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Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:34 am
by wibberley
recently one of our local football teams got was appalling to see grown men in the4 street in would they react if a member of their family was murdered if they react this way top something so trivial.typically 150 thugs went on the rampage which sadly was endorsed by many seamingly normal people who sympathized with the thugs.fortunately the local constabulary took descisive action for once by permitting their dogs to tear to pieces five of the thugs.if i had my way every man,woman and child would betorn to pieces at every sports stadium and rock venue even if they were enjoying either of these in the comfort of their sucks pop music sucks as well

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:13 pm
by i_like_1981
I can't say I want everyone who watches sport matches to die, but at the same time, I don't have much sympathy for thugs and hooligans who get severely injured. I mean, they tend to start it, don't they? They want violence and should be ready to take violence when it hits them (literally). It's okay to play or even watch sports but when fists start getting thrown and abuse starts getting yelled over a bunch of men who none of these goons know in real life, that's when it gets damn stupid! I also have contempt for those who just have to take it too far; those who want to kill and maim everyone who opposes their team. What is the big deal?

Pop music... as for today's, I couldn't care much for it. Naturally. But when we're talking about 70's and 80's pop, I'm certainly not going to object! Though the 80's had a lot of crap pop records there were some classic bands that popularised the genre then (like The Human League). Can't have a bad word said about them!

Best regards,

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:17 pm
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
wibberley wrote:if i had my way every man,woman and child would betorn to pieces at every sports stadium and rock venue even if they were enjoying either of these in the comfort of their sucks pop music sucks as well
Come on man, I think your taking things a bit too far. Trust me, I hate sports too, but I think it's a bit over the top to suggest that children should be slaughtered because perhaps their parents brought them there. And why rock venues? I attend punk rock concerts whenever I can because it's an extremely fun experience. I may go in the mosh pit, but I don't do anything particularly violent, and I wouldn't participate in a riot. There is basically a mosh pit etiquette where if you see someone, you help them back up, and you don't harm anyone. The most that really happens is the occasional fight with some Nazi punk skinhead who decides he wants to start a fight, but I wouldn't even respond to one of them, even if I've received a fair share of bruises. So I don't really understand why you'd want an audience at a rock venue to be torn apart. Perhaps it's because you think that rock is what everybody listens to and perhaps you feel alienated for your different music tastes, but the music I listen to is from years before even my own time, and I've been made fun of for my music tastes. And even so, while I hate pop music such as Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Brothers, I don't wish that their audience would be killed. I definitely respect your tastes in music and the cultural style you choose to live by, but I also live differently from most of my peers, but I don't wish violence on them.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:22 pm
by wibberley
no i dont really wish violence on anybody for that matter its just this thing that if you dont like sports people think there is something wrong with you and while you on here might not have a problem with that most others do,but for those who spend four hours at a stretch watching grand prix racing or snooker until the early hours of the morning then they really need to get some help.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:36 pm
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
wibberley wrote:no i dont really wish violence on anybody for that matter its just this thing that if you dont like sports people think there is something wrong with you and while you on here might not have a problem with that most others do,but for those who spend four hours at a stretch watching grand prix racing or snooker until the early hours of the morning then they really need to get some help.
I do have a problem with athletes who think they are better than others, that's why I'm on this site. I just don't think that they deserved to be punished with violence unless it is to defend someone, for example if they are harming others while rioting, but the violence should be kept to a minimum even in circumstances like that.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:16 pm
by i_like_1981
HugeFanOfBadReligion wrote:
wibberley wrote:no i dont really wish violence on anybody for that matter its just this thing that if you dont like sports people think there is something wrong with you and while you on here might not have a problem with that most others do,but for those who spend four hours at a stretch watching grand prix racing or snooker until the early hours of the morning then they really need to get some help.
I do have a problem with athletes who think they are better than others, that's why I'm on this site. I just don't think that they deserved to be punished with violence unless it is to defend someone, for example if they are harming others while rioting, but the violence should be kept to a minimum even in circumstances like that.
Well, as far as sports fans and athletes who go out and start violence intentionally go, I think they should get what's coming to them. Oh sure, perhaps they shouldn't be killed just because they like a bit of a punch-up but they should definitely be banned from going to matches if they can't just be satisfied with their "heroes" chasing a ball and have to kick the hell out of people who don't support the same team as them. And as far as people like Samdaman go who just insist on giving relentless abuse to those who aren't interested in sports, well, I just hope to see them fail one day! Some people really just need a downfall to even things out a bit. I hate the sense of smug self-superiority that sports can bring - it's even worse when people start getting big ideas of themselves because their team won. Yeah, because liking a group of men who have won a game really makes you the shit, doesn't it?

