival of his college, just because he's supposed to. It's mind-boggling and I just don't get the point of getting so angry over a game you weren't even physically involved in or hating another school and their team because you didn't go there. WTF?
Mark Lechman <>
Lafayette, IN USA
Finally a site for me. isnt it funny how sports fanatics often dont take physical activities themselves. i would much rather spend my time having sex then spending money to watch to grown adults touch one another whilst. i mean really, i have a couple of friends who only invest time into talking about footy players and smoking dope. one is even a virgin at the age of 25. i mean really, your more concerened about what they do, then living their own life.
p.s. isnt it funny that sports fanatics are also generally un-creative. adding 'ie' to the end of someones 1st doesnt make it creative (or a nickname).
melbourne, vic aus
Whoo-hoo! Love this site! To all of you jocks who are attempting to troll: you're doing it wrong. Not surprised though...maybe if you would have taken your education a little more seriously and not focused so much on playing with balls (heh heh,) you would be more apt to efficiently flame. Great site! Happily joining the movement!!!
i hate sports
40 years old, and I still am amazed at how so many people feel that they have to be part of a 'team' to fulfill some void in their lives. Real sad, and idiotic at times.
Henry Lindsay Jr <>
Mount Holly, NC USA
65 years old never saw a ball game, in high school i beat up the foot ball capt.mean as they come and carry a gun..hate all sports and people while they are enjoying them on my time...............
Thomas Ott <>
Fernandina Beach, Florida United States
Typical sports fan - "OH HURR LETS HIT A BALL AND RUN AROUND AND STUFF" Me exercising "*insert philosophical thoughts here*"
West Chester, PA USA
This site is amazing. As I type this the stupid March Madness BB is on..... Talk about cave men mentality- janeanne
janeanne <>
Kershaw, sc USA
This world is completely unbalanced. Based on the decisions on many schools have made, it seems that they care more about sports than academics or music. Music can improve a student's academic grade. Sports DON'T. You can play music for your entire life, and very little injuries are ever found. Point made? I think so.
Natalie Caboodles
Fiona jean <>
This may be the biggest waste of space on the web.
bret <>
St Joseph, MO USA
Yay! People who actually feel the way I do! Thank you for uplifting me. I agree with so many posts, it's crazy. I have no idea why sports are looked up to at school the way they are. I'm an art person. It would be nice for a change if people looked up to the artsy people, but it doesn't work that way. We're just bigger people I guess because we don't push what we love onto other people. I'm not trying to say artsy people are better than sport fans. But I do think that we are better than sports obsessed freaks. That doesn't sound TOO self centered does it? Anyway, great website! I love it! Sports ruined my childhood. I hate them.
- Laura
laura <>
Tacoma, WA USA
In the beginning, I gave up watching wrestling for Lent. Then came the time to give up watching television all together. Even since then, I've never look back. I felt better. Honestly, if you look at the financial business side of professional sports, that's where it is ugly. Seriously, the monetary value of a player's contract is worth more than the player playing the game. Thus, taking away the integrity and respect of the sport itself. Even boxing also falls victim to the dark side of financial business. Look what happened to Joe Frazier. Unlike individualize sport such as bowling, billiards e.g. the player wins the prize money rather than signing contracts for money.
There's my two cents.
Sports is put to High of a pedestal!!!
George <>
Opelousas, LA United States
the anti-sports resistance claims responsibility -break-
another blow struck for freedom!
ASR Political Officer
This site sums it up. I wish I owned a sports franchise so I could make money off these morons. This would make me feel a little better about it. Little being relative. I HATE SPORTS and the FANS. The ones that smoke are the WORST. Breathe in death while watching some overpaid ape running/skating/punching/throwing. Darwin would be vexed.
Victoria , BC Canada
Games should be just that - games. They should be played for fun, for physical fitness, for comradery with friends, for a diversion from the serious things we do in life that deserve the attention that is misguidedly devoted to organized (read: for profit, be that collegiate or professional)sports. We teach our children that there is a out to the requirement to acquiring a balanced education or learning a skill that is useful for a lifetime. Sure, they'll argue that taking the shortcut to success will contribute to the economy, but that works only for a few very lucky, and the benefit to our economy can easily be equated to the kind of help gambling, lotteries, and organized crime affords us. In the end, the vast majority of these duped young people emerge from high schhol and/or college with no marketable skills or abilities, so they become the couch potato fans that the owners of the sport teams hope they will become. There is only so much time in our lives, and a senseless devotion to following what amounts to other people's victories and defeats deprives these people of the time they could be using to develop their own abilities. I pity them all - millions of people wasting their lives by playing into the hands of the corporate sponsors that feed on the lemming-like behavior of the typical sports fan.
Rick <>
Beavercreek, Ohio USA
i simply cannot believe that SPORTS are taking over our world! it's so retarded!
John Malone
I HATE SPORTS!!!!!! Its not that I am unable to play them. I just can't stand how these idiots are idolized for playing!! Billions of dollars are wasted yearly, while our veterans are left out in the cold. These idiots who play these stupid sports should have go get a real job to support our economy!
Chad M. Wilkins <>
Lafayette, In USA
Hi from Italy, tonight "my" national soccer team lost against uruguay and i am soo happy!!!, may that fucking social parasects die for a stroke while playing their stupid game. SPORTS SUCK!!!
NIcolo Gasparotto
I have seen sports make many people unlikeable and extremely arrogant, please, end this war of competition! Fuck sports yo
Randy Savage
Houston, TX U.S.A
Good to see another person on here from Arkansas that has found this least you live in Ft. Smith Michael, I live in FAYETTEVILLE where people care more about football than anything else...
Magnificent! Thank you!
Michael Marler <>
Fort Smith, Ark usa
I hate sports and always have, yet I'm extremely agile, strong, work out, etc. I love to ski, back pack, etc. It's the mass competition and waste of money I hate. I do believe that people do it out of some sort of nostalgia that they don't understand themselves, and just to belong. One gets that message from about age 4: "you'd better like sports . . . or else." I firmly believe that the team sports mentality is at the heart of Western culture (growing since Industrial Revolution). It's reached it's behemoth state in current Late Capitalism, which is in it's death throes, in case you haven't noticed. But the sports spectacles keep people from noticing, they keep people mesmerized, distracted, lost without knowing it, and finding refuge in the fact that they "belong" in the lair of the world of team sports. But getting sports fans to see the truth is like asking the Hitler Youth to burn copies of Mein Kampf. Love the site and THANK YOU!!!!!
Matthew Krueger <>
Berkeley, CA Alameda
I was pulled up at work today because a pub near me has bought Sky Sports in at a vast expense that could have used on better things like cheaper beer and music. Because I said, fuck this, it's a waste of money, and someone complained, I'm sure my dislike of televised sports could have been the reason. The England football qualifier, the quasi jock rugby matches on Saturday, no way am I going to make myself and my partner suffer these. We're shopping and attending rock pubs instead.
Glenn <>
Whitehaven, CA England
kareem hinedi <>
Yeah!!! I'm not alone! I was just wondering how many more football games I will have to endure in this house. It's amazing how everything stops for football. I think of it as the modern gladiator sport.
Stefanie Marschner <>
Saint Joseph, MICHIGAN United States
Ohhh I am home...I am finally home..... just makes me sad that no matter how many of us are out there(here) it still wont matter. Who appointed morons to run the world anyway?
VIC Australia
I actually had somebody give me crap the other night because I wanted to watch The Emmys instead of football....
I work at a sports bar and the fans are morons .
Harvey Yandow <>
Love your website!
Geoffrey Bruce <>
Columbus, OH United States
I played baseball for 16 years, it wasn't until I turned 24 until I critically analyzed my past. All those years consisted of an emotional gamble for a good or bad time. For example, if my team did well and we won the game but I did poorly, it was a so so day. If I personally did well but the team lost, it was also a so so day. The only time it was a great day was when both factors were working simultaneously, which turns out to be less than the odds of winning at the craps table. Little did my parents know the sport they signed me up for would not in fact be a great time for years to come but a struggle towards perfection, competition, winning and loosing. Of those 16 years, I can recall about two dozen memories that stand out in my mind as great times. This is an extraordinary inequality when it comes to enjoyment and defeat. I realize now that the fun aspect of playing was lost long ago, it had turned into a fierce competition (between players and other teams) that the fun which brought me into the sport was now lost and the game now resembled a summer job.
Currently I'm looking at all the other embarrassing traditions and rituals I use to follow like a sheep and wonder what the hell I was thinking: ESPN, team bumper stickers, jerseys, hats, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and on and on... it's insanity!
Another point that really hit home was when I realized all the sports movies I've watched over the years weren't in fact filled with hero underdogs but half happy kids and half miserably disappointed kids: Remember the Titans, Hoosiers, Rudy, etc. They all have a glorified "WE WON WE WON!" attitude but they never look critically at the situation. They never look at the fact the same number of people on the winning side are also on the opposing side, the difference being that the opposing side is now completely miserable and defeated. It reminds me of war to tell you the truth. If the camera is not on the opposing side, who gives a shit about them right? It s really a fucked up way of viewing the world when you think about it.
I ran across a book the other day titled "Everybody Wins: 393 Non-Competitive Games for Young Children," this is what we need in school! Why oh why are we so backwards? :(
Travis <>
Austin, TX United States
Hi everybody, Im from a Sport obsessed Australia, where there is absolutely 0% acceptance, understanding or even knowledge of people not being interested in sport. Sport is huge. Me, I'm not like that all. I prefer more relaxing and enjoyable activities.
Hi mates of sportssuck! greetings from italy, home of bilions of stupid fucking soccer fans, where the 10/15% of tv programs are dedicated to sports, where a soccer champion is more considered that a nobel prize-winner.
Respect to you all.
Nicolò Gasparotto <>
Vercelli, Italy Piemont
Well, it is that time of the year again here in Fayetteville, AR. Time for the Razorbacks to begin football practice!!!!!...Come watch as the ultra-tough razorbacks go thru their scrimmages, exercises, etc....See what REAL MEN go through. Then, realize that it is 105 degrees outside, and that anybody that is willing to do anything outside in that heat is putting themselves at risk of heat stroke or possibly death. A REAL MAN would stay inside and laugh at the guys trying to prove themeselves in the heatwave inferno that is engulfing middle America right now..
nice site, sports suck
allan blake <>
The thing I hate most about sports is the way sports fans expect the rest of us to pay for their choice of entertainment through confiscatory taxation. No I do NOT want to build the Rays another baseball stadium...we just spent billions on the nearly new one you have. No I do not want to build the Buccaneers a new football palace. This will be the third one we built to your specifications and we still have not paid off the municipal bonds from the FIRST stadium. No I do not feel a sense of civic pride that a bunch of neanderthals gather weekly to bust heads while their "fans" clog traffic lanes. Seriously, if you are going to buy facilities for ONE entertainement business with tax dollars why not buy facilities for ALL of them (equal application of the law). I am willing to bet that Joe Redner's Mons Venus nudie bar would welcome a multibillion dollar venue be built for his "sport franchise".
I finally found some community that agrees with me,the most terrible thing in this society is that so called professional sportsmen are being glorified as heroes.Keep up the good work.
Belgrade, Serbia
Hey, from Canada! :D
I'm Canadian and I hate sports... Recently, someone said "You can't be Canadian if you don't like hockey"... I laughed it off, because they are such morons.
HM <>
good to know i'm not alone
harold <>
Just thank god. I now know I'm not the only one who thinks sports are retarded. Almost 95% of my family loves them. It's tough, but I'll make it. :'(
Thanks again for the fantastic website.
Jakob L.
Cool site! I don't hate sports per se (I watch the local pro teams, and I like NFL in general), but I hate sports talk shows and I can't stand guys that are all-sports-all-the-time, and spend almost all of their free time following sports. Unfortunately, that's what about 90% of guys are like here in the armpit of America, otherwise known as Boston. At least I know I'm not the only normal male that isn't completely sports obsessed.
I hate stats junkies
Boston, MA USA
fuck the superbowl!!!!!!1
john smith <>
bogota, nj u.s.a
I agree with almost everything on this website; however, it's not ALL sports that are inherently retarded and money-making scandals: only the competitive, corporate-owned ones like baseball, football, soccer, basketball, etc that are plastered all over the television and in society. I find non-competitive sports that actually teach you how to be an individual and creative and not just another face of a unit to be exhilirating. I do parkour because it's really, really fun, not because I'm trying to be better than anyone. It also helps keep me in peak shape. And the good thing about non-competitive sports is that you can't really brag to other people, and those who are better than you can't really brag either because WHO CARES? There's no pressure, nobody screaming down your neck to do something the "right" way. That's what sports should be: things you actual take part in (not just watch like the fat bastards who "suit up" to watch the Broncos of Colts on Sunday afternoons), are fun, non-competitive, and teach you how to be unique in your own way; not just another drone.
yami <>
Chicago, IL United States
Sports are for brain dead morons who are the typical everyday american!! boooo two thumbs down
steve <>
chico, ca usa
I hate sports a lot! I cant stand them at all why are sports on tv so much? always freakin sports! why not air something different for the world to see? try and make our nation a bit more intelligent! I HATE ALL SPORTS!!!
Baton Rouge,
Yeah, I really can't stand the fact that colleges and high schools are spending more money on new sporting equipment, than in the academic department. It's pretty disgusting. Nice site you have here.
I was always humiliated when people at school or people in my family would ask me stuff about sports and I'd just sit there, not knowing how to answer because I had never wasted all day watching a stupid game. Then I'd get made fun of, simply because I had better things to do with my time.
Sporting events are moneymaking scams. I can't believe how many people buy into that shit.
Luckily, I'm pretty sure the Broncos are losing their asses off this season, so I haven't heard too much of it.
Cheers, and peace from Denver, Colorado.
DredgeGolgari <>
Denver, CO US
Is it possible that some guys subconsciously desire to be dominated or usurped by other males under the guise of "teamwork"?
6doublefive3two1 <>
Oceanside, Ca United States
Sports develope overly competetive people. In highschool if you didnt play sports, you didnt have friends. I hate sports. They are illogical. I run after a ball and get the pissed smashed out of me, ooooo thats impressive. Glad to find others who feel the same. $%^& Sports especially football. Football players think they are above everyone else. They are nobody special. I love this site.
Erik Krantz
Warren, PA USA
Ugggg i hate my brother because hes obsessed with basketball!!!!! I hate how he is always talking and trying to relate everything to basketball!
Evan Crawford <>
Sports fans do not know what they are missing.. While all of the sports obsessed zombies were watching football Sunday afternoon, I was enjoying "The Last Waltz" on VH-1 Classic..Somebody should figure out a way to JAM ABC's frequency with VH-1 Classic on Sunday afternoon. Imagine this, you are sitting at a sports bar on Sunday afternoon. Lets say that you are there because you are starving and had to get something to eat. The big game is on between Dallas and Kansas City. They begin to interview one of the illiterate thugs that play for Dallas, then all of a sudden the signal goes blank and Levon Helm and Robbie Robertson appear rockin' out to "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"..I would start laughing my ass off, and all of the sports zombies would start to panic like it was 9/11 all ovwer again..
Well guys, here we are....the beginning of another NFL Season, you know, that great time of the year when everything gets preempted on Sunday for a damn game..It is funny how I do not recall that happening when I was a kid during the late 70's-early 80's...
SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL....BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!...bring back the Sunday Night Movie...
Well fellow sports haters, the time has come , and that time is college football. Use this to your advantage this weekend as a chance to pick up and meet a lot of fine women. Their boyfriends will be mesmorized and brainwashed by the games on TV that they will not even notice if you take their chick home with you...
I hate sports so much that just hearing a word like "football" gives me a headache. It's nice to know others feel the same way. Baseball is by far the dumbest sport. As a child, I wasted many beautiful sunny afternoons standing in a baseball outfield getting sunburned. I wish I could have realized what a complete waste of time it was. It was hard to make my own decisions at that age with all the indoctrination and propaganda surrounding sports in the community and on tv. Baseball is a game where 90% of the time NOTHING IS HAPPENING! Why do we push this game on kids so much? It teaches them nothing. I just don't get it. I would love to edit a major leage game down to just the action parts. It would be about 10 minutes long! America's pastime? How the hell did that happen? Pretty stupid pastime! Ha ha ha!
Too smart for sports.
Minneapolis, MN USA
I support you! Sport sucks!
Mladjan <>
Belgrade, Serbia Serbia
George <>
Seattle, WA USA
I really dislike sports, but your website and message bear a disturbing similarity to communism, very similar.
George <>
Seattle, WA USA
I am so tired of sports and the stupid hype surrounding them, all I'm hearing about now in my office is how awful it is that the USA have gone out of the World Cup. big damn deal! Whenever somebody would come up to me and ask "How 'bout dem Tigers?" or some other stupid shit, I'd just respond by saying "WHAT DAMN TIGERS! ALL I SEE IS A BUNCH OF MORONS RUNNING AROUND A RECTANGULAR SHAPED COURT!" or whatever. Yeah. Sports bore me to death. Thank God I found people who agree with me.
I can't believe how many people have truly convinced themselves that sports matter. Not to mention the violence perpetrated in sport's name. Sounds familiar...
Ahh. kindred spririts. How refreshing....I am the bullied spouse of a footbal fan. I hate footbal.
Johnny Doodads
America's Bread and Circus Society
Bell depress vu
Sports are so damn bad it's unbelievable! What inspires huge crowds of people to go mad just because their team has lost a game! It's not even like they know anyone on the team. To be honest, I think it would do the world a lot of good if professional sports were to be eradicated completely! All they do is make people go insane over nothing! And as far as compulsory sports in schools go... don't get me started! I fail to see how teaching people to throw a ball better or run around with one is called "education"! It's a total joke! I failed to understand the big deal about sports in the first place, and I still do now! It's just stupid! Like who died and made sports God?
Tom <>
Tell me Nick, if you wanted to be taken seriously by us, why did you create a false identity to use on the forums and lie to us? Was there really anything to gain from that apart from doing it "for teh lulz"? If you want a serious discussion now, have one, but now that you've done that and thrown another load of crap at us I'm not sure taking you seriously is a good idea.
Best regards,
I can't stand people who follow sports religiously. It's an unhealthy obsession that needs to stop.
Person McMan
Okay thanks, I'll see you all then.
Turudes <>
>mfw admins had to validate accounts because they were afraid new posters could hurt their little feelings
Ray Finkle
Another /sp?/artan frustrated! Score!!!
Tessa, I don't exactly agree with some of the homophobic things on the site either, however I do believe it is just to be ironic because jocks always call unathletic people "fags" or phrases along the lines of that. They basically claim that all non athletes are homosexuals, and they are definitely homophobes. It just makes them mad I guess because they think they are more privileged than us and only we can be made fun of.
Can someone please explain why is this site so homophobic? I mean giving people who aren't liked by the site admins avatars saying GAY, or calling people 'homo', like seriously? I would like to join here because I'm tired with sports but as a transgendered person I find such acts by the admins offensive.
Love, Tessa
Fantasy Football = Dungeons & Dragons for jocks...
"Pitcher Pitches Perfect Game"
So what's the big deal? I once pitched a perfect game in little league when I was eleven so if an eleven year old kid can pitch a perfect game so should a full grown man. Big whoop.
"As for the list HFoBR was talking about, I think the real insult is that Don Cherry was ahead of Gretzky, or that anyone was ahead of Gretzky for that matter". Come on, you really believe that Gretzky is more important than the telephone or insulin or our first prime minister or the person who made our universal health care system? Or that he's better than Terry Fox, who ran across half of the country with a prosthetic leg and cancer and would have ran across the whole country if he didn't die? That's just low. I really hope you weren't serious. I mean you think that a hockey player is better than a Nobel Prize winner who saved lives on an extremely large scale, which is just pathetic if you are serious. All Gretzky has done is hit a puck into a net a bunch of times.
