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Re: Post a Joke Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:04 pm
by Fitman's Brother
What's the difference between a Democrap and Fat Man?

One is a leech on society and doesn't work and all and expects others to do the work and give their hard earned money to them for free while they sit on their ass and do nothing, and the other is a Demoshit.

Re: Post a Joke Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:10 pm
by Fat Man
In response to Fit Shit's Brother!

If you expect people to work for LESS THAN minimum wage, and you like to see physically handicapped students being expelled form from school and denied a decent education and expect them to just bag groceries or scrub toilets for the rest of their lives, and to do away with science education in our schools while placing more emphases on sports, and you like to see the science nerds getting their heads bashed against brick walls, and you're OK with kids getting beaten and raped, then, you are a Republican.

And you're also a disgusting piece of dog shit!

Sorry, but I don't have to work for gutter-thugs like you or work for rapists!


Re: Post a Joke Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:55 pm
by Fitman's Brother
If you were dumb enough to be employed and paid less than minimum wage, then that's your problem.

If you were paid under the table, then that's also your problem and he can pay whatever he wants if it's under the table.

Quit blaming others, and accept responsibility for your actions for once in your god damn life.

And to stay on topic, which is something that your pea brain couldn't do, I'll post a joke.

How do you starve a Demoshit?

You hide his welfare check under his working shoes.

Re: Post a Joke Thread

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:28 pm
by Fat Man