Best regards,

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 6:59 pm
by i_like_1981
There's one thing that I hate more than modern pop, and that's modern rap/electronic hip-hop. Here's a song that someone in my office sent to me by email as a prank, saying "HERES ONE FOR YOUR COLLECTION 1981!"
I think I've found a new worst ever song. And this guy's getting the screws taken out of his chair on Monday morning! I HATE MODERN MUSIC!

Best regards,

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:43 pm
by Fat Man
i_like_1981 wrote:There's one thing that I hate more than modern pop, and that's modern rap/electronic hip-hop. Here's a song that someone in my office sent to me by email as a prank, saying "HERES ONE FOR YOUR COLLECTION 1981!"
I think I've found a new worst ever song. And this guy's getting the screws taken out of his chair on Monday morning! I HATE MODERN MUSIC!

Best regards,
WOW! That song really bit the bugle!

I mean, like, it really sucks rubber donkey lungs!

While your at it, put some tacks on the seat of his chair! Maybe put some Ex-Lax in his coffee!

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:11 pm
by SmartSportsPerson
wibberley wrote:recently one of our local football teams got was appalling to see grown men in the4 street in would they react if a member of their family was murdered if they react this way top something so trivial.typically 150 thugs went on the rampage which sadly was endorsed by many seamingly normal people who sympathized with the thugs.fortunately the local constabulary took descisive action for once by permitting their dogs to tear to pieces five of the thugs.if i had my way every man,woman and child would betorn to pieces at every sports stadium and rock venue even if they were enjoying either of these in the comfort of their sucks pop music sucks as well
God you're absolutely berserk. You want everyone to die just because they see a game on tv or at the stadium? I thought sports fans were the unreasonable ones around here? Yeah, some fans choose to riot. By no means does it mean they're all out there to do the same. Those last two sentences of yours... well, I wouldn't go round saying stuff like that. People will seriously want to keep their distance from you if the hear what you are saying on here.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:11 pm
by i_like_1981
Fat Man wrote:WOW! That song really bit the bugle!

I mean, like, it really sucks rubber donkey lungs!

While your at it, put some tacks on the seat of his chair! Maybe put some Ex-Lax in his coffee!
Yep. Modern music sure blows, doesn't it? As for the guy who sent me this... well, I didn't do anything. I don't want to lose my job over this piece of shit song. Music like this ain't worth a dime. But he did say to me "Enjoy the song 1981? I thought you'd like it," [Obviously he referred to me by my real name but to you lot, I'm just 1981!] and my response was, "Great. Excellent. They'll still be talking about that one in 30 years, won't they?" Old music is generally enduring. Shit like that song is not. Anyway, I'm glad you hated it too.