JJ, in Canada, it's the same. Hockey players are called heroes, and we basically let them represent the country. It's sad that here, hockey is basically considered the most iconic and significant thing about our country. Hockey is considered more significant than anything related to Canadian politics. They don't care that we are a multicultural society, they don't care that we have a health care system that is unique from most countries, but they'll think that we are better than the Russians because we beat them in hockey in the Olympics. In fact, check out this link:
In that link, there is a list of people considered the greatest ten Canadians of all time. Don Cherry, an ex-hockey player/coach and now a host of a hockey television show, was considered the seventh best Canadian of all time. He was ranked greater than Sir John A. Macdonald (our first prime minister)and Alexander Graham Bell (the inventor of the telephone). Apparently a hockey television show is more important than the telephone or the first prime minister. And a hockey player named Wayne Gretzky was ranked as the tenth best. That is an insult, making two people whose only significant accomplishments were involved with hockey considered some of the greatest ten Canadians of all time.
Fucking hate Sports.
I live in Australia and if you hate sports here, its like you have a mental disorder.
"Does it Matter?", so you're surprised that I criticized you because you claimed that you were going to harass people through email just because they have a different point of view? And I find it funny that there are so many pro-sports websites that would hardly receive any criticism at all, however there is likely only a few or no websites similar to this, and the website receives more criticism than could be imagined.
Just a little hyperbole in my last post.
I'm sick of turning on the computer every morning and having the latest "unbelievable sports play" shoved down my throat. The only time I read and enjoy a sport related story is when a football player gets paralyzed from the neck down. Now THAT'S entertainment!
Hier in Deutschland gibt es kein Platz für Fehler! Zurück zur Grundschule mit dir! Das Gehirn existiert für 'nen Grund...
Eine andere Deutscher
I got here through accident really. I don't hate sports and I think you guys are generalizing pretty badly.
Anyway, my point is that the German badge or whatever you have on your first page is kinda wrong. It should read Internationaler Ich hasse Sport Klub.
I don't get why there is on in German, but nvm. I just can't stand it if people try to be international and fail...
Goodbye, and Good Luck.
G. Erman
finally a website that HATES sports.It ruined people's frickin lives and created JOCKS.(evil people)We nerds and geeks need respect!!!!!I HATE SPORTS!!!!!!!!!
Annam <>
San Diego, Ca United States of America
Thank you all. I thought I was the only one!
>my face when you delete serious posts but keep the troll posts
Boston Slob
>implying anyone was trolling and not just stating facts
I agree with some of what you're saying, but your reasons for them are atrocious.
It's not hard to understand why people enjoy sports. It's the same reason as you enjoy your favorite show that gets interrupted by a sports event. There's just more demand for it now. People gather around for it and enjoy it.
Any school that gives any kind of extreme royalty to it's athletes is not a very good school. A reserved parking space? There would be many complaints against this shit.
Trophies in the school lobby are the school's way of showing their pride towards their students who participate in after-school activities. They represent their school and therefore it's appropriate to show trophies.
Now I am all against physical education. It's all about sports.. any actual fitness is OPTIONAL. It's ridiculous that I had to put up with it. Any time I mention how I"m against the class, a stubborn jock would disagree and call me fat and against my health. I am fit god damnit, and I agree with the fat kids in my class.
James <>
California, CA United States of America
Hey Bandits,
My name is Raoh, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are big, muscular, low-lifes who spend every second of their day braining innocent villagers. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever been a successor to a Fist? I mean, I guess it's fun to use Retto Hakou Kon because of your weak Fist, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than failing the successor competition of Hokuto Shinken.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was the strongest man of Hokuto, and conqueror of the world. What sports do you play, other than practicing weak self-taught Fists? I also know techniques of Rakan Nio Ken, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just extracted an arrow from my leg and patched the wound; Shit was SO cash). You are all weaklings who should just depart to heaven by your own hand. Thanks for listening.
Raoh <>
Sports suck, definitely; the Olympics, even more so.
Marti Andrews <>
Columbus, OH USA
the topics in the sportssuck forum are not one-sided. they are on-topic. hence the name of the forum. jawanda.
Dewon Williams
I just would like to give my opinion. I would love to discuss sports and why you all don't like them in the forum with all of you all. I think you should let those who want to have a discussion, have a discussion, and those who want to troll, you should ban them. I don't think you should ruin the opportunity for everyone else just cause of a couple of douchebags. I respect your guys opinion, but your forums are completly one sided, I think you should open up some stuff for discussion.
JaMarcus Russell <>
Dayton, OH USofA
It's great to find people who think like I do on this. My hometown is synonymous with SU sports and I don't give a stuff about it. I'm a born townie!
The Olympics are pre-empting Dr. Phil in my area!
John Sposato <>
Syracuse, NY USA
I escorted a beautiful lady out of a bar once because her boyfriend was too occupied watching a football game with the rest of his brain dead chaps and did not even notice that his lady as bored...
Hello Chaps,
My name is Winston Holmes the 4th, and I dislike all of you little devils. One could say all you are porky, stupid, 3rd class citizens who spend every moment of their dreadful day looking at silly old pictures. You are all that is horrid in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever escorted a beautiful lady? One means, one guesses it is jolly good fun insulting other people because of your own insecurities, but you devils take to a whole new level. This is even worse than meeting Madam Palm and her five beautiful daughters to pictures on Facebook.
It wouldn t be fair for me to chastise you without giving you the chance to return the favour, pip. Go ahead blighters. One is pretty much perfect. One was captain of the football team (proper football, none of that Yankee tripe), and starter on one s cricket team. What sports do you play? One also gets straight A's at Eton, and has a spliffingly beautiful lady friend (She just made me tea; crumpets were gosh darn spliffing). You little blighters should sort one s life out. Cheerio old boy, cheers for listening.
The Olympics is a war without bullets and enforces the "Us Against Them" selfishness paid for by the corporate non-entities that sponsor these events, which are there to keep us in the group think illusion. Resistance is not futile!
? everything
Again, the complete and total ignorance of this site only serves to amuse me. Go fuck yourselves.
I most passionately hate sports, especially pro sports, and more especially american pro sports!
Watching sports is the biggest waste of time, energy, money, thought, air that one could spend.
The only thing worse than the egotistical players is the moronic fans. No wonder america is going down the tubes! These morons are all fat and broke, duh, I wonder why?
Winnipeg, MB Canada
Professional sports now, arn't even the games they had sprouted from, I have no problem with... say... basketball, or other people playing it or anything of the sort, my problem stems from the fact that the NBA, the NFL, and all others are just around for the money, even though they already have plenty of it!
They're not games anymore, they're businesses!
Gabriel Pfeiffer
I absloutely HATE sports to the highest degree! They are a waste of time and effort. Imagine all of the things that the human race could accomplish if there was as much energy put toward actual progression as there is put toward "the Game". And really, that's all it is, A GAME! Seriously, it's not going to benefit you unless you're the one playing. And don't get me started on all the money that is WASTED so that some college/pro player can PLAY. That's not a real job! There's nothing anyone can do to convince me otherwise. It's a pitiful excuse for a profession and I refuse to support it in any way, shape, or form. I can't stand seeing people walking around wearing the tacky merchandise and flashing the labels. It's pathetic! I say grow up and get a life, one that actually matters to the world.
What do sports fans (sheep) contribute to society? The typical sports fan is an idiot who stacks pallets for a living or lifts boxes for $7.00 an hour. If you ask him about an author, (the guys who write books), he'd probably stand there with his mouth agape. Sports haters are more likely to be educated and goal oriented than your typical fat, potato chip inhaling, beer guzzling, wife-beating, low IQ sports worshipping MORON.
I spent Super Bowl Sunday learning Skynyrd songs on my least I freakin' learned SOMEthing.
I don't think they're coming back, Ray. They got whacked like frikkin pinatas. I don't think they'll be back anytime soon.
Dem's pretty strong words and ironic since they come from a person too cowardly to join the forum.
YOU ALL are a bunch of lazy, faggoty, do-nothings that whine and bitch about the fact that everyone you ever met is better then you at just about everything! People like you fuck-sticks are the asshole of our society. You contribute nothing to the advancement of mankind, and have such low self-esteems that you think its somehow ok to hate the exercise and great competition that comes from modern sports. I hope you all die in a fire, but its not like anyone would notice, you basement-dwelling, emo, ugly, worthless sacks of human excrement! Suck a dick!
The only normal person here
WHy would people pay multimillions for sporting parks when we could use them for libraries, homeless shelters, and highways? Why are we in a deficit due to squandering of federal money for recreation? It is all because of sports! Sports have ruined our lives and have completely destroyed the point of our lives! Why must we live on the couch and become virtual servants of athletes!
Audrey Gallinston
i;m so glad i have an husband who hates sport;my first husband was a typical sports lover;he couldnt watch football without getting should have seen the mess when he and the lads were watching the world cup in 1990.took 2 days to clear up.thats why sports sucks and so do do those who like it'ps you have got to be drunk to appreciate football9 as in english football
cazwaz <>
In the sentence below, the word "crap" (considered by some to be vulgar) should be rendered in its adjectival form, which is "crappy."
Elvis Presley
The person below me has pretty crap grammar and spelling.
Michael Jackson
from the age of five years old my father used to take me to football matches.i was literally bored to father still loves sport so you might think i was a disappointment to father cant even wire a 13amp plug up whereas i am very capable in all d.i.y and it astonishes me that people cant do their own car repairs.from an early age i learnt the piano and am now accomplished ,yet none of my family have ever requested that i play for them even after all these years.i have alarge collection of vintage jazz 78s and various wind up gramophones yet no one has ever expressed the slightest interest in this.i love the opera ,the ballet ,the theatre.i love art galleries,stately homes,etc.i have a fully kitted out workshop where i can make practically anything.i love reading classic literature and am especilly fond of scott.And yet I am entirly dismissed by my peers. why /because i hate football and that is so totally unreconcilable with see'all i ever hear anyone ever talk about is football and you can be the most talented person in the world ,but if youy hate football you are sunk.
christopher wibberley <>
sheffield, s.yorks england
I hate sports more than anything in the world, and I'm not exaggerating. I hate P.E. and I hate playing sports. Today, our class had to choose between yoga or basketball for P.E. and we each voted for one. Most people voted for basketball. I just couldn't understand. I hate all that running and stuff, it's all so stupid and tedious. I almost fucking cried. SPORTS. SUCK.
Robann <>
Surrey, BC Canada
I was formerly obsessed with sports. I played football in high school, and to this day play basketball occasionally with some local guys. I soon realized that sports is inherently corrupt on many levels. The potential positives coming out of organized sports are mostly crushed by the money and corruption.
Highland, UT USA
I hate sports. I am straight, fit and awesome to behold but I hate sports. How one can align key parts of their identity with sports is beyond me. I feel fortunate to have lived a life surrounded by people who share this hate for sports. Cool you have a website. Good luck with the masses. I will submit my complaints - why is it that all gyms play sports? Just because I work out does not mean I want to watch Hockey. Also, why is it cool for sports players to spank each other when they are happy with one another? Does this make them fierce, gay jocks? Who approved the hockey players on the Canadian $5 note? I certainly was not asked to weigh in but my tax dollars were used. I could go on and on...... oh yeah, women look ridiculous in sports jerseys walking to the games. Frumpy, dowdy hags in sports regalia herding to the spectacle that is the refuge for the vapid think - they breed......
Ryan from Canada
This site is ridiculous. I mean, I understand some of your points, but the whole remove sports teams and physical education from schools idea is completely ridiculous, just like your stereotypical belief that people who follow sports base their life on a game. I watch football and basketball all the time, but I also happen to be a dedicated student who's also working two jobs. Not only do I put school before sports, I put work before sports as well. Though I tend to try leave Sundays and Mondays open, if I'm on the schedule, I'm on the schedule, regardless of what is going on that day. So to say that just because I follow sports means I base my life around them is completely ridiculous and illustrates the irrelevance of your beliefs. You people are ridiculous.
Enough already of the bickering on this site. Let us all just chill and talk about the true meaning of this site, which is to insult the idiots that follow sports like it is some kind of religion, the people that hoot and holler in a bar making conversation with your lady impossible, the people that are well into their 30's that still follow high school football, the people that stop flirting with a hot blonde chick at a bar if a picture of a football player comes on the screen ( I used that to my advantage once and met a really hot chick ), and last but not least, the people that play "Fantasy Football"....
This is hilarious. The so-called "tough jocks" have already banned me from their gay forums where they like to go and talk about men touching each other. Check this link:
Well do you know what? Screw you and your forum. You jocks think you're so damn tough and mighty, coming over to our site, harassing us for not liking your gay sports and clogging up our guestbooks and forums with your bigoted drivel, yet when we come over to your site to challenge you on your own turf where you have all the advantages and support of your like-minded friends, you just ban us instantly. It just goes to prove... jocks are just cowards! They can't stand anyone unlike them coming into contact with them and just instantly restrict them from getting any words in! I think any sports fan who comes here should be given the harshest possible treatment, told to fuck off and then banned! Why should we let them express their inflexible opinions on our site when they won't even return the favour? I don't care if they're civil or not! Regardless of that, they're all just here for the same purpose - to rub it in our face how wrong we are for not liking sports! It's just the manner that's different, their motives are the same! We're so fucking TERRIBLE because we don't like sports and therefore we're not fit to live in this mindless world of today! So, if you hate us coming on your sports sites so much, why don't you all fuck off ours and stop wasting our, not to mention your own, time! You're not going to change the views of a single person here, regardless of how much you have to say and how "pleasant" it may seem, so save your fucking precious breath and hit the road! See the site name? "Sports Suck"? You don't belong here. Nobody here is wrong in what they believe - in fact, you jocks are the ones who are wrong, believing everybody has to adhere to your standards and that only they are the right ones to live by. You're all fascists, the lot of you. So keep your distance because you're not welcome here! Or as you sports fans say, "your not welcome here". You can't even differentiate between "you're" and "your". Too many blows to the head affecting your mental stamina? Or were you too busy gasbagging on about men in tights during English classes in high school when you should have been learning that vital grammatical distinction? God knows.
Best regards,
LOL funniest website I've ever seen hands down. It must be a joke there is no way in the world someone is pathetic enough to hate....sports? Weird. I'm gonna start a website about my hatred of Vegetables!! DAMN THEM TO HELL. Who gives vegetables the right to be good for me???
Anthony <>
Urbana, Oh USofA
My hero is superman because he's bullet proof and would never punch a baby or even a girl. And he has worked hard to get to his station in life and has helped out thousands of people during his long and difficult life. So please don't slander my hero's name even if I use it as my user name and have done absolutely nothing myself to earn that title. -Keith*
Superman <>
Bremerton, WA America
i meant when you dont know my email and i dont know yours, typo....
If you have a problem with professional sports you are a completely narrow minded idiotic queef eating faggot.
LOL... How the hell would i be sending you gay emails when i dont know my email, and you dont know mine... Also LOL at you trying to be a bad ass by figuring out what my name is on a forum site. Good job dude, you are so cool. Now maybe put some use of it instead of sitting in your basement and wasting your life.
ok ok some of what you nerds say is correct and some is not. Most jocks are pretty cool if you give them a chance. I don't agree with what sweetness says. Most jocks do not feel that way. but give the jocks a chance is all I'm tryingn to say.
Chicago, IL
I almost punched a baby after reading some of the bullshit you people spew! Why don't you come over to my forum where real men hang out and try your lame arguments there. You wont' last five frikkin minnutes!
right on, sergey. Who do these muscle-heads think they have the right to muscle their way into our forum and tell us how to think? Last I heard this was still AMERICA! Land of the free, HOME OF THE BRAVE and free speech! Sure these goons have ONE example of a jock who isn't all bad. That's easy to say. BUT IN MY EXPERIENCE, all the guys I know who are jocks at school, are pushy, loud, and abusive. And bullies. Sure maybe there's a few good guys that play football and are good students but, in general, they're the kind of guys you'd want to avoid.
David, you're a laugh, when we have a sports bore stereotype in our own forums right now, I don't think you should be talking, so do me a favor and FUCKING SHUT UP ABOUT STEREOTYPING YOU MINDLESS SACK OF SHIT! Yes, I'll insult sports fans because I want to, you're on this forum, and therefore MY word is law, not YOURS.
Ight Tom listen, Andy is 100 percent right. Not every athlete is in to sports for popularity. Before you go make your rediculous claims, go out and poll athletes. O and while you are at it go search Michael Oher in wikipedia. He was born in a family that couldnt support him for shit, his mom was a drug addict and his dad died when he was young forcing him into foster care. He attended 11 different schools in his first like 9 years of going to school. Where is he now? Well he started playing football for his highschool, his GPA sky-rocketed and he was offered scholarships from well respected colleges, like Alabama, Mississippi State, etc. So throughout his highschool years the one thing that drove him was football. Was he a mean bitch like you claim all of jocks to be? Hell no he wasnt, he was respectfull, kinda shy, not even close you what you claim jocks to be. Well he was on the honor roll at Mississippi State his senior year and is now making millions in the NFL for the Baltimore Ravens... Now tell me how sports are gay, or are retarded or whatever, after hearing that story? It took someone who was less fortunate than most and put him in a position to succeed in life.
I play Highschool Basketball at my school, and hell no im not cocky, and i dont take pride in winning people that arent athletic. IN MY EXPERIENCE the people that arent on the court, or the field, are the ones that are making the biggest mess. Go look at all of the stoners, what do they do all day? Sit there and smoke and that is it. Then there are people that just sit down in their basement and dont get any physical exercise whatso ever and they get un-healthy and fat. Now they can do that if they want to, dont get me wrong, but why do you think that American kids are getting fattened up? Because they go to fast food places and go back down to their basements and play W.O.W. or whatever games they play.
Also the NFL and the NBA have programs that go out and help communities accross the nation.
So you can sit here and hate sports, nothing wrong with that. But all of the stereotyping, like Andy has said, is wrong and pathetic. You are literally doing what you think jocks do, just in a different way.
You may not have said you were the greatest but your attitude implies it. Why are you offended that not everyone likes sports? Clearly you believe that they should or you wouldn't be here wasting everybody's time.
P.S. Disrespect is not a verb. It's a noun. Back to 5th grade and being picked last for you.
I recently stumbled upon your site and would like to say that you people are a bunch of stereotyping hypocrites. I see a lot of people on this site call anyone who likes sports a homophobe, while some say they are fags because they stereotyped you as being gay for not liking sports, so isn't stereotyping them as homophobes just like them stereotyping you as gay? You also say that you are tired of people ramming sports down your throat, well isn't this site about getting rid of sports and bashing sport lovers? Isn't that like ramming anti-sports down sports lovers throats? I'm not here to bash anyone, I feel that if you don't like sports, then don't watch them, change the channel. Sports lovers put up with soap operas and such by not watching them. Doesn't mean they want to get rid of soap operas? How would you feel if someone decided to eradicate something you like to watch or do? Such as movies or video games? I also don't know where you guys get your facts on college football players, like the fake entry level quiz you guys posted about football players. I am here to say that I play college football for Montana State, I never once had to take one of those. I had to take ACTs and SATs and have good enough scores so that the college would accept me. Stereotyping us football players as dumb is like stereotyping all computer gamers as virgins. Yes it may be true in some instances, but it is not always true. I am a nursing major and currently holding down a 3.7 GPA, they have made no exceptions to me and I have had to work for every grade I received. I am not a scholarship kid and am paying my own way through college. I do however know many kids on the team come from poor families and would not have the opportunity to go to college and earn an education if it wasn't for sports. Sports motivates these people to keep their grades high so they can stay in school and stay eligible. To those who say that it defeats the purpose of an education to give out scholarships to athletes, let me ask you this, what about the kids that earn scholarships other ways like through music? Do they not deserve their scholarship? As for on the homepage where it says ban physical education class from schools, I think it should absolutely be mandatory for kids to do P.E. classes. Many people continue to say "I'm all for fitness, but not sports", I know many kids in grade school and high school would not do anything active if it wasn't for that hour every few days a week. We as Americans need to do a better job of getting our kids out and playing, then and only then, will we be able to stop mandatory P.E. class. When kids go play kickball after school, not go home and play video games for the rest of the night. Nothing is wrong with video games, I enjoy them myself, but people need to get out and play as well. Or America will continue on its obesity path. Once again, I'm not out to bash the members of this site, I just want to prove a point that not all athletes are dumb, and we work very hard to play at the level we wish to play at.
