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One of my favorite things...

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:31 pm
by GasMask
...happens once a year at the end of football season. I don't really know what day or month it is, but I know its sometime during winter.

I come to work on a Friday, and some moron asks me, "so who you rootin' for this Sunday?". I look back at them, puzzled, and say, "what are you talking about". Then they say, "the Superbowl, man!". Then I smile, and reply, "I don't even know who's playing, man!". Then said moron looks back at me with a dumbfounded look, and I walk off smiling, knowing that I can go somewhere this coming Sunday afternoon where I would normally NOT go, because there are too many people. Only now, I can go, knowing that 90% of mankind will be firmly planted on their sofas watching the biggest idiot fest of the year. :)

Anyway, I just joined this forum. I Googled "I hate sports", just for the hell of it, too see if there were any other like minded people out there celebrating the hatred of all things "ball". I found this forum.

So hello, my name is Bart, I am a straight, red-blooded American, who can't stand sports, or anything related to sports, or people who like sports so much, that they think any straight man who doesn't like sports is either retarded or gay.

And while I am on the subject, I should add, I hate that sports is considered "news". Its not. Its entertainment, and the lowest possible form of it at that. No, I don't want the sports page. No, I don't care if some baseball player is juicing.

Life is so much easier when you don't feel compelled to fit in. :)


PS - I just wanted to add, that I have absolutely no problem with gays, nor do I have any homophobic tendancies. I am 100% secure in my straightness, and my hatred for sports. It is possible, you know! ;)

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:23 am
by stopr
Hey Gasmask! greetings from Sydney Australia. Like you I stumbled on this when I googled I hate sport after a particularly dull Friday afternoon at the office when EVERYONE was excluding every other thought or activity in their lives to discuss, opine, bet, guess, hope, pray (for god's sake!) etc... concerning the weekend's bloated sport activity. Incidentally, NONE of those folk ever play a sport themselves. I have to steel myself for an ear bashing on the weekend "outcomes" on Monday.

I enjoyed your post. I share your social worldview (which is what prompted me to post) and wish you a great weekend ignoring sport and attending to more rewarding goings on.

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:43 am
by abitagirl
Ha! I wish I was as oblivious to the Stupid Bowl and who is playing in it as you manage to be. I'd probably have to isolate myself from all forms of communication for several weeks, and probably my family as well. I don't know how some of you do it. :P

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:17 am
by DotComMarky
Heh, sweet. I Googled "i hate sports" while Bret Farve was on the "news" again crying about playing football or not playing football.. wah wah wah.

Who cares? Didn't someone get shot or robbed or anything else possibly news worthy? Miller Brewing moving to Chicago maybe?

Thanks for this site!

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:15 am
by Indurrago
Welcome GasMask, stopr, and DotComMarky! Sorry about the late welcome, there haven't been new posts in awhile so I kinda stopped checking, anyway welcome to the the haven for all sports haters and people who just could care less about them. :P I hope you find sportssuck relaxing and refreshing as I and many others do. Its good to be back. On another note, I saw something that shocked(somewhat) and dumbfounded me...a sports award show. I mean like the academy awards for actors and movies except for "amazing" and totally useless professional athletes.. Yeah, they go up stage some come 3rd rate award and make a alittle speech about...whatever. Peace all.

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:54 pm
by Skul
I'll say welcome, too. And I agree that this place has gotten pretty quiet, lately. Dunno what's happened... :?

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:47 pm
by Canadian_Hockey_Hater
welcome! it has been quiet... i have been busy lately and havn't been on much, I'm just trying to catch up with everything now... :D anyways, glad to have you!

Re: One of my favorite things...

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:41 pm
by Ray
Welcome GasMask --sorry I've been working on other stuff too. Welcome to the forum. You have described what I think most of us feel perfectly. I hope you'll come back often.