Best regards,

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:34 pm
by SmartSportsPerson
Hahaha post around me. Don't deny it, I know you really like me, 1981. I know you all can't resist the odd argument on here. It's so easy when you're not face to face with the person.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:46 pm
by SmartSportsPerson
FYI I'm not really into pop music either. In fact, I think a lot of it's crap. But that doesn't mean that I think all the people who like it should be exterminated. Some people here despise the cruelty of the jocks and bullies but some of the things they've been saying on here hardly make them any better than those they claim to disdain. Do you really think saying this sort of stuff is going to help your own position more? I highly doubt it. How 'bout you calm down over there, wibberley.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:49 pm
by SmartSportsPerson
Katrin wrote:
wibberley wrote:Id like to nuke to hell every sports stadium
But sports stadiums do not necessarily have to be used for the sole purpose of sporting events,
for example they can be used for music concerts too.
The possibilities are ENDLESS, although most of these gigantic stadiums like the Wembley
(which bears a resemblance to your username, btw :D )
are used just for sports and nothing else.
Such stadiums SHOULD be nuked.
wibberley wrote:everyone who likes sports
Well, for me, just certain sports fans, the most intolerant and hateful, deserve such treatment,
however not all sports fans are such horrible people who conform to the jock stereotype.
An example of a decent sports fan would be our old member Andy
who was trying to disassociate himself from the jock stereotype he was being unfairly subjected to by informing us of his charitable work in Africa.
Sadly it didn't seem to work
and he left us, his final message being a sad and defeated one.
So I cannot agree with dat.
wibberley wrote:including board games,especially chess and all electronic games
I think by saying this, you are alienating several members of the board.
Including myself - I enjoy the odd game of chess and
when I feel like it, sometimes will play the old video games at the arcade to remind myself of my younger days, when arcade games were very much the new, in thing. This was the early to mid 1980's.
Do not start throwing out hate towards all things in a hope of gaining support or attention
as several of the things you have listed are keen hobbies of the board members here.
Particularly electronic games; we have a few devout gamers on here,
one of whom is the forum admin.
Be careful what you attack; this is not the HATE EVERYTHING board.
This is SPORTS SUCK, try to stay on topic.
wibberley wrote:Id like to nuke to hell also anyone who listens to rock music as it sucks.
Wait a moment... I thought this was the POP MUSIC SUCKS thread?
Now we have gone to slating ROCK music! Please be more consistent with the topic titles you give.
You have just expressed a wish to nuke me to hell
as I am a keen fan of rock music, particularly the 1970's.
I like Aerosmith, Queen, Christie, Hawkwind, Roxy Music and the Sweet. I also like Free.
I have been away from the boards for some time and have seen some changes round here; NONE of which are that good. I shall look into this later.
I am also not familiar with you; you are new here. This is the first post of yours I have seen,
and you have said that you wish to nuke me to hell.
I am hurt, you know. :(

I hate to say it, but this hasn't been the BEST and most INFORMATIVE post I've seen.
You have basically just expressed a wish to annihilate about 90% of the people in the world including most of our forum members.
Is there anything you DO like?

Man, that was one pretty TL;DR post. But you did hit the nail on the head pretty well. I mean, he's saying he wants to kill practically everyone. It's probably as offensive to you as it is to any sports fan this board seems to hate so much. Yeah, it's all right if you wanna have your little anti-sports forum but when people try to extend it to hating everything under the sun... yeah, going a bit too far, I think.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:24 pm
by Earl
wibberley speaks for himself. Claiming that hateful, extreme statements made by certain members of this forum are typical of the rest of us who support this website is intellectually dishonest. I've disagreed with Fat Man a number of times. I know that it would take time; but if you checked out old topics and many of the "Letters," you would find that most of the sports fans who have objected to this website have been rather abusive. Hateful, I'd say. We've had some rather decent critics such as Polite24, SportsGuy92, Tony, and Andy (all of whom I respect); and I must say that several of those on our side have been quite rude or have made hateful statements. But even Fat Man doesn't quite have the venom of Samdaman, SpeedofLeight, and their ilk. But I hardly think you're driven by a sense of fair play, anyway. So, go ahead and play your little game.

By the way, if you were visiting a different website (not necessarily even a sports website) that made some slur against nonathletic boys (such as the lie that all boys who have no interest in sports are "fags"), I wonder what your response would be there. I seriously doubt that you would do any lecturing on that occasion.

Re: pop music sucks

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:08 am
by James
i Myself hate pop music but by no means would i say that it sucks. i like to listen to a mixture of rap, r.n.b, hiphop and techno. But notheless i do respect your opinions wberrley. you seem like a pretty cool guy.