Andy <>
Montana USA
Uh oh. The NFL Super Bowl season is about to start. Sundays nights never have gotten more boring than this. I hate the Super Bowl. And football is for fags
Seriously, sports is just a big waste of time.
Chicago, tx
I have nothing against sport 'as a game'. I just hate the pricks that turn a simple 'game' into a life or death affair and think that everyone should care about 'the game' as much as they do.
SpOrTs ArE a ToTaL lOaD oF sHiT aNd I tHiNk ThEy Sh0uLd AlL bE bAnNeD!
i hate sports :)
SpOrTs ArE a ToTaL lOaD oF sHiT aNd I tHiNk ThEy Sh0uLd AlL bE bAnNeD!
i hate sports :)
Sports = Narcotic of the nation
somebody <>
I'm a jock and I worship football. I thought maybe I could get some help hear with my mathamatrics? I need too no how many times 2 goes into 16. It are for a test tommorow. Thanks. ps, FOOTBALL FORE-EVER!
At my high school, everyone is absolutely obsessed with sports, to the point of insanity. They once paraded us outside, in the cold, so we could watch the football team leave for a game. I just don't understand the appeal of watching overgrown men and women bash into each other and kick a ball around!
John Smith
At the college I go to, there are TVs everywhere. At any given time, I'd say %90 percent of them are tuned into ESPN. I just don't understand shows about sports. A bunch of guys rambling on about statistics, injuries, and other things that don't matter in the real world.
Good god there are few things in this world I hate more than sports. My biggest question is how come sports get so much coverage on the news yet any other form of entertainment (film, music, literature) is lucky to get a mention?
Keith Woodman <>
Derry, NH North America
I love this sight ! finally people on my side, who hate sports shit THURST IN YOUR FACE AT EVERY TURN !
sean Warren <>
Louisville, ky usa
Once again my father didn't take part of the family Thanksgiving get together because he preferred to stay home by himself and watch the big football game. We were hoping he would go with us so that he could finally meet his only grandson (4 yrs old). Football was more important.
I wonder how much he enjoyed his leftover Hamburger Helper?
I'll never understand the mentality of a sports nut.
I hate all sports as rabidly as a person who likes sports hates common sense. H.L. Mencken
Imagine the mindset of a human being who would be able to be "cheered up" by a football game the day after America was attacked! We're talking about VERY simple-minded people here folks.
No Glen, finding sports boring and preferring music, movies, etc more interesting doesn't make you "a freak" it just makes you normal. When everybody else in the freakin' USA is grunting in front of the Stupid Bowl, Easter Bowl or Toilet Bowl I prefer to stay in my room and play guitar, watch a movie with my g/f or read a book... It's a cliche to say "I'd rather watch grass grow..." but it's true. I'd rather sit in the backyard and look at grass grow than look at a bunch of fat, macho, butt-slapping, millionaires chasing after a stupid ball.
The 911 post brings back some memories for me. I used to be a producer of a sports talk show (I was kind of forced to, I was the only guy that was available during that time of day and they gave me a pay raise) and I recall that people were UPSET that the weekend football games were to be postponed because of the TERRIBLE events that took place on that Tuesday..These people said that we needed "Football" to cheer us up...
I hadn't felt that bad since I watched Rob Lowe dance with Snow White...
Yes this is what we have to put up with- hours of tedious football games and even more tedious people discussing it as if it is the only thing in life. I tried to like it and then realised it was boring. I love my music, films, cult TV and if this makes me a nerd, a freak, a geek, then so what. Better to be yourself than follow the sheep.
Glenn <>
Whitehaven, England
Down with Australian Sports!
I remember when the towers were attacked and the television announced, by scroll, that baseball season would be postponed for two weeks. Some moron at work couldn't understand why baseball was put on hold and he bitched all day on America's Worst Day. 3,000 Americans burned to death, were crushed and fell to their deaths but this sports nut still wanted his stupid baseball. It's amazing how shallow sports fans are. Pathetic. Shame on you simple sports nuts.
Good post Mike. I agree about how ridiculous it was for the meatheaded jock to insist the TV be put to sports while the barmaid was watching her soaps. All jocks would much rather watch big men in tight pants frolic and prance and pat each other (lovingly) on the buttocks then sit and talk to a pretty barmaid. Sports fans are selfish a**holes and MUST have their sports on the TV EVEN if everybody else in the room wishes to watch something else. Sports fans are too stupid to watch something like news or politics. There are no bouncing balls in politics.
Enough already...
I am sick and tired of having football rammed down my throat. I live in the nice college town of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This place has a lot of really nice restuarants, clubs, bars, AND A BUNCH OF GODAWFUL SPORTS FANS!!!!!!..Not only are people crazy about college and the NFL around here, THEY ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL!!!!!..There is nothing wrong with liking high school football if you are a teenager, BUT THESE PEOPLE ARE WELL INTO THEIR 30's!!!! HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA!!!!!!.. What a bunch of geeks!!!!!. I noticed a couple posts down that a poor barmaid had her favorite soap turned off so that some dumbass could watch sports..I bet that the dumbass was a typical annoying sports fan. He was probably single, and had no social skills whatsoever. Watching football will not help improve those two deficiencies in his character. On the other hand, a single man can learn from watching a soap on how to approach the ladies and be sought after. You are sure as hell not going to do that by watching some idiot play with a ball...
you know that it's ironic that so many of these homophobic sports lovers love labeling sports haters as faggots, queers, non-manly, et al. for the record, i am straight, but have no problem with gay people (horrors). but, note, i also do not participate in fantasy football/ baseball/ basketball leagues, getting erotically excited arguing about my favorite players stats that i have memorized in complete detail, from the first time that they tossed a ball to their dad through to the inseam of their pants and cup's all very homoerotic, and likened to a 13 year old girls crush on her favorite rock star or actor.
as a side note, why are some sports manly to watch, and not others. as unmanly as gymnastics might be to these walking abortion mishaps, gymnastics is a million times more intersting than football to watch, and i bet a teenage gymnist (male or female) could beat the living shit out of all these macho sports lovers (now that is sports i would pay to see)
then there's the whole delusion that the fans are somehow a part of the team. i mean seriously, the whole "we sacked the shit outta you guys at the budweiser anal adventures bowl", and "we have much better ball handling than you guys" or what ever. the only things the fans have accomplished is making a bunch of guys who do honestly have skills very overpaid. i do not understand this obsessive delusional thought process.
i have athletic skills too. i enjoy running, climbing, water sports, skiing, caving, hiking, skateboarding. i'm in better shape than 99% of the douche bag sports fans that i know. i just hate watching dull sports like football, basketball, baseball, hockey, ad nauseum.
i am so tired of sports fans pre-empting and co-opting the tv o r any other event wherever they go with their righteous belief of entitlement. sports fans seem to believe even if there is a whole room full of people who hate or care less about sports, but one nutter who has to see his dream guy tackle a bunch of other big sweaty athletic men, everyone else should be subjcted to it, regardless of the situation -- whether it is another tv show, a party, family dinner for the holidays. i for one think they should have to get approval. of course, guys have tried to pull this off at my house, and they have been asked to leave. seriously. and don't come back. if your friends that came with you are mad, they can leave too. let him abuse your friendship for his sick addiction.
When sports fans don't get their way, they behave like kids. A barmaid was relaxing for a few minutes in the pub watching the soap opera Coronation St( OK it's pretty boring but a lot of women like it), but because an irrelevant football match was on a digital channel, some jerk decided to raise hell because he couldn't have some game on. Like, hello, can we have a break from football- this poor woman has to work through hours of this every week and on a Friday night should at least get a respite from it and so should non fans who are trying to wind down after a hard week at work.
Glenn <>
Whitehaven, England
There's nothing wrong with physical fitness or liking a physical activity, but why do we have to have football rammed down our throats non stop on the television and in pubs by fat knackers who look about as athletic as a beef burger. Meanwhile the footballers demand at least a hundred grand a week for a couple of hours work and sulk if they get less. These are greedy, immature men who should try living on a nurse's wage for a week- someone who does a real job for the community.
Glenn <>
Whitehaven, England
They are soooo boring I swear! I rather play video games (not sports video games), cause at least I'm involved in the game!
sports is pointless shit
Daft Punk fan
Austin, TX USA
Those who cannot play........complain! We don't want you anyway. I can understand how being competitive, coordinated, agile, having on the spot thought process under duress and the feeling of pride and accomplishment can seem no fun and downright terrible.
Hear that .. it s your turn for underwater basket weaving. Go have fun little people.
Jeme Souviens
North Bay, Canada
Oh my Gawd. I thought I was the only one. What a relief...
I played hockey in my youth but never felt comfortable with it. When you live in a small town in Canada, it s the thing to do, or you re considered weird. Now when I happen to come across a hockey game on the tube, I just roll my eyes at all the misguided sheeple sitting in the stands. Does anyone else see the conspiracy in this herd mentality? I saw the new torch for the 2010 winter olympics and it looks more like a sword than a torch. All the money spent on sports would alleviate all the hunger in this world, many times over, not to mention what s spent on wars. I think I landed on the wrong planet because none of this way of thinking makes any sense to me. I m sure sports fans will be the first to line up for their H1N1 flu shots so they won t get sick and miss the big game. Good luck with that sports fan.
In the words of Howard Cosell, The importance that our society attaches to sport is incredible. After all, is football a game or a religion? The people of this country have allowed sports to get completely out of hand .
Peterborough, ON Canada
'Sports are 'ridiculous'. I'm 46 and I've never seen a football game in my entire life yet. I never even bothered going to see the morons play football in high school. I was sick enough of the jocks getting their sexual thrills of slapping the nerds in the bare butts in the locker room while TRYING to act like they weren't actually getting sexual thills out of seeing a naked guy. Why would I CHOOSE to see these perverts play a football game. Football players keep their sexuality snuggled up to their the closet.
Jim <>
Fremont, CA USA
One reason I don't spend my life watching millionaires run along after little balls is because my father paid more attention to the rich ball-chasers than he did to his own children. My brothers and I used to need help with our mathematic homework so dad would help us. If we didn't come up with the right answer he'd slap us in the head and say "come on, dummy!" He'd be pissed because he was missing his precious sports on T.V. This was about 20 years ago and he is still glued to the T.V. admiring the drugged-up, millionaire ball-chasers and I still suck at math. Sports first, family second, (as long as there's no sports on T.V.) F'ing rediculous.
Jim <>
Fremont, CA USA
Thank God Baseball season is over. Now we get months and months of stupid azz football. Football fans are the biggest losers on the planet. Hey Raiders fan, what's 2 + 2? Get a calculator ya big dummy.
Jim <>
Fremont, CA USA
The suggestion that municipalities pay for arenas is vile.
Evan D. Benner <>
Fresno, Ca United States
Nice site! LOLZ
detroit, MI USA
Sports Suck. Today Is saturday, and millions of people will waste their time getting all worked up over some gay football game. If their team loses, they will all be in a bad mood and will act like little kids that lost their favorite toy. Since I could give a rats ass about football, I will be in a totally different world tonight, being very happy and looking for other things to talk about with the people of my town. All of you should look forward tonight to going out and NOT talking about sports, but other things...
Hot Chicks find this attractive (They are usually bored with their Sports Zombie boyfriend and are looking for fresh, intelligent subjects to talk about other than FOOTBALL)..
Thank you for showing us that we are not alone!!
Ben Seymour <>
Sports are repulsive. Monday Night football, Tuesday night football, criminals like Michael Vick..
I am forced to watch sports 24/7 by my husband. People die getting fit so it can't be good for you. Give me some intellectual stimulation - read a book, watch a good movie SOMETHING - I have been subjected to everything from street luge to netball.... aaaarrrggghhh
I hate organised sport with a passion. I am not against exercising for personal fitness (although I find it boring) but the notion that we should all look up to athletes as role models or take sport seriously repulses me. Most sporting fans seem to turn a blind eye to the buffoonery which organised sport seems to encourage. Take a look at this latest incident as reported by Media Watch in Australia regarding 'The Footy Show' and it's idiotic personalities.
Sam Newman <>
Melbourne, Vic Australia
In Alabama, the common question is whether you are "Alabama or Auburn". Last week, an educational professional approached me and asked me. I said I really didn't care about either. He said I must not be from around here because residents were one or the other. I have never let my mind be dominated by such a time wasting event. I would rather save my brain cells for more important facts. I don't watch fictional movies or most TV either. I love true life happenings. My philosophy on life is "You can make things happen. You can watch things happen or you can wonder what happened."
Lady Melanie
No,I'm not this person you call choo choo boy or whatever i'm a random person from the /b/ on 4chan.
I don't hate sports, but I hate how they dominate our culture. While the dummies are watching football, our country is being taken over by radical abortionists, Socialists, Feminists, etc. The media promotes pro sports so that these destructive forces can take over OUR country. I wonder what percentage of the below average adult sports fan knows how much he pays in taxes to provide medical care to human animals in prison and abortions for whores and welfare witches? Not even 10%. Stop paying attention to sports and take your country back. The radical muslims are teaching their children how to murder you, and the dummies are teaching their kids that being good in sports is paramount to anything else. Sports fans, please turn off the tv and turn on your brain. Stop embarassing the decent people in the US who make this country work.
Denver, Co USA
I agree with all the haters of sport, it is crap i mean my old pe teacher devoted her life to keeping and now her life is crap. i pity anyone who obsesses their life with sports and rugby and football it is THICK with a capital T
from jacob
jacob smart <>
peterborough, cambs UK
Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with playing soccer with your friends. You did a good thing for those people in the Philippines. And I think that just about anyone would agree. Some people go a little overboard about hating sports just to bait people who take sports too seriously. Because some people do have an irrational attachment to and depend on sports too broadly in defining themselves.
Wow, some really interesting thoughts on here. What I would suggest is some of you don t just think about the sports played, supporters, lifestyles and sponsorships in your locality.
I agree that it can seem pointless when people bet money, cheer people that don t know them, and generally only focus on sports rather than education.
However, one comment, stating something like Sports are a moral cancer, rotting this world to its core really bewilder me
I ve recently returned from a Rugby Tour to the Philippines, where I took part in Operation Restore Hope . We were there to coach orphans in how to play the game, and how to improve their skills. These children were orphaned because of their facial disfigurements, and (it was thought) would never have been given gainful employment, and therefore couldn t assist their families with finances.
By spending some time with these young boys, we were able, for a short period of time, able to let them know what it feels like to belong. To be in a team, which can be much like a family. They could all take pride in pulling on a jersey and belonging to a team. Being High-Fived for scoring, cheered for making that tackle, and applauded for doing their best regardless of the outcome.
You know what I intended to go on, but will probably only be given some kind of abuse from someone. Just thought some of you might be interested to know that it s not all about over-paid stars, teams kicking a ball into a net for no reason, and hating competitive people.
Please think how for some people, this may be all they every have for a happy memory
wtf is with sports these days? people these days ask "do you play any sports?" when they meet a person. what is with that. you know what sports are STUPID. theres no purpose accept for competition and being healthy. so isnt competition what causes conflicts these days! whatever. sports are stupid thats all i can say.
What a refreshing bunch of people you are. I cannot help but think that if America put as much emphasis on important things like finances and healthcare as they do on which team Michael Vick was going to play for, we would be so much better off. I think high school sports should only be allowed if one's grades are kept at an appropriate level. Let's get back to what really matters, a good quality education.
John <>
Lebanon, PA USA
I love the "Evolution Takes A Turn For The Worse" logo! Is there any chance of having this put on a T-Shirt with a picture of a particularly vile sports star? Michael Vick, for example.
Linda Harbison
Wow I'm glad I found this site. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people playing the odd game of football or tennis, but what I've never understood is why people watch other people playing sports. What's the point of supporting a team? They don't know you, the players (in most cases) aren't your friends or relatives, so what's the point?! I don't even enjoy watching the World Cup, and frankly couldn't care either way if England won or not - it's a bunch of adults trying to kick a football into a goal, it's ridiculous.
Retarded windex drinking person
Sports are so gay. why do girls think sports in a guy are soo hott? i play fucking guitar, and let me tell you, playing and learning guitar is way fucking harder than kicking or catching a damn ball.
Alex Castro <>
How unfortunate I am to live in a city as obsessed with sports as Pittsburgh. Even more unfortunate is the fact that I'm in high school. The only things that other kids talk about is their rank on Call of Duty 4 online (I hate that overrated piece of shit), or sports. I don't care about neither, so I only keep to friends who don't spend 24/7 talking about what the damn Panthers are going to score against who-the-hell-knows-who (they make brackets on the outcome of championships, and they actually bet MONEY on them, poor fools). Unfortunately, these friends are few in number, and because of their ignorant, obnoxious attitude towards sports, they classify anyone who dislikes sports are being subhuman (thankfully, I'm a pretty big guy, so few people have the guts to threaten me, but, should I be small, I would have probably committed suicide from the brutal treatment I would have received), so I became very anti-social. As a side-effect to this, my parents are constantly forcing me to try and socialize with these idiotic, ignorant goons, and this will not be happening anytime soon. Speaking of speaking to them, they speak in a foreign language, which sounds like a butchered dialect of what vaguely sounds like English. At a my school, however, sports are not only popular, it is also the only thing keeping the school FUNCTIONING. Our school has one of the lowest scores on the PSSA (the Pennsylvania standardized test), but the state lets the school run itself because of its successful athletics, which is otherwise known as a bunch of arrogant, moron jocks tossing a heavy inflated sack into a hoop mounted on a wall. Jocks may not flex their power at my school visibly, but they are almost always in the higher-up Honors courses and get grades they really do not deserve. Now, don't get me wrong, I get along with most of them, since they act like mostly cooperative people when they are not on the field. However, I almost ended up becoming one; because of my large size, some people believed that I would make a good football player (American football for those who do not live here), I was convinced to finally play football. And guess what? The jocks, who seem to know nothing academic, know ABSOLUTELY everything about the damned sport, while me, who gets outstanding marks academically, knows zip about American football. They used language that made absolutely no sense to me; thank God I was put as a lineman. I really disliked the whole experience apart from the players. Practice was strenuous, and the guys were pushy, and often touched me on the rear end during practice tackles. Why, I don't know (maybe because their orientation is in question). The coaches would often get in swearing fits whenever someone stole someone else's socks (and this happened often). I sat through the whole season, though, and when I signed up for high-school football, I saw the schedule; it made my mouth drop. I e-mailed the coach, and my application was canceled. However, when 9th grade ended, more kids started trying to convince me to come back, but my response stays clear-no way, ain't happening. Despite my experiences with American football, the same thing stays clear: how does someone stay devoted to a barbaric, idiotic activity such as a sport, instead of something worthwhile like academics, which will actually get you a successful job. People have literally ruined their lives on sports like football (both versions), rugby, baseball, hockey and basketball.
