MATHEMATICALLY INCORRECT. (the "irrelevant" part).Polite24 wrote: The fact that Australia is over represented in relation to their total population is absolutely irrelevant
GENETICALLY INCORRECT. (see "Whose Genome is It?", at - ... rns-82.pdf ).Polite24 wrote: Americans are superior at basketball to Australians.
Again you just go around and around in circles. Actually that would be consistent with someone that had a short attention span - perhaps someone with a mental condition such as ADD, or ADHD. All your points are old ones that I have already previously covered. All the answers are already there, and all you have to do is read them. But if you can't be bothered reading them, then I sure as hell can't be bothered re-typing them all out again for you.
And your demonstrated ongoing complete and utter failure to comprehend the mathematical significance of adjusting for different population totals only reinforces my theory that you have a MATHEMATICAL LEARNING DISABILITY. Possibly DYSCALCULIA.
But the thing that makes you truly idiotic though, is that someone like you, with an apparent MATHEMATICAL LEARNING DISABILITY, such as you seem to have, would start a MATHEMATICAL/STATISTICAL argument against someone normal. It's THAT that makes you SUPREMELY STUPID.
You really need to take some of your own advice when it comes to talking about anything to do with statistics and mathematics -
And if ever I had any doubt before I came on this website that sports fans were SMALL MINDED, BRAIN-DEAD JERKS, then you Detroit/Polite single handedly confirm it even more. Your generally insulting attitude towards me on here right from the very beginning just keeps adding more and more proof to that. Good one D/P, you finally do have a purpose in life - you are useful as a BAD EXAMPLE.Polite24 wrote: don't talk about things you have zero clue about.
And every time you try to insult me again, you just confirm it yet a little bit more. So you can't win. You can only lose. Sucked in Sesame Street boy.