Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:01 pm
We have all heard the expression "shit happens" and now here are some different versions of that saying from all the world's religions.
Taoism : Shit Happens.
Hare Krishna : Shit Happens Rama Rama Ding Ding!
Hinduism : This Shit Has Happened Before.
Islam : If Shit Happens, Take A Hostage!
Zen : What Is The Sound Of Shit Happening?
Buddhism : When Shit Happens, Is It Really Shit?
Confucianism : Confucius Say, "Shit Happens."
7th Day Adventist : Shit Happens On Saturdays.
Protestantism : Shit Won't Happen If I Work Harder.
Catholicism : If Shit Happens, I deserve It.
Jehovah's Witness : Knock, Knock, "Shit Happens."
Unitarian : What Is This Shit?
Mormon : Shit Happens Again & Again & Again.
Judaism : Why Dose This Shit Always Happens To Me? Oy Vey!!!
Rastafarianism : Let's Smoke This Shit!
And now, there is a new religion.
A belief that when you die, your soul goes up, and gets stuck on the roof.
Taoism : Shit Happens.
Hare Krishna : Shit Happens Rama Rama Ding Ding!
Hinduism : This Shit Has Happened Before.
Islam : If Shit Happens, Take A Hostage!
Zen : What Is The Sound Of Shit Happening?
Buddhism : When Shit Happens, Is It Really Shit?
Confucianism : Confucius Say, "Shit Happens."
7th Day Adventist : Shit Happens On Saturdays.
Protestantism : Shit Won't Happen If I Work Harder.
Catholicism : If Shit Happens, I deserve It.
Jehovah's Witness : Knock, Knock, "Shit Happens."
Unitarian : What Is This Shit?
Mormon : Shit Happens Again & Again & Again.
Judaism : Why Dose This Shit Always Happens To Me? Oy Vey!!!
Rastafarianism : Let's Smoke This Shit!
And now, there is a new religion.
A belief that when you die, your soul goes up, and gets stuck on the roof.