Bottom line, sports are a moral cancer that is rotting the world from its core. Unfortunately, it is in its late stages, so we need to fight as hard as we can against it and wish for the best, before it destroys us all.
Pittsburgh, PA
Joe Skinny, what fucking era do you think we live? Hitler is long gone, you narrow-minded motherfucker. "Superior Children"? You mean gay fucking stereotypical jocks with an IQ below 70? What's so fucking superior about jocks? Theyr arrogance? Go drown in a kiddie pool filled with your own sperm.
Cristian <>
Constanta, RO Constanta
Joe Skinny, what fucking era do you think we live? Hitler is long gone, you narrow-minded motherfucker. "Superior Children"? You mean gay fucking stereotypical jocks with an IQ below 70? What's so fucking superior about jocks? Theyr arrogance? Go drown in a kiddie pool filled with your own sperm.
Necula Christian
Hi Joe Skinny,
You obviously don't seem like a reasonable person so I won't be reasonable with you. I should have tried to be a bit more civil towards that Steven guy because he actually seemed prepared to show some respect to us and not just rant mindlessly. Perhaps he called me a loser but I did kind of deserve it. You on the other hand just seem like a total dick. "Superior children"? What the fuck are you on about? Your so-called "superior children" are just idiots who spend their days at school poncing around with balls instead of actually pissing working and considering other people's feelings and they'll most likely end up working shitty jobs. They're the real losers in life. They will not "beat" people in life like you say - they'll screw up and end up total fucking idiots like you, you dumb shit. Your views in the forums would not be appreciated because you obviously don't want to make a decent argument and just want to attack the people on this site without any decent backing. So kindly piss off and screw yourself. Fucking prick.
Thanks for the site ITS GREAT!! Me and my girlfriend cant stand sports at all and most of the people who spend all their time watching sports and memorizing every players stats and shit since 1950. Thanks for this site you guys.
DredgeGolgari <>
Denver, CO
This makes me sick.
oh, and yah... IM NOT FAT. but on my way. jk. lol
WoW! and i thought i was the only one that hates sports! they drive me CRAZY!!! i love this site! thx so much to whoever created it!!!!!!!
Joe Skinny sez: "so my superior childern have someone to make fun of and consistantly beat in many areas of life."
You must be joking. Or just plain stupid. People with more important things to do than watch sports on TV are by definition more likely to succeed and, by extension, more likely to have your (apparently sports-loving) progeny working for them!
P.S. I'm not fat.
Stone Mountain, GA
keisha katamine
London, UK
Finally, I see that I am not alone.
screw sports fanatics
The flaw in these organized, acceptable indoctrination is extremely straggering and shocking in the sense of the ways and methods individuals within the society are in pursuation of it. How to define sport? meaningful competition?
The end result is miserable when one regards the mean to achieve what? Power? Fame? Glory? The feeling that one get dominating another? Disgusting.
Texas Representitive
Dallas, TX USA
Well, I truly HATE sports. I think professional sport is played by stupid people who have nothing to to but play useless games. I hate when I hear in the bus people talking about sports, because there is no use of that kind of dialoges. Most of all subjects at school I hate P.E. I think it is unecessary thing. I am very dissapointed that many of money which our school has recieved was spended on improving some kind of stupid sport facilities while there are many more important things to improve in the building.
Most of all I am really, really worried about the fact that the mark of P.E affects on my diploma. Can you imagine such ... stupid situation: Somebody goes to a better college instead of me because he/she can run better!
So, then...I was correct to have the notion that sports are uber-gay and immature. Sports more than suck. Sports propogate violence, ie; Soccer. Under-pinning for Hooliganism. Basketball - what the fuck... Baseball - holy shit...a synonym for boring and steroids abuse. Hockey - pick up the fucking puck with both hands and throw it in the net. Use your skates as a weapon and cut any motherFushker who gets in your way. Football-queer scoring system and gay forms of man-handling each other. Tennis-snooze! Golf-triple snooze! Boxing-the most barbaric and uncivilized sport. Please enjoy your pummeled and damaged brain. Ultimate Fighting Championship - uber gay! Beachvolley - bad for the arches of feet and boring. Sports are activities for children. Nobody cares if you are "First" or "Number One" or the "Best". I have more important things to know than what a team or player did or what the fucking SCORE is. I don't like sports. I don't watch them. I don't participate in them. Fuck sports. Toss me a sports ball and I will blast it back in your face like dodgeball. Remember, the four D's: duck, dodge, dip! I don't want to hear you ask me, "Hey, did you see the game last night?" Fuck you and your fucking game inquiry. An appropriate response however, should be, "No, I didn't see THE fucking game last night, but I saw your wife's pussy spread eagle!" Fuck sports culture. Fuck sports celebrities. Go fuck a goat!
Marv Albert <>
Bronx, NY USA
Wow. If only this site had been around when I was in school. Of course when I was in school computers were the size of freight cars and there was no internet. It's disturbing to see that NOTHING has changed in all these years. Oh, different terminology, neater gadgets, but when it comes to sports and jocks, it is the same as it ever was.
I am so glad I found this site. All these years I thought there was something wrong with me because I loathe and despise all things sport related. For the first time in my life I don't feel alone. It's nice. Keep up the fight.
john <>
murray, utah USA
Sports fans are stats keeping idiots who bore me to tears with their unsavory commentator like dissertations about certain teams or players. I wish for just 1 month that there were no sports to talk about and they didn't even exist so these people would shut the hell up. It's the only way they can pretend to have the tiniest hint of a brain. Without sports, they would be dribbling cabbages, lettuces or whatever vegetable you choose.
Craig Medlin <>
Florence, SC US
and also it doesnt seem this website is trying 2 ruin fun since its for sports hater and im a sports lover and i have quite a bit of fun on here haha and its obvios some sports fans are so stupid when you see all these fights in the crowd ha only tohught of that cause i just saw it on tv like 5 seconds ago
Do you really think removing PE from schools is a good idea. I mean its cool that you guys don't get into sports but maybe kids need the exercise. Chances are they are not getting it at home.
Chris Moody <>
I knew there had to be other people that felt the same
way that I do about these channel grabbing thugs. I'd like
to see a "HEIDE" event more often.
Ronald F Anderson <>
Gilmore City, Ia USA
korn your mouthing off behind a computer screen, so shut up you loser.
You sports fans are obviously not the hardened ruffians and bullies I thought you were if you get offended so much by a woman swearing at you on the internet! You did come here to abuse and moan at the site, so I didn't think you'd be too shocked if I gave you some shit back! Obviously I thought wrong...
Pat (and any other critic of this website), you're not going to understand what this website is really about by just taking a cursory look at it; and the Guestbook is not the place to answer such questions or objections. Please register for the forum, and address your comments to me or any of the other moderators.
this video proves my point
you dont even know where i live, and you shouldnt plan on punching me cause of this
28.4 7.7 7.4
and the cavs have 60 WINS MAN. the heat have what 25 come on.
Yea well we willl see when they pick the MVP and if they pick Dwayne Wade IM going to punch u
pat did u watch sportscenter today? i think you didnt cause if you did you would of watch the 15 minute discussion with the NBA analyist and they all and i mean ALL agree that lebron was this years MVP. SO SUCKA ON THAT PAT!!!!
so i have a question for all of you why do you hate sports soo much wat has sports done to affect you or your life because you should have a reason to hate something but it should be a good reason to
i like sports
Dwayne wade all the way
Katrin and Steven, each one of us is an individual whose own point of view has been shaped by different experiences. Please don t make the mistake I fear that I recently made when I submitted a post at another website in response to someone else s post. Since facial contact and voice tone are lacking, reacting to posts at a website is not an ideal form of communication. There is the potential to misunderstand or misjudge the other person. If I encounter an individual who happens to belong to a group of people whom I ve had good reason to resent or who appear to denigrate something that I enjoy or hold dear, my first reaction might be to regard that person as The Enemy. I ve done this many times. But if that person is respectful, then we should reciprocate. Even if he is not respectful, we should attempt to reason with him (which, granted, may be a vain attempt). Also, we should remember that many of those who are extremely angry have suffered a deep hurt that most people may not even be aware of; and some people may do a lousy job expressing what their point of view really is, and might even create a false impression. Speaking from my own experience, I know that if there is anger on both sides, there will not be any understanding. Verbal fights can be entertaining and may even be amusing, but often create more heat than light. Steven, I d be glad to answer any questions or objections you might have in the Forum. It doesn t matter which Topic you choose; I won t miss your post. Just don t expect an immediate response. My life doesn t revolve around the Internet either.
but its not only sports fans talking shit its also the people who hate sports and i know that this website is for people who hate them but its like all they are dong is saying completly pointless things that have no reasoning besides hurting each other but whatever i guess i think you could be a little more open minded katrin since that im not showing any of you any disrespect
hey cody, ALL sports suck, and anyone who gives a shit enough to watch them is a piece of shit because they're boring as balls. The people who are die-hard fans are fucking annoying.
Especially the douche bags who know all the players in the NFL and shit.
But NOTHING is as fucking queer as Fantasy Fuckin Football. Get a fucking life you fucks.
watch THIS youtube video!!!
a HA HA HA HA!! sports fans SUCKKKKKKKK!!!
Sports Fans Suck
And another thing katrin why are you the one sitting on your lazy butt typing swears and using all this foul language against us? We arent the ones sitting there all day typing to people on this stupid websites when there are more people in the world who like sports while you nerds try to ruin it... but t will never happen because we actually enjoy having athletic skills and enjoy playing sports esspecialy basketball!!!! WOOHOO BASKETBALL RULES AND YOU NERDS SUCK!!!!
Sports rule, the reason why you dont like sports is because you have no athletic skills what so ever... dont judge anything until you actully try it. SPORTS RULE>NERDS SUCK
first that is a college roster, they dont get paid. next im is school and i found this sad excuse for a web site so i had to throw another option in here. Another thing Katrin
you need to watch your langue. when you swere foul langue you dont sound intelligent or intimidating. Also tring to pick a fight behind a screen has no point to it we will probably never meet so stop talking like your so tough.
watch this youtube video
this guy rocks! sports fans SUCKKKKKKKK!!!
and by the way katrin yuo pick on our ways but foul language is a sure sign of ignorince! so if you want to prove a point try being civil about it
i think our world is so much better with sports without them we would have so much more criminal activity i cant count the number of times people say how sports keep them out of trouble basketball can keep kids out of gangs and into the courts i know if i didnt have basketball i would be dead by now so how dare you people shun our only life line
Oh yes, Troy, one more thing. You say "Get a life instead of sitting in front of the stupid computer." What the fuck are you sitting in front of to type that message? And why are you on a sports suck website if you love basketball so much? Fucking gimp.
Take your stupid sports and rosters and stick 'em up your ass!
By the way, Troy, we don't care about your stupid fucking roster. I couldn't give a shit about any of those overpaid dickholes on that friggin' list of yours. This is an anti-sports website and your "line-up" is getting in the way of proceedings. If anyone else comes onto this site and clogs it up with their stupid sport crap, I swear I'll do time!
Good to see more comments hitting the guestbook.
Shame none of them are good! =(
did anyone see the games last night i cant beleive duke lost but i cant wait 2 watch oklahoma
steven manwaring <>
g, vt williamstown
I don't understand why it is such a bad thing to like watching sports. What if you have a loved one that plays? I watch my brother play wheelchair rugby. and before he was paralyzed i watched him play football. I watch my boyfriend and my friends play. I'm a bad person for that? Can someone explain it to me Please??
Miami, Fl US
I don't like sports and I'm not jealous of anyone. At least not anyone whose only achievement is paying to watch other people achieve something. And we are making a difference. We made you aware that you're annoying the heck out of everybody around you. The world is now a better place. Now please shut up and go away.
everyones gay that doesnt like sports just cause you people are retarteded nerds doesnt mean you gota be jelous of the people that arent lazy shits like you because we have a life besides losers that just sit around all day so stop being retards and worrying about this cause all your litle fan grouyps wont change the fact that ur a loser if your not good at anything eccepially sporrts
steven manwaring <>
i dont know, vt basketball
You are all unrealistic.
i dont play sports, and i'm not an outcast, i have just as many friends as people that play sports. People get into sports to have something to do. it gives them something to look forward too. and for the players, they work so hard to win the games, it gives them a sense of accomplishment, and working together on team.
are you poeple mad that you weren't good enough to make a team in highschool?
Get over it. Sports are not what your making them to be.
Chelsea <>
miami, fl United States
I live in one of the worst cities in the U.S. - Gainesville , FL; home of the Florida Gators. I have been witness to some of the most god aweful displays of idiocy on a weekly basis since 1995 - the gathering of Gator fans. They range from the social sellouts to the hardcore neanderthals who believe sports are the end all to life. I hate sports fans, especially college and professional sports. Tossing their arm chair expert opinions around on the 'big game'. Their inane attempts to appear intelligent by offering their in depth analysis of a team's season performance using player names and statistics. These people are pure idiots. The majority are wannabes and are pathetic sheep who just want to belong to something they think is better than them.
Gainesville, FL USA
nah, bill, katrin is right. sports r a totl waste o time and i dunno y u wanna watch em when u've got more important things 2 do. btw, nice site. its gettin quite popular here in glesga noo!
Dickie Fingers
Glesga, Scotland
och katrin, ye were always the one to moan at sports! to all ye nurds on this site, dont listen to katrin, she doesnt know anything aboot sports cos shes a wee fool who cannae throw a ball! we r friends but she really needs tae get wi tha times! i dunno if any of ye here could last in a fight, here in glesga ye'd get yer wee arses kicked into porridge! particularly when rangers and celtic are playing each other. always time fer a bit of arse kickin! i meself dont fight cos its not part of tha game, is it? sorry, forgot, u lot would nae know aboot it, bein sports haters. i cannae wait until the 2014 commonwealth games here... it'll be great and glesga will be all over tha news! five yeers tho... shame. i dont think katrin'll be there tho... nae, she'll probably be sittin at home drinkin tea and gettin bored! she's gone roond tellin everyone aboot this site... thinks its great. aye, it's not a bad site, to be honest, but she is kinda right - ye're not gonna eliminate sports. theres too many of us aroond fer that! ye cannae do it, so i suggest ye just keep dreamin'. laters.
scots lad
I am so relieved-I thought I was the only one who didn't like sports....or at least didn't pretend to like them! I can think of no greater waste of time and money than sports. Athletes are obscenely overpaid for throwing a ball around. I find sports to be so mind-numbing, I can't put it into words. Thanks for having a website for people like me!
Kristine <>
Oswego, IL USA
Don't get a lot of comments here, do you?
Best spread the word on this site around Glesga!
Best of luck to you all.
Superbowl or SuperBORE? Watch the new video!
The International I Hate Sports Club! Love the name!
Greetings fellow earthlings. Let me tell you a bit about me...
I hate sports. I am a 26-year-old nerd with acne, glasses thicker than The Lord of the Rings and I am currently writing data conversion software now. Some mean jocks have kicked their stupid football through my window today and it hit me on the head. I went after them with a book and pencil and got beaten to a pulp. They then came in and kicked my 50-inch plasma TV and stole my wallet. I wish I weighed more than 90 lbs! Then I could have fought back.
The jocks at school liked to torment me. They liked to try my glasses on and do impressions of my voice and drop chewing gum on my copy of A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking whilst I read it in the library at lunch. I hated them all! I refused to go to the school leavers' prom but everyone just came round and bombed my house with eggs that night anyway!
I was also bad at sports. I couldn't pick up a 1 kg weight in gym class and when I tried the treadmill at 10 km/h, my legs got tangled up and I was sent flying into a shelf of weights behind me. I failed to catch one single shot in basketball class and at the end of one game, all the big mean jocks ganged up on me and pummeled me with balls. I dropped to the floor with my nose, arm, glasses and ribcage all broken. Two weeks after that, I got my shorts pulled down in swimming class and then had my head flushed down the toilet by the big mean jocks. I hated my childhood.
I hate sports so much. They have made my life so hard. We should all do fun things like algebra and data encryption and that number one hobby that I have loved the most since the day I was born in 1982 - READING!
I love to read.
Live long and prosper.
Providence, RI USA
I do not like sports. Things like football suck monster donkey cock and so do the sheep that follow them.
However, it is futile to try and get rid of them. It's never going to happen. They're just too damn popular and influential. It's like trying to get rid of all the suffering in the world - impossible, cause it's just too widespread. Sports dominate modern society and unfortunately we've got to live with them.
This website will never win. I like it here but it's pathetic to even try to fight against the massive power of sporting in our society. I will continue to hate sports but getting rid of them is, to be honest, fucking hopeless, and anyone who thinks they can do it is a total moron. You need to get to grips with reality here. It's like taking on the whole US Army with an airsoft gun.
I've put up with the odd sport-loving fucker in my time and it's pissed me off. Back in 1982 I went to a party full of them. It sucked. Boring as hell. But it made me realise I was outnumbered in my hatred of sports. For every 1 sport hater, there are about 50 sport lovers. You can't win. I gave up quickly. In 1983 I went to my first football game. I fell asleep after about five minutes. Can't even remember who was playing. Can't even remember seeing them playing. Totally crap. But I don't think the other 49,999 people at the game would have agreed...
I will tell you this once to anyone who thinks sports can be eradicated. They can't! Give the fuck up.
Still, the website's given me a good laugh and I shall be returning here. And if any gloating footy-loving bore comes to me and tries their "GO UNITED!" crap on me, I shall SET ABOOT THEM!
Looks like you guys are making a difference. My roommate is watching the Miami vs Baltimore game and keeps screaming WHERE ARE THE FANS???? MOST OF THE SEATS ARE EMPTY!!!
Keep up the good work.
Long live Technology.
J,V, <>
Midland, TX U.S.
As a kid growing up in Pennsylvania, my experience with Sports was extremely negative. I received no encouragement whatsoever when I tried out for Little League, and my grade schools Basketball Team. Consequently, I dropped out of both events and nobody gave a damn. As a consequence I grew to hate sports, and I ignore it. Yesterday's Super Bowl was just another Football game as far as I am concerned. Needless to say, I did not watch it.
Rich <>
Indianapolis, IN USA
Back in the day rock stars did get all of the girls because Sports was not on 24/7...
The only sports figure that I recall getting alot of attention was OJ Simpson and look what happened to him...Like I posted earlier, I am a casual fan, but I RARELY will sit down and watch a game, especially a football game.....I am glad that this site is here because it is GREAT!!!!!!.....I also cannot stand the unfair judgement that if you are a guy and you are not 100% into sports then you are gay...I actually had this happen to me once. I had a totally horrible neighbor who I used to make small talk with every now and then. After the guy moved away I learned that he thought that I was gay because 1. I was a musician 2. I did not like football...
I saw the guy again about a year after I found out that he was a total loser and he was still single and was still judging...I am sure that he got a real kick out of seeing me with my girlfriend...
Sport is a complete an utter abhorence, not only do i have a problem with people watching it on television, but i also have a major problem with people focusing all their attention on sports people. I remember back in high school it was the same, spots people always got all the attention, the old saying that "rock stars get all the girls" is simply untrue, most people dont realy care about good music at all.
Quiet frankly i find sport to be robbery from areas that actualy matter, people give their time and money to something so completely devoid of purpose like sport when they could be giving that time and to areas such as art, music, film.
As a musician myself, i feel i am being stolen from every time someone pays money to go and see a football game. Its such a shame that the majority of the human race is unthinking, unknowing and generaly displays cattle like characteristics
dougydarkangel <>
Tamworth, NSW Australia
Please forgive the typos I was working on my rant half asleep, I had little sleep the night before
Joseph Thompson <>
Bronx, NY USA
First off:
When I was growing up the male members of my family expected me to be a brain-dead child into sports and I fought with them tooth and nail until they gave up. To all children similar to myself, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and DON'T GIVE UP! And also remember that any stereotypes placed on you as a result of not liking sports is a steaming pile of bull-crap. Just be yourself and don't let other people bring you down.
