Brigan wrote:Fat Man wrote:
I will work on it this evening, because right now, I got to fix something
to eat, and I'm going to be watching some geology videos on YouTube
on the channel Coffee With Claire.
Why not right now?
Or you're adultering using Paint? as you do with the rest of
your 1337 pictures.
I say you're full of Bullshit.
Edit: Also is Not Fit Man's Brother who thinks you're a parasite, I Know
you're a parasite.
Hey! Back in 1971, I wanted to build a telescope, an 8 inch Newtonian
reflector 60 inch focal length.
But, my dear sweet brother tried to come after me with a shot gun because
he felt I was being disruptive of the family.
Yeah, I wanted to do something good and useful.
My brother wanted to kill me!
And, I'm a parasite???
Anyway . . . . .
I'm back!
I would have posted sooner, but the board was temporarily down, so I had
to wait for it to get back up again.
Also, when I took screen shots of my E-mail, of which I have three, it took
some time to clip out the borders around my Mozilla Firefox browser and the
blue borders around my E-mails from the screen shots.
I had started out with 6 screen shots for my 3 E-mails, 2 screen shots for each
E-mail, the top half, and bottom half for each one, then I had to combine the
top and bottom halves so that the full document can can be seen in each image.
Also, there is a limit to the number of attachment you can upload in each forum
post. I believe the limit is three attachments, so I had to combine 6 images
into 3 attachments.
So, I now have three images showing the full page of each of my three E-mails.
And I did NOT alter the text, but only blacked out my full name, my residential
address, and zip code to protect my privacy, and the order numbers. But the
remaining text is unaltered.
I also include a screen shot of my on-line bank account.
OK, here it is
AS you can see, it clearly shows that I did in fact make a $30 dollar purchase
using my debit card. I did not want to include the whole web page, but only
the $30 dollar purchase I made.
Also, every few hours or so, I keep logging in to check, just in case my money
might be refunded back into my account, but I have my doubts.
But, I'll keep checking.
OK, the above image I have hosted on my Photobucket page since it's
only 1080 x 250 pixels.
Now, the next three images of my three E-mails I have uploaded as attachments,
because each one is 1300 pixels wide and the first is 1400 pixels tall, the second
is 1000 pixels tall, and the third is 900 pixels tall.
I uploaded these as attachments because they are large images, and Photobucket
automatically re-sizes images that are too large. So, I uploaded them as attachments
so that you can see the full sized images, and it makes it easier to read the text.
- E Mail 1.JPG (159.69 KiB) Viewed 679 times
The first E-mail thanks me for making a purchase.
- E Mail 2.JPG (93.23 KiB) Viewed 679 times
The second E-mail is a receipt for my $30 dollar purchase
from High Point Scientific.
- E Mail 3.JPG (109.18 KiB) Viewed 679 times
And the third one says, my order has been cancelled and that
my card was not charged.
But my on-line bank account clearly shows that my card indeed
has been charged.
So, somebody is lying, and it sure as Hell isn't me!
OK, I did make just one small alteration in the text. At the bottom of the
third E-mail where it says in bold text,
Order cancelled - your card was
not charged, I had to shift that line over to the left because, when
I clipped the image width to 1300 pixels, part of the sentence would have
been clipped away, so I only shifted it to the left to avoid clipping away a
part of it. So, sue me!
Therefore, I have proof that I ordered a 2x Barlow lens from High Point Scientific
and that I paid $30 dollars for it.
Sorry if it took so much time, but I also had to take time out to have something
to eat, and when I came back here, I had to wait for the forums to be
available again.
So, I do not bullshit!
Unlike fuck-tards like you, and sports fans, and jocks, morons who believe
in fairy tales, I'm not a liar.
I'm only interested in truth.
That's why I like to study science while you sports-tards play play or watch
retarded games where you don't learn jack-shit.
Anyway . . . . .
Here's the proof!
Now, choke on it!