For the past week, I have been having some problems with my computer. Sometimes it locks up and I have to push the reset button and reboot.
I believe that my motherboard is going out. When my computer boots up, I see the ATI logo, a red rectangle with ATI and then is says The Original Home Entertainment Solution, then it continues on to load Windows XP.
But it never use to show the ATI logo while booting up. This has only been going on for the past week or so, and sometimes the graphics get pixelated or scrambled and the text gets fuzzy and multicolored while booting up, so I have to hit the reset button two or three times before it boots up properly.
I never know when it's going to lock up on me. Sometimes I might go for several hours without any problems, and sometimes I may have to reboot two or three times during the day. It's unpredictable.
So, yesterday, I decided to go to this computer shop (I won't mention the name) where I had work done on my computer before at 2200 N Yarbrough which is pretty far across town.
When I left my apartment, first I took bus 55 which goes to the new downtown bus terminal, and then I went to the information window and asked them which bus I should take to get to 2200 N Yarbrough. They told me to first take bus 61 which goes along Alameda to Yarbrough, then transfer to bus 67 to go the rest of the way to 2200 N Yarbrough.
OK, when I got on bus 61, the trip along Alameda took almost three hours through the most trashy, scummy part of town. The bus stopped at every block picking up or letting off passengers.
Now, I'll tell you all why I hate that part of El Paso.
Back in the summer 1997, I once rented a small house on Alameda and it was $350 dollars per month, and a month later, I got hit with a $180 dollar electric bill. That's when I found out there was two other apartments on my meter, and I was the chump who had to pay for it! Then during the hot summer, my air conditioner quit, and it was about three weeks before the owner finally fixed it. Then the refrigerator quit, and I had to throw away rotten food, and it was another three weeks before the owner fixed it. Then one day, while taking a shower, when I finished and turned off the shower, it would not turn off. The rubber seat in the faucet was shot, so my shower ran day and night for 7 days before it was fixed. Then someone once reach through an open window and stole a big block of cheese I had on my kitchen counter. I was about to have lunch when my cheese was stolen. Oh! The place was absolutely beautiful! NOT!!! Broken windows held together with duct tape. It's doesn't get any better than that! I was there for about 5 months until I found a better place. That's why I hate that trashy part of town. Most of the people living there are trashy people. Someone once crawled through a window and stole my pipe and tobacco, and good pipes are not cheap. So, El Paso, being a scummy redneck town, while I was living in Trash Town, I smoked cheap corncob pipes that were much cheaper to replace.
That's why I hate that part of town, and the people living there. They are all scum! One day while I was in The Family Dollar Store, some kid reached into my pocket and pulled out 7 dollars. I grabbed his hand and took back my money, and the kid's parents got pissed off because I grabbed the kid's hand, and the store manager threatened to call the cops if I would not leave.
I told him to get fucked, that I'm leaving, but before I left, I told the parents that they were scum, and one day their kids are going to end up in prison because they would not teach their kids the difference between right and wrong. Before I left the store, I told everybody there that they were all low-life scums because they sided with the parents who's kid tried to steal my money. I never went back to that store ever again. That part of town should be leveled with bulldozers and the people there should be banished from civilization.
Eventually, I moved out of that part of town and found a better apartment somewhere else. Before I move out some of the residents there requested that I not have the electricity turned off, that they would divide the cost and pay it themselves. YEAH RIGHT! Like I was going to pay for electricity at my new apartment while the electricity would still be in my name at the place on Alameda. NO FUCKING WAY! So, I had the electricity turned off there as I moved out, and had it turned on at my new apartment, and my scum-bag ex-neighbors were without electricity for almost a week during the early part of autumn when it was still blistering hot. Serves them right! I hope they had to throw away rotten food when they went without refrigeration. I hope they starved!