Second order of business:
I have noticed that sports have clogged the television airway like cholesterol, blocking out useful, beneficial, cultural and entertaining programming from being aired especially on the weekends.
The sports people should be satisfied by having cable channels dedicated to their mind numbing form of "entertainment". Since they have their own channel and leave the rest of us our own form of programming on television.
Last off:
Sports in high school have no real purpose and should be removed from receiving funding from tax payer funds, and should only get money from people who participate or go to see these overgrown baboons run around like idiots with a ball in hand. If I want to see something like this I can go to the zoo. The point is the tax payer money should to activities that stimulate the mind, like the arts and sciences, and to help prep high school students for college.
For all the morons out there who think just because your a male you like sports. NEWS FLASH "NOT ALL MEN LIKE SPORTS SOME OF US CAN'T EVEN WANT TO SEE IT FOR 1 LITTLE SECOND" and also get this through your thick head "NOT ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT INTO SPORTS GAY OR A TRANSEXUAL" PASS THE WORD!
Joseph Thompson <>
Bronx, NY U.S.A
I just stumbled across this website recently and I think that it is absolutley HILARIOUS!!!!! Being a broadcaster, I will admit that I am a casual fan of sports, (my first job was a producer of a sports radio talk show), however, I do not let it totally control my life. Every thing on this site is funny as hell. The one thing that really gets to me with sports is how they showcase high school football players now. Back when I was in high school, you might just see a paragraph about little Billy, but now they get FRONT PAGE TREATMENT!!!!!....totally ridiculous.
I do not think that anybody on here has mentioned television coverage of THE LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES on ESPN!!!!! I have actually been in a BAR with this stuff on...and people LIKED IT!!!!!!!
I highly recommend going to a sports bar to pick up hot women. Think about it. There is a smokin' hot blonde at the bar, and all of the sports zombies are hittin on her, then all of a sudden, some coverage comes on the 10 television sets about some overrated 19-year old who is famous because he jumps on people. I guarantee you that ALL of these guys will be distracted away from the chick by coverage of Little Billy, leaving her free. That is when you make your move....
Another funny tale of sports and women would be a couple of years ago when that hot blonde from "Desparate Housewives" did some kind of hot, steamy pre-game intro on "Monday Night football"...
The sports zombies ( You know, the guys that spend ALL DAY saturday watching football, then ALL DAY sunday watching football, then have to watch a game on MONDAY NIGHT!!!!!)..found this clip of the lovely Nicollete Sheridan "Distracting to the game"....
What this proves is that these MANLY sports guys would rather watch a bunch of guys jump on top of each other than a hot blonde chick parade around with nothing but a towell on...
Another thing that gets to me is "Sunday Night Football"...that is a little too much..
Stuff was a lot better in the old days, when sports were only on every now and then. If you guys wanna get a good laugh, check out the movie "Grease" if it replays on cable. That movie is great because they make the football players in the movie look like dumb jock guys...YOU WOULD NEVER SEE THAT NOW!!!!!!
I just discovered your website. I'm quite intrigued with it, and I think it's great! I'm a 58-year-old family man. I joined a health club in July of last year for the sake of my physical and emotional health, and I've been working with a personal trainer on a bodybuilding program for over a year. (The experience has been very beneficial for me.) But I HATE mandatory P.E. classes in the public and private schools (which are hypocritical and also promote some of the worst bullying there is), and I also HATE the institution of football (with all of its cruelties and corruption)! I'll have a lot more to say about this later in future letters. Your website has provided a voice for a lot of men (such as myself) who have felt that they were alone in their views about King Football and the rest of the sports culture, and I commend you for it. I've laughed out loud reading some of the letters. I've also been saddened by letters from men whose boyhood P.E. experiences were really bad, because I know too well what they are talking about. I've noticed how terribly dense your
blue-letter critics are. They show no compassion, and have no desire to have an actual dialogue (which is typical of those who are intellectually dishonest). If they did, they would learn something. I know that I certainly have. I learned something that I hadn't really known before. I've been quite gratified to learn that critics of the sports culture include men who are rugged physical fitness enthusiasts. I'm encouraged to know that I can reach my bodybuilding goals without becoming a mindless sportsfan (many of whom, as we've already seen, are incrediby out of shape) or a meathead who is insensitive to the rights of other people. You've shown that sports haters truly can't be stereotyped! Keep up the good work. I love your website!
Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill
Bryan, you have it 100% backwards. Watching other people play sports IS idiotic. Sports fans are only deluding themselves if they believe they had ANYTHING AT ALL do do with a team winning ANYTHING. They (you) may imagine themselves to be a part of something bigger than themselves but that's just wishful thinking.
You bully kids as a youth baseball coach?! Well, stop it! Why don't you play with men your own age? Oh --I forgot --sports fan. 'Nuff said.
Being made to participate in little league is not the only way for kids to learn to interact with society. There are MANY other ways to develop personal skills and teamwork.
Sports are what gets MONGOLOIDS through the week, and it annoys the heck out of the rest of us. The next time you turn up the TV and drown out any hope of conversation around you, will you please try to remember that not all of us like sports? There are many, many more of us than you realize.
No offense but this is a joke to say sports are idiotic. A person will say that sports are horrible and spend hours being brainwashed in to thinking that sitcoms and soap operas are a better investment of time.
Sports fans are able to invest themselves in something and establish a connection with other fans and a community. When a team wins a title in a city after a long wait it is like you have be united with long lost family while celebrating. It allows the common person to feel apart of something bigger, to be involved in something that no single person has control over.
Personally, I am a coach of youth baseball and the moment I will remember forever was the first win our team acheived after a long unsuccessful drought. The kids stuck together, and through hard work and determination they learned to take nothing for granted and they came together as a team that started out individuals to become a true TEAM. They learned to coexist with people they otherwise may not have accepted, and they learned that success can be acheived through dedication and learning from past failures. Children who play sports are much more likely to interact better in society, and they learn personal skills and teamwork. Teamwork is needed in the workplace, just like the field.
Sports are what gets many people through the week, and it allows many people to unwind by caring about something they cannot control.
This "group" is very narow minded and immature. You all overlook key points, such as the good things sports has done for various communities and cities. And the tragic times that sports have helped America get through. In all you are extremely outnumbered and this push for eliminating organized sports will ultimatly go unheard and will be unsuccessful because of its lack of backing and knowledge.
God, sports are sure boring. 1980s comedy is the way! I'd rather sit round watching The Young Ones all evening than watch a bunch of guys run around touching each other. Rugby is just big buff blokes grabbing each other's legs and pulling each other down to the floor - full of homoerotic overtones! Wrestling is even bloody worse - huge guys in very tight pants fisting each other! Fuck everyone who likes sport - you're a bunch of queers. Go fondle your bum buddies in the cold showers whilst I sit down to watch nutters shout, beat each other and cause chaos in The Young Ones - the best show ever!
ProvidenceGangster <>
Limburgerhof, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany
I agree some people take it too far, but sport gives people something to talk about, its something to watch and do with your friends, and some games are just as fun to watch as they are to play. I completely agree that some people take it too far. Like here in England people have huge riots over sports teams, and thats stupid. O and i also like how your site promotes health and fitness :)
resist to the invasion of TV Sports§§
mousty <>
toulouse, france
What a site! Yes, America, there IS an alternative to acting like sheep and bleating for your favourite team! In these desperate times of economic cutbacks, let sports be cut first!
Tony Blair
I am a former US Navy SEAL,teacher, husband, father, and grandfather .I hate what professional sports has done to our colleges, high schools and even our elementary aged children. I hate that there are so many televised sports events. I like ameture sports but do not feel that schools of any type should sponsors sports teams. In this time of recession there is no reason to allow these teams to drain taxpayer dollars from our public educational institutions. people who want to play sports should have to pay to play. Other more worthwhile and creative activities and even academic areas will be cut before sports in a budget crisis. The outrageous salaries paid to pro athletes encourages children and idiotic parents to put more effort into athletics than they put into academics. This is so wrong. The hero worship that athletes receive is rediculous. There plenty real heroes out here who get little or no recognition. The SEALs that I served with in Vietnam and everyone of them since then are far more worthy of praise and adulation. However they don't seek it and in fact cringe at the thought. Doctors who save lives on a daily basis make less money in a liftime than athletes do in the course of a single contract. The only team gear that I wear is SEAL Team gear. I actually was on SEAL Team ONE. There is nothing more rediculous than a grown man or woman walking around in a team jersey for some sports team they never played for and never will. Yet they pay 20 to 75 dollars to wear the number and name of somone else. OMG. WTF
John Chalus <>
Atco, NJ USA
Ha! Sports have the same effect on me as they do on Buck. On those occasions when I was made to watch sports (usually football), I would feel like I needed a nap in short order. I always thought it was just because the game was so boring, and I'm sure that is part of the reason (what kind of IQ does it take to be entertained by watching muscleheads run around for a few minutes, then stand around, then run around, then stand around, then run around, over and over, for three straight hours or more?). However, maybe all the droning that goes on has to do with it too. I imagine baseball or golf has got to be even worse (does ANYBODY even watch golf?).
Today I saw somebody moaning and groaning because the local football team lost yesterday, complaining about spending every Sunday watching a team that couldn't play, blah blah blah. I wanted to tell him, "Well, don't then. Who's making you? Maybe you should do something constructive instead?" Not that that would occur to him, I bet. He'll probably be doing the same thing next Sunday.
Barbara (abitagirl) <>
I can be feeling energetic and in a positive mood, but after a few seconds of being subjected to sports, I feel as though some one slipped me a sleeping pill. Something about the monotone voice of the announcer (even when he s yelling he sounds monotone) and the sheep like roar of the crowd just completely zaps me of my energy.
I especially hate how sports drones feel the need to raise their voice a couple of levels once the conversation turns to sports. This happens a lot in the gym. It s like they INSIST that everyone else around them forgets what he or she was talking about, shut up and become part of THEIR conversation. Any other topic under the sun and they (sports drones) will talk in a normal voice. They make me miserable.
Great site.
The only thing worse than pro sports is amature sports. I think if people want to play sports thats fine but a whole city shouldnt come to a complete stand still because their high school football team has a home game. I love hearing about school budget cuts and teacher pay cuts just so the school can fund the sports program ( which only consists of the football team ). Here in N.Y. schools are trying to figure out how to cut fuel costs so they came up with the idea of a shorter schools week. Now all the parents are in an uproar stating that this short week will interfere with sports. Lets cut education programs to fund the fuel for the team bus. Also I hate how if your an athlete your above the law. I remember working a high school homecoming game one year. At half time they had a make-shift parade with floats. One of the floats had under age children standing on a trailer with a real BEER KEG and they were drinking from the keg. Now I know ginger ale doesn't come in a keg. The police chief was at the game and nothing was said in fact when it was mentioned the response was ( Yea, those wild and crazy kids sure know how to party ) Message sent: Athletes are above the law.
Sports have got to be the most idiotic thing ever invented. I am so glad I wasn't dragged in with those conforming sheep known as sports fans. Keep up the good work!
Thank GOD I am not the only one who hates sports. I can't tell you how many times I have been called a LOSER because I don't tune in to the local college Hockey/Football/Basketball events. Fall and winter are my favorite times of the year except for the fact that NFL season starts and I have to hear so much talk about that crap. My wife is a huge Packers fan but thankfully she knows how I feel and doesn't force that mess on me. All I can say to the sports fans out there is grow up and get a life and realize that if you enjoy it, good for you but STOP boring the rest of us with it. The only good thing about the superbowl is discounts on groceries and funny commercials that I can see on the net the next day because I won't be watching TV that day.
I don't like sports either. They're boring. I don't know how people get so worked up about them, as in YOUR TEAM SUCKS!!! oh -here's something to do for fun: if you have a co-worker who becomes miserable when "his" team loses, go out and buy some souveneer of the team that beat his and post it where he works! it's funny!!!
Prince Charming
I hate sports. I always have and I always will. For fear of retaliation from my family, who are HUGE sportsfans, I choose to remain anonymous. You see, I am married to a man who literally worships sports. In the fall, I am a football widow. Between the U of M games, the Lions Games, and the countdown to Superbowl, I never have any quality time with my husband. Then, when Pistons Basketball is on, he is watching that too. Then Redwings Hockey comes along, then Tiger's baseball. Oh, and then there is soccer. In the summer, there is golf and tennis---can you say BORING! I hate being married to a sports junkie and no, I didn't know he was like this when we married---he wasn't honest and hid his addiction to sports. Also, keep in mind that that he watches and attends sporting event WHILE working around his Spring and Fall fishing and hunting trips as well. SPORTS SUCK! Also, I am SICK of sports interfering with my holiday dinners and events that I have worked hard to plan. Are there any REAL men out there who value more important things in life such as quality time with their families????
Two words come to my mind to describe this site...."THANK YOU!!!"
Tom C. <>
Sycamore, IL USA
I don't hate sports, I'm just not interested in them. I believe people should have the right to do whatever they want to, heck there's even people who voluntary take part in Big Brother and related TV-shows (it's most likely they are sportfans).
What really bothers me is the way media (and society) is treating sports. They are brainwashing the mentally less given people, by letting them believe "sports is good". This goes against the most fundaMENTAL parts of human rights.
the saddest thing is that, since there is big money involved, the gouvernment is encouraging all this. and willing to spend billions on: police protection - doping schandals - the building of stadiums which are incompatible with anything else then sports - bribe schandal lawsuits - broadcasting time on public radio and television. this last bit bothers me even more. all scheduled programs will have to step aside for "Emperor Sport". some shows are five hours delayed because they want to broadcast the game.....
-Everyone who asks me about sports, I usually give an embarrasing question in return.
EG: Do you like football?
-I'm sorry I have no idea what you are talking about. what is football?
Vik Van Os <>
Angera, VA Italy
you guys are the 3,971,753rd most visited site on the web.
U need to get more hits. Spread the message! Sports Suck!
JelloPlease <>
Littleton, CO USA
Sports, generally speaking, are Such a bore..! Essentially without any 'redeeming value'. The 'fans' are being deprived of a Lot of money, while the players and team owners are becoming ridiculously, excessively Rich..! All that money of course could be used for more reasonable things than watching silly 'games'..! People act as though these teams and players and games are Very important, as though they 'mean something'..! I don't think so..!
It's nice I suppose to play a game well, but are the fans being controlled and hustled and used by the promoters and the media mainly in order to make Lots of money through their silly games..!
Athletes and participants in sports are made to seem special and some kind of 'hero', but what kind of 'hero' is That..!?
To me sports are So meaningless, even annoying..! Who Cares how well the local team is doing, scores, standings, players, events, etc etc..
So what would occupy people's minds if it wasn't sports, sports, and more sports..? It's hard to say, but they'd have more money in their pockets (for gas, etc), and maybe they could donate a little to a worthy cause, one would like to think..
Paul I Edic (ee-dick) <>
Akron, OH US
Havent been here in an eternity hehe
JelloPlease <>
Denver, CO USA
haha computer buisness exactly, nerd.
Good to see some others with the same opinions as myself. And I think its so funny that losers who live and breath sports can only think of two things to insult us with. That we're all nerds or fags. Well number one, if disliking sports makes me a nerd, then I am a nerd, and a geek, and proud of it. I have a real life live in GF, my own computer business, and I have only myself to thank, not some love of "the team". Number two of course is, how so many people say sports haters are gay, yet have you watched sports I say to them. Sports are a bunch of same gendered people going against each other, the majority of the time touching and grabbing each other. Im sorry, but does that seem more then slightly homo-erotic to anyone else.... Eww...
With all the personal insults flying back and forth I can see that both sides of the sports spectrum have thier less than intelligent. I have never enjoyed watching or playing sports, I do lift weights and run but that is for my own personal health. The Superbowl was last night, the Patriots lost which means I will have to listen to everybody's disdain for the Giants all week at work and even worse going out for a beer after work will be fairly nauseating. People seem to think that they lost when thier team loses. It makes no difference in your life. Nothing changes, you don't lose money (unless you bet of course) it won't have any ill-effects on your life, so why are you upset about a game (it is just a game you know) played by seriously over payed jocks? Why do you care? How did they become heroes and celebrities by playing a game? I will never understand that. Why not pay, for example firemen, who are truly heroes the way a "pro" football player is paid? I guess I will never get it and that's fine with me. Oh, and by the way, I don't play video games, I don't live with my mom and I have no problem getting girls, so you'll have to come up with some new insults. Or you could just call me a fag, that seems to be about the mental level going on here.
Ugh, video games vs sports, who cares, just do what u want to do and stop argueing
Jello Please
see people! dont be like spammy here randomly posting meaningless insults, be logical, realize sports are useless, just like his random insults! join up and have intelligent discussions! :D
Canadian_Hockey_Hater <>
I love how he just keeps proving us right...
Canadian_Hockey_Hater <>
yeah um only girls can call me sammy not some fat cunt whore
You've pretty much proved his point there, didn't you, Sammy?
Barbara <>
Yeah Daniele i think you are a loser with no life so just shut the fuck up. i am better than u
Notice how those who dislike sports have some thought-out, intelligent or moral arguments, while those who like sports usually just shout out generic insults.
Kingston, Ontario Canada
we won as usual. i had a fucking blast with my football buddies and my gf after the game it was so awsome. u guys must be jelous though living your sad lives inside your moms basement playing videogames.
Ive got a big football game tomarrow, wish me luck fags
First of all I have a thing against sports because of all of the mascots,,,,, I am Native American and I find it offensive though they say they are changing that,,,, yeah we have heard promises before!!!! Secondly me and my girlfriend live with her parents and every time I turn around her mom is staring at some kind of sport like she is in heat or something,,,,maybe she just doesn t know there are other channels,,,,,,,,not. I find it silly that someone can spend that much time on brain rot,,,,that s it follow blindly robot. I HATE SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wolfs Robe <>
Piedmont, MO usa
I just love your site, I hate sport and I hate competition and I'd like God to see all this stupidity going on here on our planet, and that we'll not be obliged to support sports in our afterlife in heaven. Because it seems that God backs sport and the entire sports circus after all (everything they earn, everything they re entitled to in our stupid world society, etc).
(Aged 39, an entirely assumed Kurt Cobain fan and fulltime sports hater).
Augusto Correia <>
Porto, Portugal
You folks are SO right.
This website is amazing. Thank God I'm not the only sports-hater on the planet, cause it sure does feel that way sometimes.
"So, did you catch the game last night?" If I hear that one more time I'm gonna scream!
Thanks so much for the inspiration and the encouragement from your site. You guys are awesome!
Sports suck. :) Have an nice day.
yah i can tell that turning the O's to zeros is helping im starting to see less of that crap already...
Jello Please <>
The ads are an experiment to make this site pay for itself. Unfortunately we can't choose the ads. Google places them automatically based on some algorithm that is supposed to match the ads to the content of the page. It's not doing a very good job with our pages because it seems to think this is a sports page. I am trying to downplay the sports content of the pages by changing the "o" in sports to "0" (zeros) in the hope that it will fool the crawler. And adding commented out content that emphasizes things other than sports. I apologize for the off-topic ads and am working to fix them. Thanks for your patience. :)
Hey just wondering wtf was with those new adverts? i dont like seeing that guys chest everytime i scroll down the page... although im sure samdagaywad does... dont want to think about what he does to that picture....
Jello Please <>
Denver, CO
.... lol ... the sciency term for putang, more commonly know as pussy, im sure u've never seen one outside of a science book if u use a term like that. Dumbass.
