Website: ... 61,00.htmlThe picture promoting an upcoming club social called "All White Night" showed men clad in full Ku Klux Klan costumes.
"It caught me by surprise, because I haven't been on the website for a while. I didn't know anything about it," said Michael Coleman, Torquay Tigers club secretary.
"But I'm thinking 'All White Night' and hoping no one would find any racism in that. But the picture is likely to be the work of an individual person and it's certainly not the club's thoughts."
The Ku Klux Klan, also known as the KKK, is a white supremacist organisation which has a record of violence towards African-Americans, Jews and other minorities.
The picture was withdrawn soon after it attracted widespread media attention, being replaced by Disney character Snow White.
But the club's social on May 2 is still being promoted as an "All White Night" on the website homepage.
I think they must lack intelligence, if they are that stupid to put that image on their website.