Well, when I went past that area in the bus on my way to 2200 N Yarbrough, I noticed that the cluster of little white houses where I had once lived, the houses were gone! It's just a big empty lot there now. It had been a few years since I had been in the neighborhood. Those trashy houses had been torn down, and now, it's just an empty lot. GOOD!!! That whole damn neighborhood should be leveled!
Anyway . . . . . back to my story about my computer.
So, it took me almost three hours to get through that trash dump, then I transferred to bus 67 which took me to 2200 N Yarbrough. When I got there, it was too late for them to run a diagnostic on my computer, so I thought, to Hell with that, I'll just buy a new motherboard, the same exact motherboard with the built in ATI Graphics and put it in myself when I get home.
On my way home, I spotted another bus stop on Montwood less than a block away from where it crossed N Yarbrough, and it was only a block away from the computer shop. There I got on bus 53 which took me to the East Side Terminal, then I transferred to bus 59 which hit the freeway and took me back to the new down town terminal, then I took bus 55 to come home again.
WOW! It only took me about a half hour to come home, but it took me over three hours to get out there. When I returned to the down town terminal, before taking bus 55 to get home, I went to the information window to give them a piece of my mind. I was really pissed. I asked them why they didn't recommend bus 59 to the east side terminal and then bus 53 to Montwood. I could have got out there in about a half hour instead of three hours. But NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!! They told me to take bus 61 than transfer to bus 67. I told them that they must all be "queer for garbage dumps" and they threatened to call security on me for using foul language. I only said that they must be queer for garbage dumps.
The trip out there felt like a three hour crawl through a sewer. I wanted to get there on time to get a diagnostic run on my computer. But NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO! I had to take a three hour tour of El Paso's trash dump on the way to the computer shop.
It was very depressing going through that part of town, because of the bad memories I have of that area. It's ugly, and dirty, and the people there are scum!
Now, at the bus terminal, since I get around in my battery powered chair, my JAZZY 614 HD, to open the door, there is a button on the wall to push so that the door opens for you. Well . . . that day one of the wall buttons had a potted palm tree in front of it with a big leaf covering the button, and another had a bunch or chairs in front of it, and another was roped off with yellow tape because they were doing some work. I was pissed. I went to the potted palm pushing the big leaf aside so I could press the button to open the door and I damaged the leaf. They all got pissed and again threatened to call security. I told them to get all this crap out of the way so handicapped people could push the button to open the door.
I told them all that El Paso seriously needs to get with the program. Also, I mentioned that there are a lot of intersections where you push the button for the WALK signal to cross the streets, but on some intersections it's impossible to reach the button when sitting in a power chair, so here in El Paso, in some parts of town, we cripples can't cross the street, and they told me to "just deal with it!" YEAH RIGHT! Like I'm suppose to deal with not being to safely cross the streets.
Before I left the down town terminal, I told them all that they are Fascist Nazi scum and that I'm going to get a lawyer, and someday, I'm going to own this town!!!
Anyway . . . . .
When I got home, I took out the old motherboard from my computer, and put in the new one that I bought for $60 dollars, and I transferred the CPU with the little cooling fan on top and the RAM card to the new motherboard, but it did not work! It is exactly the same type as the old one, identical in every way with the built in ATI Graphics and after 2 hours I could not get my computer to boot up.
So, I put the old motherboard back in, and my computer worked again. Of course, it doesn't work exactly like it's suppose to. It might lock up again and I'll have to reboot, but it is working, and I can get on line and do all the things I enjoy doing, like downloading and saving You Tube videos, but I fear it's only a matter of time before it finally quits on me.
Today, I called the computer shop at 22 N Yarbrough to ask if I can bring in the motherboard that I bought yesterday and get a refund, but they will not give me a refund on the motherboard, so I got butt-fucked for almost $60 dollars. I'm now the proud owner of a $60 dollar brand new piece-of-shit motherboard that does not work at all.

Fucking piece of shit, donkey-fucking, redneck garbage-dump town!!!