Jello Please <>
btw i bet u dont know what a clitoris is! haha nerd!
dude who da fuck r u? I made that forum like months ago, and never used it please dont stalk me faggot.
check out SamdaSpaz's forum
it has tons of good information! NOT!!! it's a veritable wasteland of intellect.
Wow, yet another reason that proves samdaman is a dumbass. =P
PS: Canada Rules!
Jello Please <>
Thanks for the offer, Jello, but I don't have a MySpace account. But if I make one I'll take you up on that. :)
Yeah, nice sarcasim, but i have tons of friends, i dont know where you live but whereever you do, apparently you need a myspace to pretend to have friends... Im not going to waste my time telling you Im not a guy, since you'll probably just make more stereotypically assumtions about me hating sports so i must be a preppy girl whos afraid to break a nail or a fat loser with no friends, which is almost as much bullshit as you are... have fun sitting on your ass watching some movie and playing a game i've never heard of, enjoy your life dumbass
Canadian_Hockey_Hater <>
ok sure canada not having a myspace and hating sports means that you must have loads of friends. Chicks must dig a guy who plays world of warcraft or dungions and dragons all day long on his fat ass on his mom's house. Seriously I'm watching Mind of Mencia right now and ur making me laugh even harder than the show.
haha your an idiot, if i was mentally retarded such as you im sure i would make a myspace, but just because i dont have one dosn't mean i dont have plenty of friends, im hardly on the computer enough to make one anyways, because i have what normal people call a "life" unlike you who just bother people on a sports suck website because deep down in the pea brain of yours you secretly hate sports. i'd rather see my friends in real life then on a website.
Canadian_Hockey_Hater <>
hey ya little canadian faggot i bet u dont even have a myspace or any friends 4 dat matter haha!
WOOT to all the people who hate sports! you are the smart people of society!!! to those who are jerks enough to come on and spam our guestbook with nonesense and liking sports... haha...
Canadian_Hockey_Hater <>
nope they dont have myspace, they told me and they have no friends! haha!
Hey Ray and Skul, if you have myspace like samdagaywad says then ill be happy to add u:
Jello Please <>
Dude!! I just fuckin checked it and it's still fuckin set at: allow eveyone under 18 to view my profile, and why the fuck would i be scared of u?! lolz, u suck.. and its not cilt.
Jello Please
yes you did ur afraid of me!!! hahaah!!
Ru sure u were logged in? lol
Jello Please <>
Huh? No I didnt...
Jello Please <>
well jello faggot has given up. He made his myspace pro. private. what a loser he only had 10 friends on there lol. Haha!!! I won and hes jelous of my profile!!
just so rfay and skul faggots know im not at that plce anymore so if u wanna say somethin 2 me u gotta unban me otherwise i wont know what u fags said. btw ray dont lie r u afraid 2 call me casue u know that ill bash u into the ground? faGGOT!
uh yeah because im not always somewhere, im actually at my house sometimes. Also im not playing videogames all day long and i do other things while im on the computer like watch tv
Lol i was wondering what u'd do with that friend request lmao. Btw: For a jock u sure seem to be on your computer alot, lol
Jello Please <>
so goth boy only has 11 friends on his myspace, pretty funny. Well at least he HAS ONE unlike Ray and Skul who have not even one friend! This guys pretty pathetic though still: he tried to be my friedn cause he ahs none lol hilarious!!!
just wiondering more thing if u watch the simpsons do u get all pissed off whenever Homer or Bart play sports?
All u guys are faggots
Dude i saw ur myspace ur a fuckin nerd. U only have 11 friends? And u dont even post any real pics? WTF fag afraid to show ur real ugly goth face? And u think that playin videogames is tough? I seriously diont kow how this is even an arguement? Well at least u listen to ok music and are a Simpsons fan but still dude get some fuckin friends and a real life
Jello Please <>
Jocks/cheerleaders know nothing about life. If u'd rather jump all over other guys in a game of football go right ahead. I, however, prefer blasting heavy metal, makin out with a goth chick, and then folow up by playin some quality video games! And with no further ado.. why dont you run along and play a nice game of hide and go fuck yourself!im sure it meets your althetic demands. Peace out
Jello Please <>
and 4 Loner bitch i already know that you like 2 fuck guys u dont need 2 say so. Aslo i know u have no friends cause ur name is loner lol
also for the last fuckin time nerds are not rebels u guys r just teachers pets and probably would tell the cops if a jock was throeing a party with beer and pot casue u werent invited. Please
hey nerds dont be jelous cause you asked a cheerleader out and she turned you down cause shes not into videogames and u know that cheereladers are better than goth whores. Also wtf with that grammer kid how bout u goi get a fuckin life its not school nerd im not tryin 2 get a fuckin A cockman its on a computer do u ever im with friends? Do you even fuckin know what lol or omg mean? Jeseus christ just get some fuckin friedns i bet none of u bitchez dont even have a myspace just get some fuckin friends and a fuickin life.
Nobody that I know likes cheerleaders. They're as close to a caste system as you can get in America. They think they're better than everyone else. Just like the jocks who, in turn, think THEY'RE better than everyone else. After high school (if they're smart) they'll realize that they were nothing more than trained seals doing what the administrators wanted. for nothing. except a jacket! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha arf! arf! arf! stupid idiot cheerleaders!
none, none none
This is addressed to Sandman.
You sir are an idiot.
Learn some proper grammar, then come to a site bashing jocks like yourself and maybe you can have an somewhat intelligent ho-out.
Until then, I fucked your father, then had a snack.
What it was great fuckin ur goth cunt? Please cheerleaders are much hotter in every way and u know it, u just cant get one so u settle 4 goth whores
PS: last night waz great! Booya!
Jello Please <>
Happy Fourth!
Jello Please <>
If you call a pale face with 2 much black makeup sexy then go right fuckin ahead but if you want a woman with class I would suggest a cheerleader not some trampy whore goth bitch like ur whore gf. Dude i could kick ur ass and i bet ur gf could kick ur ass 2 cause ur a pussy. Just please shut da fuck up b4 I really embarrass you.
Damn dude get ur head outta ur moma's putang and start paying attention to what REAL sexy girls are like.. The only hot kind of blonde is a goth chick that dyed her hair blond. I bet ur mama's a cheerleader.. that would explain why you think they're so hot. Now if u excuse me im going to my gf's house (sexiest goth chick eva) to make out with her.. Disturbed in the background maybe... Oh and maybe after we'll play some quality video games! Anyway, have a nice life!
Jello Please <>
Denver, CO
Nerds who are in highschool do what they're mommy wants them 2 do: not play rough and tough games and stay inside playing gay videogames where its safe from mean jocks. Dude seriously just go fuck ur mom cause ur not a rebel in any way ur just a nerd who likes to play it safe. My parents have had no impact on what I do whatsoever and I do whatever the fuck I want 2 do. I bet ur parents dont let u go 2 any parties and i bet ur mom doesnt even let u have a gf what a fuckin nerd! And I really dont understand this whole thing with nerds wanting goth chicks, goths are the scum of the earth, there are very few goth chicks who are attractive, and the ones that u see in highschool are disgusting. Cheerleaders are sexy as hell, fun and hot and preppy I dont know how ur fag asses would perfer a chick with pale skin, wears too much black makeup, and ugly face over a tanned skin brown hair and brown eyes or light tanned skin blonde hair and blue eyes. Don't know, u guys are just really really fuckin weird and I seroiously think that you need professional help if you will ever get out of your dark gothic cave to do so and step out into the light of reality.
Jocks who play sports in high school are boring. They're the kind of guys who do what their mom and dad tells them to. They play football because their dad wants them to. Cheerleaders are the same way. They're good girls who do exactly what their parents want. BORING! Give me a goth or hippee chick anytime!! So keep crying, SAMDABITCH --OR JOIN US and grow up!!
Cool & Dat <>
Albany, GA USA
oh yeah one more thing if ur goth i bet u cut urself casue you hate life and jocks pick on you everyday @ school. Just go crawl in a hole bitch, everybody does hate u!!! HAHA i pick on goths and nerds all da time and ur both, so im takin down 2 @ once!!!
Besides even most goth chicks dont play games, only the real fat and ugly ones do, and theyre probably the best that u can get. OH BEAT DAT BITCH!!!
k so letme get dis now ur half goth and half nerd? Dude goth chicks r creepy(exept 4 Christine Dolce but i bet u dont know who the fuck she is since nerds dont have myspace) Why dont u like hot cheerleaders fag? U'd rather watch some videogame girl strip 4 u. How about you get off ur videogame playin fag azz and man up and not cry because i could kick da shit out of u on the football field. Peace Out motherfucker
Oh and i 4got to add: the only porn i look at is suicide girls (dot com)! OHHH YAH!! I dont even WANT to know what you look at, being a gay sports fan such as yourself. Peace Out!
Jello Please <>
Damn dude i dont care for cheerleader whores. Goth chicks are so much sexier, play games, and hate sports! Thats my kinda chick, baby. And if that chick happens to be computer animated.. ill jack off to my TV!! Beat That OH!
Jello Please <>
wow this kid is an example of one of you nerd faggots. He would rather like to see some computer generated elf chick then an actual cheerleader wearing a sexy outfit. Ya gotta be shittin me! I always wondered who jerked off to animae porn and now I know that its the fuckin nerds. And yeah I'd rather watch a game of football where people gettin pummeled into the ground and makin kick ass plays then have two fairies and dwarves with swords cut eachother up in some fag enchanted forest. Thank you very much fags!
Geez sports are sure pointless. Video games are the way! Hell, the closest thing to a sport i play is Soul Calibur 3! Football is just big buff guys wearing tights and manhandling eachother. Boxing.. guys in skinpy underwear fighting over a belt and a purse!! Sports are so gay. Video games are so straight. I mean watching a hot chick in a chainmail bra running around stabbing ppl. What would you guys rather do? Personally for me i take the video games. Peace Out!
Jello Please <>
Denver , CO USA
me again, I just wanted to say farewell and take care. I'm not angry at you my friends, ill be nice to u guys, im sure that societl gives u enough poain alone so ill help u guys outn and be your friend. Unless u want to email me then I suppose its goodbye to u guys, u guys r awesome, Ray, Skul, Abitagirl, Fritz, and of coures Yo_joe!!! Its ok I knowthat u guys dont know what a clit is or have no friends on myspace but I will be your friends so farewell my friends and take care!!!
Goodbye, Sam
gey fags u know that I can easily get back on here. It wont be by me begging though but u guys actuilaay like me on here, Ray even addimtted so. U guys will be so fucking board on here that u will beg for me 2 cum back. Her's my email if u "my friends" ever want 2 say hi 2 me again!!!
Samdaman <>
Sorry i forgot to add, I saw in the news that, some sportsfans become rowdy! Like in wrestling, they copy the moves and get hurt! In my Taekwondo class, I'm a red belt and when I see the parents waiting for their kids outside, I see that my classmates little brothers and sisters are copying the moves we do! FYI, these are done by pros like me. Don't try them without being trained. [By the way, sorry in my last comment. I'm in Taekwondo not in Karate, my annoying little sister, Mimi must have typed that when I was in the shower. SPORTS SUCK!!!!! Oh yeah for all of you Filipinos in this site, Gloria resign!
Joshua Flores <>
Quezon City, Philippines
Sports suck alot! I have to admit I only like martial arts cause I do Karate. But those team sports suck! They make you dirty and cause diseases and fractures. I notice in my class, the kids who play sports more than study, fail! Getting F's, repeating the grade level, and most of them become bullies [Especially the ones who are in the American Football Club.] Me, I'm in the music club. I love classical music and I am very good in piano.
Joshua Flores <>
Quezon City, Philippines
I HATE SPORTS!!!! SPORTS SUCK!!!! Sports are made for teamwork and all but the result of this so called "teamwork" is turning out to be a popularity contest!!!! Am I right or am I right?? Geez....I really don't get how people can talk all day about sports!! I don't understand how people can even sit back and watch sports 24/7!! Well, it might be true that sports is fun for some people, but watching other people play is just sick....I sometimes watch games....but it's because I personally know someone playing in that team....but channels like ESPN etc., THEY MAKE ME SICK!!!! BARF BARF BARF BARF PUKE....
Gilbert Que <>
Manila, NCR Philippines
I can't believe all the big fuckin fuss about these sports fans. I'm from Pittsburgh and everybody always talks about the idiot steelers winning the superbowl couple years back. There losers need to stop worshipping men wearing tight pants in a stadium (an idiot-base i call it) and help real people with real problems.
For those of you who are complaining about how we hate sports, we have the right to hate or like anything seeing that you hate us hating sports. Oh and by the way, we're not lazy, fat, or obese; there ARE other ways to get exercise(such as jogging and working out in the weight room). Just because one person doesn't play sports, doesn't mean they REPRESENT the entire population of hating sports.
I hate sports for very good reasons, if you think it's not THAT bad being on a team full of idiots, that's because people respect you for being good at them.
-People are complete asses, they get all power-hungry and think they're better than everyone.
-They get all the attention.
-People disrespect me and refuse to be on a team with me, just because I'm not good. Oh heck I'm not even anti-social and I try to play as much as I can!
And pretty much of what the articles on this site says.
Anonymous <>
I hate it when the high school sports get more attention than any thing else. Come on it's like your nobody if you do not play a sport in this high school. I was about to go crazy when they showed school football movies during lunch time. Yeah, they go all out for football sometimes basketball and baseball too.
LaPorte, IN USA
Oh my freakin god yall, sports were disigned for temwork, thinking, after school activities, and mopst of all, to keep fit. im sure that all you sports hater are all over weight and suck at them when you tried, but that doesnt mean you need to be all pissy about them. sports keep you in shape and they are good for your soul, like...... you can help people and use team work no fucking DUH!!! you all are idiot and morons. you dont have to hate sports, you can judt not like em. but making a whole website dedicated to them,? we all know what you dumbasses do in your free time. lazy asses.
Sports Lover
Boerne, Tx America
Look at the state of this sports bore. Hey, how ignorant are YOU!? The only reason (the ONLY reason?) we hate sports is because we can't play? What the hell kind of bullshit is that? You're wrong. Yup, you're wrong. You are.
You're a complete moron who doesn't listen to logic or the truth. Go watch gays in skimpy outfits chase a ball around.
Heh. Sports bore... you suck balls, man... I'm better than you... no, shhh, shhh don't argue, just face the facts....
Skul <>
Glasgow, Scotland
How ignorant are you people. The only reason you hate sports is because you cant play. If you could you wouldnt be so pissed about this. Its not our fault you got picked last or not at all. If you worked at it then that wouldnt happen. I feel sorry for all of you that you have no life or think playing world of warcraft is a fun time. Screw all of you!!!
Screw you all!!! <>
Cuba, NY USA
Senator Bennett of Florida shares your concerns about taxpayers being bilked to support sports franchises. He is planning to introduce a bill proposing that the voters decide whether a new statdium be funded by tax dollars or tax rebates. Please see attached press release.
press release
Tallahasse, FL USA
If you'd like to join the FOX viewer panel so that you can answer surveys on what you'd like to see on TV, just fill in the form at this link.
That must be hell, working with a bunch of half-wits. It must take an amazing imagination to be able to write interesting copy about sports. I mean, just how much can you say about, "he ran and he caught the ball! yayyyyyy!!"
I am a sports copy editor at a newspaper, and I hate sports. Seriously. It bores the crap out of me, and I can't stand the people involved (coaches, fans, parents, players, et al).
American football is a game in which men dressed as astronauts jump on each other during the intervals between tv commercials: Welcome to Wrigleys Spearmint Gum Stadium where it's a great day for the game - but first a word from our sponsor!
Pee Wee <>
Hirosaki, Japan
I agree sports do suck except (wrestling)i mean omg most athletes are retarded
Barbara, you should try living in Orlando about now! The Gators, which I think is a college team, just won a superbowl or something --some kind of national title --and the whole damn state is walking around proud as peaches --as if THEY were the ones who pulled off this miraculous "accomplishment"! And walkin' around like this making alligator jaw motions with their arms! It's INSANO!!
Orlando, FL USA
Sports, UGH! I live about an hour north of New Orleans, which has a pro-football team that seems destined to make it to the Superbowl, and the hype is TERRIBLE, and impossible to escape. Everybody is so damned emotional about a football team, like it's so vastly important. I am so tired of hearing about it! How about getting excited over something worthwhile? (Calgon, take me away!)
Barbara <>
You mean I'm not alone? Thank you for having this site. I always felt like I was the only person who hated sports.
Mark K
We better becareful you Nerds might want your dorms back by winning the homecoming carnival. NERDS! NERDS! NERDS! NERDS!
Jim Rome <>
Soutern, CA
This site is great.I hate sports so much that I'd rather rip my intestines out , than hear about them.Its a waste of time to play or watch sports, when we all could be wondering about our current position:Global Warming.OMG i hat sports more than Death!
Courtney O'Brien <>
Saint John, NB Canada
This site is great! I am so sick of sports (professional mostly) being shoved down my throat. Professional sports are stupid! They're a HUGE time-waster- each game is up to 3 hours! What a waste of time!
anthony despain <>
Westminster, co usa
I'm glad I found your site. I'm not a sports fan (except wakeboarding/skiing), and I despise football. I get tired of half the conversations with clients, staff, vendors and my partner being domineered by football. I never watch it, don't know the rules of the game, don't know any of the players and don't want too. I Despise it!!! Thank you for starting a site where sport haters (specifically football for me), can vent.
David L.
I have played basketball my whole life but the truth is sports really suck. Professional athletes are just a bunch of overpaid crybabies with nothing better to do. Thanks for your site!!
Frank Billings <>
Portland, ME USA
I wish I had discovered this site sooner. I have hated sports since I was a child (I'm 32 now) and have often caught flack for it. I'm glad to see that there are others out there who feel the same way I do.
Matt <>
Tallapoosa, GA USA
I hate sports too.
Greenville, SC
I love this site, I am so sick of these stupid sports fans who are complete morons! I am so glad I'm not the only one! There is this kid in front of my in my math class (I'm in high school) who always wears the calgary flames shirt and I feel like killing him! Gr... I hate all sports teams. I love this site though!
Calgary, Canada
I am so glad i found this page...all of my friends love sports..and throughout my entire life i have always hated sports, even when i use to play them as a child, i just found it so pointless...Sports are the pointless and its all about money nowdays anyways. Go read a book or write some poetry or build a house do a painting, something meaningful rather than drinking beer all fucking day and watch abunch of dudes jump on each other like a bunch of fucking fruitcakes...and that is all... FUCK SPORTS!! WOOT!
TheLoner <>
Cincinnati, OH USA
I am so glad i found this page...all of my friends love sports..and throughout my entire life i have always hated sports, even when i use to play them as a child, i just found it so pointless...Sports are the pointless and its all about money nowdays anyways. Go read a book or write some poetry or build a house do a painting, something meaningful rather than drinking beer all fucking day and watch abunch of dudes jump on each other like a bunch of fucking fruitcakes...and that is all... FUCK SPORTS!! WOOT!
TheLoner <>
Cincinnati, OH USA
Well said, Curtis. I think that sports fans consist almost entirely of those non-thinking citizens.
Stone Mountain, GA
Living in the cultural backwater known as Arkansas, I was relieved to discover that there are others who feel as I do. Seems to me that sports in general are akin to religion in that one need not think too much to follow it. School test scores are at an all time low in my state while educational institutions are spending millions on athelitic programs. Our priorities are misplaced at best. Or are they? Someone infamous once said: "How fortunate for governments that people do not think."
