Idiot coach
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:14 am
A few years ago a friend was telling me about how pissed off he was at his son's high school football coach. The coach told his son to put on forty pounds or he wouldn't be able to "measure up" . The coach had no regard for the boy's health, he just wanted the school to win the championship that year. My friend who is a rabid sports fan took his son off the team and filed a complaint against the coach. The complaint was ignored of course, the faculty wanted the school to win too. It's obvious education is no longer valued. Sports has become an insane cult in the USA. The boy is now a college graduate with a REAL degree and he now has a father who has seen the light. In a way they have both finally become men! This country is on a downward slide because of the damage done by the love of sports and guess what, it deserves it. The bad news is that non sports people will suffer too because of these brainless shit stains running the public school system. They belong in prison.