the school sports culture

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Re: the school sports culture

Post by i_like_1981 »

I never really did get into the textspeak or abbreviations much. But there are some acronyms I do like, such as BTW, or IRL. And how could I forget smilies? Smilies are always good to use! :D In case anyone was wondering where smilies originated from, here is the bulletin board thread where they were first suggested as a way of expressing emotions during online messaging, from all the way back in September 1982... ... hread.html

To think we could have had our anti-sports network back in the 80's as well. Of course, it would have been a lot different then, far more primitive and we wouldn't have been anywhere near to things like avatars, big pictures and BB code, but there would have been three advantages - no 4chan, no spammers and no Samdaman!

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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