Curtis Smith
I agree with you all that there is too much sports on TV not to mention that as a cable subscriber I am forced to subsidize this crap! Here in Atlanta, on my cable, we have Fox Sports, South Turner South - Mostly sports ESPN U - (University sports) Comcast Sports South OLN The Tennis Channel Fox Sports World The NFL Network The Falcons Channel The Braves Channel --not to mention the Pay Per View channels for every sport. And I know there are a few more I've forgotten. Cable programmers, if you're listening, PLEASE get this crap off my cable and make the sports fans PAY to watch it!
Ever wonder why there's an education crisis in this country? People love to say it's because of class size or that the teachers aren't making enough money or that illegal aliens who can't speak english are slowing things down. But the real reason is that mandatory and extracurricular sports absorb funds and attention that would be better spent in the classroom! Yep, sports are making our nation dumber. Most other countries do not share our unnatural obsession with competitive sports and use their tax funds to better educate their citizens and prepare for the future. This is why all the tech jobs are going to Asia. Because too much time is wasted on sports in school! Wake up, America!!
Please visit the anti-soccer site at It is hilarious.
Hoboken, NY USA
Greetings! I just found about this site and I have to say: You have my total support! I, too, have grown to hate sports during my youth when at school we were forced to play team sports. Physical "education" was nothing more than means for the bullies and other sadists to mock and beat those who were less enthusiastic about sports. The official purpose of P.E was to encourage everyone to actively pursue some form of physical activity. Total and complete BS. Even the teachers did their best in crushing the motivation and self-appreciation of those who did much better in more intellectual subjects. I remember that most embarassing aspect was when we had to form teams. Two would be selected (by the teachers) as captains, who then picked up players for their team, and it always ended in the teams fighting over who HAS to take the remaining, less qualified players into their team. Anyway, keep up the good work, and spread the word! I shall continue with my anti-sport agenda here in Finland, where ice hockey has been elevated to godhood, in hopes of a better tomorrow for all of us, and especially the children, who are in danger of being thrust to suicide by jocks.
Lord Boredom <>
Oulu, Finland
Hallo, A poll of 2,000 people conducted recently by Germany's BAT polling institute found that 34 percent of women and 21 percent of men are not interested in the world's biggest sporting event. It has motivated Stephan Barbarino, a theatre director from Munich, to launch an initiative called "Football-Free Zone" with publisher Karl-Heinz Schwaiger. Their website ( comes to the rescue of accidental World Cup tourists who just happen to be in the country during the June 9 to July 9 event.
Stuttgart, BW GE
Right behind this site! Agree with just about all the sentiments expressed. Will be back!
It is good to know that some kindred souls exist. Over the years my hatred of sports has softened to a profound dis-interest and indifference. As Ceasar said "Bread and Circuses".
almost every sport sucks... only one decent sport has every hit this world and that is mountain biking and only because its fast and an adrenaline rush. It doesnt take over our tv's like all these worthless sports...
Cornwall, UK UK
check out this link! Bullies For Hire
New Jersey, NJ USA
Nah, you're not alone. There's lots of us who don't like sports. It's just that somehow, not liking sports got to be a kind of thing that guys are afraid to admit --don't ask me why. Somewhere along the line, people started considering sports as manly and essential --to the point that they fiercely insisted that everyone like sports --as if their self-worth depended on it. But speaking just for me, I've had enough. I'm a regular guy and I don't give a damn for watching other people play ball. I'd rather drink a glass of ajax than watch one minute of the World Cup!
I hate all sport, but football makes me sick Here we go again, the poxy 2006 world cup is here. Already everyone has started going on about it. It won t be long before we here the phrase s spirit of 66 England expects every man etc Please shut up. Once again we re subjected to the Nietzschean herd mentality in all it s stupidity, pubs full of baying halfwit s and endless execrable media coverage. I love it when England go out early, I hope they lose shamefully every time. If they win, I still wouldn t care anyway. Muppets the lot of them. Good result for us last night mate! some chump will say to me, was it really I ve hated sport since I was 5 and I ll do what I ve always done, ignore it. Good website, nice to know I m not alone.
Fred Gruder
hmmm... a symbol that captures the wide and varied essence of common sense. What could it be...
A universal symbol for sports-haters... that's a good idea. But what? What could symbolize our total disinterest in sports?
Firstly, how sweet it was to see the sports stadium tear down. It would be great for someone to come up with a really attractive anti-sport symbol that is universally recognizable like the smiley face. Something that an anti-sport person can wear as a badge of honour, and offcourse fashionable. Byan
b de silva
Perth, WA Australia
You wanna know what MY pet peeve is? NASCAR. Did I say that right? I mean, first of all, it's not even a sport. Not that being a sport would help its status any. I don't like watching any kind of sports anyway. But there are millions of people who PAY money to sit in the stands and watch cars drive around in a CIRCLE!! What the hell is THAT about? What kind of dumb bastard would pay money to watch cars drive around in circles when they could come stand on the corner by the highway and watch cars go by for free! Stupid! And what about all these cars with the number EIGHT pasted in their window? What does that mean? I figure it means they're really into NAPCAR but I must have that wrong because generally these son of a bitches is driving slower than everybody else and holding up traffic! Anyway, if u luv NAPCAR u is stoopid! Thansk and you have a great website here. Please keep it up.
Thanks, Lauren. We feel the same way. It feels great to stay in shape and there's nothing wrong with boxing. It's like you say --the twisted devotion to sports --the use of sports to define a person's status --that we hate.
Please visit and help stop Sean from watching sports!
Actually, I don't hate sports themselves (I enjoy boxing) rather the emphasis that my country places on them...A country where sports achievements are valued over literary and artistic accomplishments. So, I like your site. Keep it up.
Enfield, CT 06082
NEW RULE: If you need to shave and you still collect baseball cards, you're a dope. If you're a kid, the cards are keepsakes of your childhood idols. If you're a grown man, they're pictures of other men.
Apache Junction, Az USA
NEW RULE: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn.
Apache Junction, Az USA
I'm a red blooded american male, and I HATE sports, sports of all kinds. It's terrible how these dullards in the pro sports are held up as HEROES!!, hero is thrown around all to easily when it is applied to a low IQ hulk who has trouble putting two words together and is too busy shoving coke up his nose to sign autographs for his adoring little fans! This site is great! Thanks
Dallas, TX USA
Let it be known, many Australians loathe competitive sports!
Pip Wilson
Flash! Attendance at college sports events DOWN 40%!! Flash! People getting smarter!;=030306
Time Warner says no to airing Dodgers Games! No to airing Angels games! Can Time Warner be coming to their senses?! You read it here first!
Time Warner
Let's hear it once again for the great character building obtained from playing sports!!!!!! ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- Lamar Owens, quarterback of Navy's 2005 football squad, has been charged with raping a female midshipmen last month in her dormitory room, the academy announced Wednesday.
I gave up on sports around age 12 and grew up. Life is too short to be subjected to a bunch of has-beens, never-was, never-will-be's go insane when a ballgame, race, or whatever comes on TV and insist on me or anyone else get involved. The only thing worse I can come up with is being made to work a televised sporting event by the local sports-wacko faction. We work in a facility that isn't really set for that and most of the normal people aren't either. The wackos work the game for the good freelance money and us salary slaves get scale. They show off to look good and the normal people who didn't want to get involved are made to look bad because they don't have years of experience. Just another reason. Ty
Ty <>
Columbia, SC USA
Sports do suck they are pointless. OOOO a ball lets go chase it then bring it to the other side of a field YAYYY. Sports are for fags with no life. Learn to use a computer.
Batman <>
N/a, N/a N/a
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way !!
Ron Tickle <>
Winston Salem, NC United States
Yeah, that's when I go to the barbershop --on gameday. 'Cause it's never crowded. All the sports fans have their asses glued to the couch.
How about making that radio broadcast a podcast that I can download to my iPod? It would be great to listen to when I jog during the super bowl. I only look forward to the super bowl because there will be no lines at my favorite eating establishments or the gym.
As of right now, I am skipping my wrestling practice for the fifth time this month. The reason I began playing sports in the first place was to better my resume' for college. What I discovered was that all the steriotypical hazing, bullying, pointless excitement, and useless skills of high school sports are completely true. I am sick of watching how big the underclassmen get on steroids (yes, un derclassmen) and i dont believe in starving myself so that i can wake up at five AM to drive four hours to wrestle five times while risking serious injury all for the name of my school. The way pro sports fans stand by their logo and scream and torch cars for a picture reminds me of something called facism. Everytime the simpsons are cancelled for nascar or the red sox i want to torch fox studios. Keep up the good work
JK <>
nashua, NH United States
I hate sports....really alot
eleni <>
A radio commentary on how much sports BLOW?! I can't think of a more pertinent and timely topic! :) Good idea! We is all behind you, brother.
The Seattle Seahawks won something this weekend - the Legislature is also meeting in this state with more problems than we can imagine - but all we hear about is that stupid football team! It is all I can do to keep from tossing a brick thru the TV at those smiling perky talking heads! - yuk. I googled your site because I do a radio commentary and the next one will be on "sports suck!" Good info - Thanks
Liam Johnston <>
Tacoma, WA USA
Ray-- I certainly will! :-) One suggestion: put a link to it on the main page. Some people might not scroll all the way thru the "stuff" page, and thus may never see it. Thanks for this site btw!
RaleighRob <>
Raleigh, NC USA
well. im sorry. i really couldnt be bothered reading it,
Hi Raleigh Rob! It was a good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself! And it was easy to set up. I tried to e-mail you to see if you had any suggestions for the software but your e-mail address didn't work so I just surfed around 'til I found this one. It's easy to set up --I recommend it if you have a site. Now you have to help get it going! :)
To alistair if you fully read my last comment that is pretty much what I just said but thanks for taking the time to paraphrase it for me. However, I would like to note that in all reality sports don't interest me in any way shape or form. While I don't necessarily hate them I cannot say that I like them either.
Alistair, No offense, but that's what he just said.
to the comment two below. THE LONG COMMENT. the way I understand a lot of the comments on this site is: you dont hate sports. you hate the loud, incoherent fans who pray to their sporting icons. those are the people you hate. and with the money side of your comment. I agree that teachers nurses etc. should be paid more, but you can be advised that this will never happen, and the more you worry about it. the more you will make yourself believe that you hate sports, I REPEAT: you dont hate sports, you hate the fans, the jocks who made you feel small and insignificant. fans who laugh at you for liking star trek, those are the people you hate
alistair davidson
Holy crap! Y'all took my suggestion to add a BBS-type forum site and you did it! I was just scrolling thru the site and saw the link for it. wow. Thanks. I hope to see everyone there!
Raleigh, NC USA
For those of you who hate the sports suck name just remember that www.most sports in the world with the exception of a would probably be a bit long for a website name. Most people on here would have no real objection to sports at all if it wasn't pushed on you at every chance people get. I personally get so tired of hearing people at my office talk about whatever game was played the night before. Then, they go on for a half hour or so about a "fantasy" football league. It's not even real and you cannot get them to shut up about it. We can't tell you how many times our favorite shows on television were pre-empted because they were showing some game. How fair is that to the loyal viewer of a show when the network says "screw you, we're putting on a baseball game."? Then, so many commercials are based off of sports. Just this afternoon I saw a Comcast Cable commercial about all the sports channels they offer (as I rolled my eyes), a beer commercial about how it helps you enjoy the game (rolls eyes again), and I saw a McDonalds commercial about painting your face for a sporting event. All of these commercials were in a 20 minutes span. You cannot even get away from it even if you try. I could go on because this is just the tip of the iceberg. Tell someone you don't like sports and see what response you get. Then, there are so many other issues such as how we value sports performance over academic performance, how sports "professionals" get paid so much more than nurses and teachers (yeah, that seems right), how sports are supposed to build character but when you read the news all you see is how they get in trouble with the law for bad behavior and drug charges, and so many other things not even listed here. The mentality that sports is the only important thing that one can have in their lives is truly what we are fighting against. If you like sports that is great but many of us are sick and tired of hearing about it every waking second. Some of us prefer to pursue other endeavors in our life but don't feel the need to shove it in your face. Many of us would just like for that courtesy to be returned. I personally love Star Trek but I don't expect you to like it. Furthermore, I respect your decision not to like it but most sports fans do not offer that olive branch. You only receive snide remarks if you indicate to people that you don't enjoy the same things that they do. This attitude that "sports is life" is really what most of us have a problem with. If you love to play hackey sack then please go ahead but don't take our dislike of sports personally. We would just like non sports fans to be treated with dignity and respect. If you think that nonsports people are treated with respect then read some of the entries in this guest book. This guestbook alone easily shows the attitude that we are fighting against. So, please read the entries and then ask us again if we are crazy.
ok well thats understandable. but my sport is snooker and there is in no way mindless hooliganists involved in the pro circuit
If you can understand how football is hated but not YOUR favorite sport, you're a typical sports fan and will never understand. We, of course, don't hate EVERY sport --we believe physical activity is good --but we hate ALL professional, team sports because of the shameless commercialism, mindless fandom (insert yourself here), associated hooliganism, and most of all because of the sheep mentality required to participate. We are capable of living our own lives and making our own accomplishments, while the average sports fan is not and must claim the achiements of "his" team. So Sports Suck is an appropriate name for this site --yes, there are exceptions --read our position statement. And yes, sports IS a big part of some societies --that's the problem. But some of us don't like it and never will. We're sick of loud-mouthed sports fans who bore us with continuous sports babble! We're tired of being stared at in disbelief when we say we don't watch sports! Sports are for social cripples and bullies. ok.. interesting site. i can see why football is hated. understandable, but why say. SPORT SUCKS. thats idiotic. sport is a big part of every society and why should you target all sports. you dont know every sport there is, and what happens when u find a sport that you actually like??? what will happen to this site?
ok.. interesting site. i can see why football is hated. understandable, but why say. SPORT SUCKS. thats idiotic. sport is a big part of every society and why should you target all sports. you dont know every sport there is, and what happens when u find a sport that you actually like??? what will happen to this site?
sports inthusiest
Hey, I love this site, and this guestbook is great and all...but have any of the site owners ever thought of putting up a BBS of some sort. Just a simple bulletin system where folks can start threads on topics of discussion relevant to this site...and get to know one another and make friends too! Just a thought. ;-)
Raleigh, NC USA
I just read about a former Ohio State star being charged on aggravated robbery charges. So, these are the role models for the youth of America. Yeah, Sports teach you so much and we should look up to those who play them. So, now that we have that myth out of the way what else do the sports nuts want us to debunk?
chicago, il
i hate sports big time, im finally happy now that ive found sports haters like me. and too the stupid sports fans who come on here and say stuff about you guys"you need to get thehell away from us and go back to your crappy super bowl or what ever!" why are they here anyway, good job on the sight, sports suck
zack <>
fort worth, texas usa
To "Athlete who hates sports"...welcome! I think even the most hard-core sports hater will applaud anyone's efforts to get fit and healthy in diverse ways. Running, lifting weights, bicycling...these are things to improve a person's health and image. Not necessarily to "beat" someone and try to build your ego. As I mention below, it's a major shame it has taken public school Phys Ed instructors so freakin' long to realize that!
Raleigh, NC
An indication that network execs are paying attention to the polls --Monday Night Football has been booted off ABC and moved to ESPN where we never have to see it again! Viewer polls have shown a declining percentage of Americans watch professional sports, including football, and ABC is trying to bolster their ratings by replacing sports coverage with top selling shows like Lost, The Bachelor, Wife Swap, NYPD Blue, and Extreme Makeover. Good job, ABC!!
I just hate sports. That's all.
A. Sherman <>
It is pleasing to see a web site like this. I think what separates me from most others here (seemingly) is that I am very lean, muscular and athletic, however I have no use for team sports or the insipid "culture" surrounding it. I am athletic because I do a lot of jogging, I use a road bicycle for transportation, and I do a lot of independent strength training - primarily for health and functional reasons. I'm in a strange position, because my physique makes people REALLY think that I'm into their whole sports fanaticism. However, my impression of team sports has always been that they are a breeding ground for people with baseless vanity (And I've had a few run-ins with many of these tards where I outran them or deflated their egos with my own strength, heheh - so much for much of their superior athletic ability). They think they are special because they can toss balls around certain ways or some other mundane skill that is ridiculously easy - sports "strategy" (football) is a pitiful joke in how absurdly easy it is. Never mind that I find team sports to be horifically BORING, even if the people who played them were of better character. There are many healthier ways to be athletic, and team sports sure as hell isn't one of them in my worldview.
Athlete who hates sports <>
the running theme through all of these sites is your dislike of loud, obnoxious fans of sporting events and teams. You don't hate sports. you hate sports fans.
howard cosell <>
charlotte, NC
this is a funny site. i hate sports too but i think we should remember that our goal is to make not liking sports as acceptable as not liking northern turnips. because i think that most people don't really hate sports fans. what they hate is the reaction they get when people discover they don't know anything about sports. and don't care to know anything. so, for that reason, i suggest a gentle reproach or just openly admitting a dislike for sports. as it becomes more common, it will become less shocking to sports fans. to get mad or to rant about sports fans risks the michael moore effect. look what happened to michael moore and all his democrat friends. they were so mad and sarcastic and abrasive they caused everyone or most people to vote for the republicans. in the same way, if we all are too abrasive when we talk about sports fans, we may drive them to like sports even more! for that reason, i encourage a mild, non-committal rejection of sports.
Well said. I can't stand listening to incredibly boring sports talk. I don't watch sports and don't know anything about them. And I'm a regular guy --with a brain.
Pasadena, CA USA
Many sports fans signed and complained about how many of us hate sports. Why does it offend you so much? For that matter why are you on here even commenting? There are thousands of sports boards for you to leave comments on and you are here? Why do you feel people who dislike sports are such a threat to you? It sounds like you have some deeper issues that you really should deal with before you try and post here next time. If you doubt there is a sports bias try this. When someone asks you if you watched the game last night. Tell them no and that you don't like sports. You might be suprised what sort of response you get. It isn't pretty. Most people look at your like you just killed their puppy. The puppy look is the best case scenario because most people will try and argue with you. They just can't comprehend that someone might not actually like sitting in front of a television, for hours on end, watching guys throw a ball to each other over and over again. If you like sports, that's great, but could you leave the rest of us alone that happen not to like the same things that you do. Remember there are plenty of boards out there to post messages about your unusual love about sports on.
Chicago, IL USA
God, I can't believe front page news and headlines on TV is all about this baseball player who's getting a deal for like $52 million dollars! I still can never understand why an athlete should ever, ever, get paid more than a doctor. (Hell, more than a librarian, for that matter!) What I did find funny was that the owner of his new team is making him cut his hair and shave his beard because they prefer their athletes to be "clean cut" instead of looking like a hippy. Puh-leeze...jocks who aren't cleancut are probably the only ones that will ever get an ounce of respect from me. At least they have a hint of anti-conformist in them!
Raleigh, NC USA
these other people who say sprots rulls on here are idiots, if they like sports so much, then why the hell are they on here. Jocks and sports must be destoried, so should gangs. but mostly sports. im a nerd and proud. SPORTS SUCKS!!!
zach <>
Houston, texas usa
If you do have a 4.0 grade average, it's a sad indication of the quality of our education system. >>Sports are the best thing that ever happened. Its not our >>fault that you guys and girls just suck at them and have >>to complain about them. and after reading some posts >>about us being stupid. well i play hockey and am on the >>road every weekend, going to different states, and still >>hold a 4.0 average, and i dont play for my school. thank >>you shut up
The comparison is of behaviors. Kids who can't do well in school are channeled toward something they CAN do: sports. And, because of the encouragement they receive in school, they develop an unreasonable idea of how important sports are.
Charleston, WV
I cannot believe anyone could compare the Special Olympics with commercialized competitive team sports, and keep a straight face! That's like comparing a nonprofit shelter with a multi-million dollar housing developer!
Raleigh, NC USA
Okay just to get this strait with everyone i don't exactly hate sports. I do play sports because it is good for you, like skateboarding and skiing and paintballing. But when you yell and scream violently in sports like hockey and football i don't get the fucking point. So what I'm really trying to say is I HATE JOCKS and with a passion!! Go to hell and stay there you MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
Anti Jock <>
Deloraine, MB Canada
Sports are the best thing that ever happened. Its not our fault that you guys and girls just suck at them and have to complain about them. and after reading some posts about us being stupid. well i play hockey and am on the road every weekend, going to different states, and still hold a 4.0 average, and i dont play for my school. thank you shut up.
United states
I have nothing against para olympians,but have total contempt for the greedy idiots in pro sports and the sheep that follow them. Sport in England was better when it was amateur and not shoved down your throat every minute. Hey, I quite like the Olympics , where you have people who spend all their savings to do judo or shooting for their country, but despise guys who demand millions of pounds just to kick a ball about.
Glenn <>
I do see your point and I agree that sports are a complete waste of time but I don't think you really understand what sports mean to sports fans. I don't think you understand what sports represents to them. Some people are born without skills or talent. Learning doesn't come easily to them, they are academically challenged and can't compete in school. These poor kids would be total losers if the school system didn't give these unfortunates SOMETHING they could do. Enter sports here. Ever watch a special olympics event where kids are praised for their achievements? It's the same thing. When kids can't do well in school, they're guided toward sports to help their self-esteem. And then they grow up with the totally backwards idea that sports are important and academics, less so. But who can blame them? The school system encouraged it and the sports fan isn't capable of realizing his failings himself.
I really can't decide whether this site is satire or not... At times it seems dead serious, then some ideal comes up that is too ignorant to take seriously. I'm going to go with satire...
Target <>
Can it really be? The end of legalised homo-sadism in schools? I hope it's true but if the coaches are out of a job, where will they go next? Bullies aren't welcome anywhere else.
CNN's website had an article today boasting that more and more Physical Education courses in high schools are stressing health and fitness instead of competitive sports...including fitness activities like walking, archery, dance, fishing, yoga, etc. Finally! (Another reason why I think I was born a decade too early.) I mean, this is common sense to me...yet it seems to only now hit the mainstream. And it's so obvious the students are getting more from health and fitness activities than competitive sports. Maybe our society is finally getting a tad bit sane again.
Raleigh, NC USA
Hey Owen, we went on strike when I was in high school in the eighties about compulsory games. It didn't achieve a great deal, but they knew there was a hard core of us who refused to take part and left us alone despite using threats about refusing to give us references for jobs and further education.
Glenn <>
The only way to stop this self-perpetuating ignorance is to BAN sports from schools! Break the cycle of ignorance! Just because your parents were subjected to it doesn't mean YOU have to be! Make America a better place for your children. BAN SPORTS FROM SCHOOL!
Tragically Hip Owen
Allentown, PA USA!
Ray Generally speaking martial arts aren't tainted by money and television coverage is rare in Britain( olympic judo is as much as we get.)The whole martial arts culture is one of supression of ego, certainly someone who loses a judo contest wouldn't scream abuse at his/her opponent or attack their opponent, which seems to be happening more and more in pro sports. I was talking to an old friend the other day who trained in judo and aikijitsu and he told me the same thing: he'd rather sit on a bus full of martial artists than a rugby team.
Glenn <>
Hi Glenn, I used to visit the dojo too. But it's been a while and I can't really remember if anyone ever talked about sports. But I don't think so. I wouldn't have stayed in it as long as I did if they did. The kind of people into martial arts, in my experience, are smart and well-adjusted and take responsibility for their actions. They're not the type to live vicariously through the actions of some over-paid jock. Sports fans, on the other hand, DO define their lives by how well OTHER people do. When "their" team wins, they're on top of the world. When it loses, they're in the depths of depression. We should have sympathy for such simple-minded brutes.
I used to do martial arts and believe me most of the people that did MAs either disliked or weren't interested in stupid pro sports. I know for a fact most martial artists never get paid for competing in tournaments and would never dream of asking for payment. Unlike ball games.
Glenn <>
29 Oct 2005
I hate every thing about sports. Except that it's possible that sports will start a giant war that will whipe these sence-less sport...ers off this planet.
But I've realized that the source of the promblem is competition. Why do humens have to try to be better then everyone else? For example, the tobaco companies. The only reason they make cigaretts so adictive is so that their company can be better then other companies. It's not like they care that they're killing millions of people, as long as they're making money. And this is the same competiveness we're teaching our children.
As I say, "The only difference between a sports 'game' and a war is that a war involves more people."
29 Oct 2005
Why? Why do humens have no common sence?
22 Oct 2005
Hey, I don't have cable or digital, and neither did my late grandmother, which meant we only had four channels to watch. Guess what, on a wet day last summer, my choices were two channels of Wimbledon, cricket and Formula 1. I nearly topped myself with despair.
14 Oct 2005
You're right, Andreas. I couldn't agree more. Although cable IS better than the three or four public stations (that you can get free) in that we can avoid sports (usually), we're still left paying for sports coverage --even if we don't watch it. I never thought of that. I'm gonna write my cable company!
12 Oct 2005
I really appreciate what you guys are doing. The social heirarchy in my high school was always that the jocks got all the respect. First, sports don't have any place in an academic institution. Also, they don't prepare young minds for the future in any way. Keep fighting the good fight.
9 Oct 2005
Hey, Andreas, I gather large numbers of American kids can barely read and write, but if you cna hardly read or write but can play sports, you get a free place in a university. I would sooner give the free place to some poor kid who wanted to train to be a doctor, rather than some meathead who gets subsidised to play American football and is of no real value to society
9 Oct 2005
It always seems to be such a GREAT cause, for those of us who think sports suck, to have to pay 30-40$ per month for a cable or satelite subscription because it includes 28 sports channels that seperatly cost 25$, but can you buy the package without sports? hell no.
Damn those sports. Remove sports from the US and take the money people invest in sports, and fix the american education system.
8 Oct 2005
Hey England are playing Austria for a place in the football World Cup at the moment and I'm demonstrating my patriotism by writing in this guest book. Hey I'd laugh if those overpaid, not very good tossers are beaten by a team of part timers.
21 Sep 2005
If you think America and England have more than their fair share of rabid sports-mad hethans, spare a thought for us stuck here in Australia! This country is virtually driven by Sports - the education system values throwing and catching a ball as much as english grammar or math and its media is under a virtual sports stranglehold.
Forget missing out on the Monday morning watercooler conversation, if you don't spectate sports here - you're considered a social outcast! The situation is so disappointingly bad that "Sports Institutes" replace standard educational curriculum for youngsters whom exhibit sporting promise; Companies regularly promote Sports days where employees dress in their team colours and our "Australian of the Year" award was won by a sportswoman! Indeed, sportspeople are viewed as "heros" and saturate much of our print and TV media.
Typical Australians have no tolerance for individualism or not liking sports - The tired old accusations of being homosexual, soft or a "wuss" (laughable local slang) are levelled.
Australian Football is perhaps the most boring, inane, uninspired, insipid, irrelevant, unsophisticated, laughable and downright stupid "sports" game on the planet. It relies on brawn - not skill, and the standard uniform is very effeminate (tight knitted sleeveless vests and hotpants). Those from the US and UK have probably not witnessed this mindless drivel because the rest of the world is simply not interested in it - but let me tell you, from a lowpoint in the mid 90s, the game appears to be increasing in popularity due to the blatant commercialism and media support. Co-workers whom I personally know to have no interest in this garbage game, still engage in "how bout them blues?" chit-chat and claim to follow a team because they cannot bear to fight against common sentiment. This is particularly sad. I quite enjoy telling people I don't follow Football when confronted with "Go the Doggies/C'arn the Reds" small talk in meetings.
Unfortunately, the stranglehold the media and corporate conglomerations have on this country will only continue the brainwashing.
"Mate, I don't give a f*ckin rats @rse whether your team won or not. It matters to me about as much as it would matter to your team if they just found out you dropped dead from choking on a chicken bone."
15 Sep 2005
Good work, let's just have done with it and ban sports completely. No middle ground. Ban the whole bloody lot. Even if you enjoy playing it, tough luck. Some people enjoy cock fighting, doesn't mean it's right, does it? Don't give money to encourage young atheletes, stuff the lot of them. Give the cash to people that don't have enough food to live. Are my views extreme? Possibly.
11 Sep 2005
Two Dog
What actually happens is Ray gets the e mails after a couple of days, but for some reason this error message appears. I've sent three e mails off last month, received the undelivered e mail, and then seen my comments on the letters page a few days later.
8 Sep 2005
Did you know that e-mails are not reaching your fine, upstanding web site? I just tried to send one from the 2005 letters page, and it came back "undeliverable".
8 Sep 2005
biggest sports hatter
5 Sep 2005
Hye, I've just come up with a theory, sports are a form of social control. Dictators like Hitler used team sports and forced exercise as a form of social control and to stifle intelligent thought.
3 Sep 2005
I love this site...i'm going to show this to EVERYONE i know!
Joe T
3 Sep 2005
England, or rather 11 greedy morons, were playing today and I had so much desire to watch them play I went to buy some shoes and went for a walk on the harbour. Apparently they won, but I don't care and please don't bore me about this when I go out for a drink.
28 Aug 2005
Anonymous Rex, who won the game? Don't ask me and don't even bring up the subject of why Crapchester United weren't offside. Football sucks and rugby is total crap.
23 Aug 2005
Question: Hey, who won the game?!
22 Aug 2005
Keep fighting the good fight.
4 Aug 2005
Sports. hmmmmm, BIG JOKE!!!
4 Aug 2005
I don't mind sports I play rugby and hockey but jesus I hate people that take sports beyond a game, I'm from PEI and I hate to go watch sports because its a rediculous thing to do and all the fans are hicks! Take baseball for example, are these people serious, haha! Its a game
and those parents are playing for their kids haha! its sad!
4 Aug 2005
An interesting observation I've noted:
When someone such as I proclaims my hatred for sports, I get derisively called "gay" for it.
So, then I show them their own hypocrisy by pointing out the homoeroticism in their beloved sports - you know, with patting all their jock buddies' asses and winding down with that hot steamy group shower...
But then the masses suddenly change their opinion when I point out the blatant hypocrisy - instead of calling me "gay" for hating sports, they'll begin to call me a homophobic asshole, even though I don't have any beef with homosexuals - I just pointed out some hypocrisy.
I have a lot of horror stories about sports, though. Like how the high school football cheerleaders in a small town I used to live in literally ganged up and beat the shit out of someone they felt superior to, and they sent some people to the hospital.
28 Jul 2005
Dear I Hate Sports,
Your site has really touched me. I have been verbally abused by jocks not for being a nerd, but for skateboarding and liking punk music. So fucking what? Wigger shit jocks think they're so great, i'll fucking shoot them all. In seventh and eigth gradea at my school, we don't have P.E. we have athletics, and every kid is forced to do a team sport three seasons out of the year. It is complete and utter bullshit. One and a half hours a day doing pointless shit with brainless assholes is really getting to me and I think drastic action should be taken soon. But anyway, thank you so much for sharing the feeling that I'm not the only one getting picked on by the most evil race on earth... jocks.
25 Jul 2005
what a buch of crybabys! ihate sports i hate sports! u hate sports because you were too clumsy to play. always picked last for softball? boohoo! face it you got no skills and u cant get laid! if i ever catch u out talking this crap i will put out youre lights! in front of all your queer friends
23 Jul 2005
Youre totally gonna love this.
now to think of a caption.... football for what it truly is...
keep the fight alive!
mutch love, Chris.
21 Jul 2005
You guys are my heros, and i thank you. Im totally buying pins for all my friends.
19 Jul 2005
Great site! I only wish I could shove it in the face of every sports fan I've ever known! Like you, I detest sports fans and here's why: they are all followers. There's nothing wrong with being a follower --often it's necessary and being a good follower is just as important as being a good leader. But.. the typical sports fan is weak. He must draw his strength from the crowd. They find comfort in the fact that they can say anything they like and go unchallenged. Because to challenge them would be to challenge ALL sports fans. It feels pretty safe to them. It's like the freedom a religious zealot feels as he condemns whoever disagrees with him --he's safe because who would dare challenge the church?! But thankfully, those days are drawing to a close. We're not afraid to challenge authority any more. We're not afraid to say that sports suck and anyone who hides behind them is a weakling. I just wonder what weak people will hide behind next. Probably politcal correctness. That's still sacred ground here in the U.S. Get ready for the ranks of PC to swell!
Again, great site, and Sports SUCK!
17 Jul 2005
Yes, these guys can be arses, Tony, they seem to think they're rock hard and no one can touch them. I'll admit not all of them are like that, but the majority of them seem to think that because they play rugby league, they're invicible. As I mentioned in an earlier post, one received a piffling prison sentence for beating up hiw wife, who was a lot smaller than him, and most of the dumb fans seemed to excuse this. In a more serious incident one has been charged with murder and there have been countless cases of them beating people up, intimidating people and assaulting women.
Another thing that is so crap at the moment is the amount of people who wear sportswear in Britain. I mean, what's the point of wasting £ 60 on a tracksuit just because it has the word Adidas in big letters on it, or a football shirt with another guy's name on it. These people are referred to as chavs over here and there is a big backlash against them by intelligent people. Check out a website called
16 Jul 2005
Beat up by a bunch of fuckin' thugs?! Thank GOD I don't live in Europe where that kind of thing is tolerated. I can understand your frustration. The next time I see a guy wearing a Rugby shirt, I'll spit on him and think of you. Down with Rugby! Rugby sucks!
16 Jul 2005
My boss is pretty sporty, he has a blue belt in karate and works out, but he hates all these people who talk about nothing else but sport and avoids sport on the television. He prefers to battle away in the dojo for his black belt than sit on his backside and watch some guys chasing a ball.
I had the misfortune to endure a group of rugby league players- Northern English variant of rugby- in my local pub last night. What a bunch of homophobic( everything was gay this, gay that, pig ignorant, aggressive proles they were, though, as I've pointed out before, this game has produced more than its fair share of wife beaters and thugs. I can see why this game is either loved or detested in my part of the world.I hate it and would dance on its grave, as would my boss, who was once beaten up some years ago for the crime of wearing an alt rock T shirt in front of a bunch of rugby " players." Apparently alternative rock is an excuse to attack someone as these morons consider it gay. !
Now come on, guys, how many gays are into alt or punk rock, it's like the jock attitude to goths in American schools. If it wasn't so sad, I'd laugh.
Now with regard to sports I do like, I quite like the attitude and discipline of the martial arts as this is quite intellectual and the players are, despite their fearsome skills, generally peaceful. I did judo some years back and none of us were thugs or bigheads and the people who competed in tournaments did it for love, not money. Sadly, I think that's what's wrecked sport in Britain and America, it's been turned into a billion pound business with players on millions of pounds a year and still not satisfied, while the television hammers sport non stop. While I wouldn't go so far as to say ban it, as I do get patriotic when the England football team is on ( well I watch the last 30 minutes)and I like horse racing, I'd like to see televised sport cut down to the level it was 20 years ago.
15 Jul 2005
It's not so much the sports themselves, though I !"£$ing hate rugby, but the way the media psyches a midweek football game into some kind of global event and the morons who regard it as some kind of life or death event and talk non stop about the big game to the detriment of more interesting things.
I'm sure all the money top sportsmen earned and wasted on junk like their fifth SUV could be better used going to a charity and all these armchair sports fans would be better employed getting off their fat backsides and doing some real exercise. Hell, I went for a really long walk in 90 degree heat on Tuesday and I felt better for it.
2 Jul 2005
I always ask myself, what's the point of sports? Some people (mostly those faggot hockey players) take them SOOOOOO seriously that they exclude others who suck at/or even just don't play their favorite sport. People join rep-teams travel across the province/state whatever, spend sometimes thousands of dollars on equipment and trips. WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT??? YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE! IN A COUPLE YEARS IF YOUR A JUNIOR, YOU'LL GET A JOB DROP ALL THAT SHIT AND JUST SIT ON THE COUCH WATCHING AND FANASIZING ABOUT SPORTS ON T.V.!!! Every 10 minutes in school i hear some fucking dumb comment from one sport freak to another like, "We've got you owned in tonights game" or "HA! YOU LOST YESTERDAY! YOU'RE LIFE'S POINTLESS! WHY DON'T YOU JUST QUIT THE LEAGUE??!!!" WTF!!! Everytime I hear something like this i go ballistic and often cussing at the kid yelling , WHAT THE FUCKS THE BIG DEAL!!! IF IT WERE UP TO ME SPORTS WOULD BE BANNED, ANYONE CAUGHT PLAYING/TALKING/EVEN THINKING ABOUT TH! EM WOULD BE SHOT ON SIGHT!!!!!!! And for my hatred of the pointless games, i'm hated by like 100+ hockey faggots.
20 Jun 2005
Sports are fucking stupid! Some fucking Hack gets paided millions of dollars for doing something RECREATIONAL face it you stupid red neck fat fucks, there getting paid for doing something recreational! fuck! i dont get paid just cuz I Pwn people at Halo! yet these fuckers get paid cuz they play a fucking game well! its bull shit! there all nothing but overpaid ritch sons of bitches who dont deserve there money! they should all be fucking gutted! In short, your site kicks ass! keep up the good work!
8 Jun 2005
I have never liked sports,I have never watched them or participated in them. I dont know why, the interest was just not there. What bothers me is that people like to label men that dislike sports as "faggots" or "effeminate" which is seldom true, certainly not in my case. My other interests are definitely 'male'. I love cars, radios, woodworking, etc. just dont like sports.
8 Jun 2005
Good morning, my fellow sports haters.
I see a number of letters here from people saying either "I am so glad I'm not alone in my hatred of sports", or "Don't worry, you are not alone". Isn't it disturbing that we feel alienated by society because we either have no interest in sports, or actively hate them? Yes, most people like sports, but that doesn't mean it's "normal", it just means that most people have no taste. I am a musician and I
LOVE the blues. Do I try to alienate those who don't? No, I have better manners.
My own hatred of sports grew from an inability to play (want to confuse me? Throw me a ball) and the ill-mannered derision of those kids who did have ability and enjoyed playing ("Aw, you're USELESS, you are!"). I was the proverbial last kid to be picked for the team during mandatory PE sessions at school, which was embarrassing enough but made worse by the demeaning sniggers and comments of the boneheads doing the picking. So, embarrassment became resentment, and resentment grew into a gleefully dark contempt for sports and any arrogant pustule keen on them.
Let us stand our ground in the face of the grunting wankers who attempt to convince us that there is something wrong with us.
11 May 2005
Back to the International I Hate Sports Club Home Page
Dear Members,
I am writing to express my interest in joining your club. I have my own reasons for disliking sports, and I believe I would fit in well with this group.
When I was younger, I tried playing cricket, but I wasn t very good at it. Instead of encouraging me, some students made fun of me. That day, I threw my bat away and ran home, deciding that sports weren t for me. Since then, I have lost all interest in playing and watching sports.
Beyond personal experiences, I have also noticed how sports are given an almost sacred status in society. While no one forces you to like them, they are treated as symbols of national pride, discipline, and even character. Athletes are idolized, and countries measure their prestige by medals and trophies. But why is physical skill considered so important? Why is a cricketer or footballer celebrated more than a scientist, artist, or writer? This obsession makes it seem like people who aren t into sports are missing out or are somehow less valuable, which is unfair.
I look forward to being part of this club and meeting others who share similar thoughts.