On Wednesday evenings I usually like to watch 1000 Ways To Die which was from 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM, because it's funny as all Hell, watching stupid retards and morons die as a result of their own stupidity.
But now, instead of 1000 Ways To Die, they're going to be showing UFC Unleashed which is championship wrestling. That is what they had started showing a couple of weeks ago, but it looks like it's going to be on the air from now on.
So now, instead of watching morons die, we get to watch morons making money!
I don't know! Did I miss something on the evening NEWS, or what?
Did a group of morons go on some kind of protest march in front of the Capitol Building in Washington DC, speaking and shouting incoherently while carrying their protest signs and banners with misspelled slogans scribbled on them with Crayola Crayons, all complaining that the popular TV show, 1000 Ways To Die, was offensive to morons everywhere, or what?
Oh! God forbid that we stereotype morons now! That's politically incorrect!
I guess I must be guilty of a hate crime because I like to watch how morons all do themselves in on 1000 Ways To Die!
Oh! We must not offend the morons! God forbid!
We're already giving up many of our civil rights to protect morons from their own stupidity!
Many years ago, here in El Paso Texas, we once had a really cool recreational park where people could go swimming, or go out in the lake in a boat and do some fishing. But they closed the recreational park down, because too many morons were getting drunk while going out in the lake in a boat, and then they would do something stupid and drown. So after having to drag the lake too many times to recover dead morons, the park was shut down.
So, we can't have any fun anymore!
Oh! Yes we can!
We can always go to a sports bar, pay $5 dollars for a 12 ounce watered-down beer, and $20 dollars for a plate of fail-fries slathered in double-mild weak-sauce with a side order of suck!
And we get to watch football on a big screen TV with the volume turned up so loud nobody can hold a conversation.
Now, isn't that nice!!! Ya can't beat that!
So, I guess we do have some recreation here in El Paso Texas.
And of course we must protect our precious morons so that we have more sports fans who are willing to pay $12 dollars for a handful of soggy potato-chips to go with their watered-down beer in our sports bars.
I happen to believe in natural selection.
I say, keep all the recreational parks open where intelligent people can go swimming, and go out in a boat and do some fishing, and enjoy themselves, while all the morons drown out there and die, like morons are suppose to die.
Also, I say, don't even bother to drag the lake to recover these dead morons, but just let them sink to the bottom and lay quietly in the silt where they are a benefit to the natural environment. Indeed, that is the highest function a moron can perform. To fertilize the earth.
If we protect morons, they'll only live long enough to do something really stupid, like driving drunk on the freeways and killing other innocent motorists, or celebrating New Years Eve by firing shot guns into the air at 12:00 midnight causing innocent bystanders to get killed by falling bullets.
No, we must open up even more recreational parks, and even give morons a reduced rate of boat rentals so they can go out in the middle of the lake to die, somewhere far out of the way where they can harm nobody else with their stupidity! We must provide more opportunities for morons to do themselves in and even have a little fun while doing it!
Yeah! That's the ticket!
Oh! But we can do that! No! We must protect all the precious morons!
That's where we get all of our sports fans to watch all the athletes make money.
And the religious television preachers count on all the morons out there to send them money for donations to support right-wing dictatorships overseas, and in return, the morons receive small piece of silk cloth treated with Holy Oil. Now, isn't that nice!
Also, the Republican party relies rather heavily on the moron vote to keep them in power.
So, I guess the rest of us more intelligent people, we must relinquish our civil rights, and sacrifice our entertainment to keep all the morons out there alive and happy!
Oh gee whiz!!!
Am I being too cynical again?
Sports Taking Over More Cable TV Channels!!!
- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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Sports Taking Over More Cable TV Channels!!!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

It gets worst.
Cartoonnetwork just had their first sports award show last year...
These days the few channels I actually enjoy watching:Discovery and History goes even further with crazy 2012 end of the world junk...and the Da Vinci code......it's suppose to be about history not speculation and psuedo-science. Fucking Cox decided to make the science channel no longer part of the regular bundle. Oh yes......you have to pay extra to get the SCIENCE CHANNEL....its pretty fucked up.

"We believe in Vader, the Darth almighty, destroyer of Alderaan and the Sith. We believe in Luke, his only son, our Jedi. He was concieved by the power of the Force, and born of the senator Padme. Suffered under Darth Sidius, electrocuted, survived and partied with Ewoks. He descended to the Death Star, on the third hour he flew out in an Imperial ship and landed on Endor. He is seated on the right hand of Obi-Wan's ghost. He will come again to train Leia to be a Jedi. We believe? in Yoda.........

- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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Re: It gets worst.
Yeah, they want us poor people to only watch sports!Indurrago wrote:Cartoonnetwork just had their first sports award show last year...These days the few channels I actually enjoy watching:Discovery and History goes even further with crazy 2012 end of the world junk...and the Da Vinci code......it's suppose to be about history not speculation and psuedo-science. Fucking Cox decided to make the science channel no longer part of the regular bundle. Oh yes......you have to pay extra to get the SCIENCE CHANNEL....its pretty fucked up.
God forbid that we might watch something that is actually educational or entertaining.
OK, 1000 ways do die is not what I would call an educational program, not by a long shot!
But it is entertaining and I like it because it makes me laugh! I need a good hardy belly laugh once in a while! I like it because it's all about how retarded morons die because of their own stupidity, thereby cleansing the human gene pool of moronic filth and contamination.
But now, they don't want us laughing at dead morons! They don't want us to watch morons die. Instead, they want us watching morons making money, so we have to watch sports instead.
And yes, I'm getting disgusted with the History Channel these days. I want to see REAL history! A certain amount of speculation is fine for entertainment, but I believe that any channel that calls itself the History Channel should show mostly HISTORY!!! Like, DUH!!!
I remember about a year ago, they showed an excellent series titled "Ancients Behaving Badly" and it covered Cleopatra, Nero, Julius Cesar, Attila The Hun, King Henry VIII, etc. etc. It was both educational AND entertaining. I wish they would bring back that series.
I also like when they show programs about the Hubble telescope, and programs on Astronomy and space exploration.
I would also like to see some history on the Inquisition, and on Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton. I want to see more of such programming.
But here lately, they're showing nothing but crap!!!
No, I believe that there are some segments of our population that should be put to sleep so we don't have to clutter all the available TV channels just to put on some moronic gaga-goo-goo baby-talk entertainment for retards who only understand sports!
I believe that the quality of life for those of us who prefer educational programming would be greatly enhanced if we just get rid of all the fucking retarded morons out there!
It costs too much money to keep these bed-wetting ignoramuses entertained with sports programing because we have to sacrifice educational programming for these drooling moronic twats!
I fear that eventually, sports will overtake ALL the channels and there will be nothing but sports!
Well, we will get to see Pat Robertson's 700 Club between football games.
But that's about it!
Gee! I really got to learn not to be so damn cynical!
It's Un-American!
Whoops! I'm being cynical again!
Somebody correct me! Beat me with a chain!
Oh Oh! Another cynicism!
OK, I think I'll shut up now!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

Re: It gets worst.
Hello Indurrago!Indurrago wrote:Cartoonnetwork just had their first sports award show last year...These days the few channels I actually enjoy watching:Discovery and History goes even further with crazy 2012 end of the world junk...and the Da Vinci code......it's suppose to be about history not speculation and psuedo-science.
I too am saddened and disappointed by the direction some of these cable channels are taking. There's a show I ran across recently on Animal Planet called "Haunted", or something like that. It's all about ghosts and alleged haunted houses, etc. It seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with animals -- just superstitious and pseudoscientific garbage. It's almost like real science and history aren't exciting enough to get ratings, so they have to through this other crap in to lure in the moron crowd.
One page I have bookmarked that I like to pass along when appropriate is this one:
They take the History channel to task for all the 2012 "prophecy" foolishness.
One show I do recommend is one I've been watching on Sunday nights on Discovery called "Human Planet." I'm not sure how many episodes are left, but I'm sure they'll all be shown in reruns, online, or on DVD/BluRay.
Re: It gets worst.
Hello Fat Man!Fat Man wrote: OK, 1000 ways do die is not what I would call an educational program, not by a long shot!
But it is entertaining and I like it because it makes me laugh! I need a good hardy belly laugh once in a while! I like it because it's all about how retarded morons die because of their own stupidity, thereby cleansing the human gene pool of moronic filth and contamination.
I LOVE that show! There was a "marathon" of it on a couple Sundays ago -- my wife and I watch it and also laugh hysterically. We try to guess what the snarky "cause of death" will be at the end of each case -- usually we come pretty damn close!

- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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Re: Sports Taking Over More Cable TV Channels!!!
Well, I can think of one possible way that the year 2012 could mean the end of the world, as we have known it.
It's an election year, and if a Republican gets elected President, then we will be up Shit Creek with a broken paddle in a leaky rowboat!
But the end of the world won't come as predicted on December 21,2012, but rather in the months following January 20,2013 after a Republican President gets sworn into office, then he will have plenty of opportunities to fuck things up! It will be the end of the world, as we haven known it. Oh! The planet will still be here! We'll still be alive on it, but things will be so fucked up we will probably wish we were dead!
Of course, we could do something really stupid, like, have a world wide nuclear war, and thus, end the world at our own hands, but that's a possibility on any given year, 2012 or not.
Then there is the possibility that we could get hit by a large asteroid. It happened once about 60 million years ago, and most of the life on this planet was wiped out. That's how the dinosaurs became extinct. So, it could happen again. It's NOT a matter of IF, but WHEN. It could happen tomorrow, or a thousand years from now, or a million years from now.
But, if we do detect an asteroid coming our way, we might be able to do something to deflect it's path so that it will miss the earth entirely. So, unlike the dinosaurs, we can do something about it. The dinosaurs couldn't do jack shit, because they didn't have a space program.
Now, in the year 2012, the earth and sun is suppose to line up a certain way with the center of the galaxy, and this particular alignment occurs every 26,000 years because of the 26,000 year procession of the earth's axes. The earth wobbles like a top, and it completes this wobble every 26,000 years.
No big deal. We had the same alignment 26,000 years ago, and the earth came through it just fine! There is no geological evidence of any kind of world wide disaster happening every 26,000 years. So, this alignment will be just like the previous alignment. There is plenty of evidence of major extinction events happening every 300 million years or so, but nothing major happening every 26,000 years.
So, yeah! I think this 2012 thing in just a big hoax, a money making scam to scare the holy beejeebers outta us so we will give them money to buy survival kits or their phoney books, and they grow rich from this scam, laughing all the way to the bank.
Well, I do have a conspiracy theory though . . .
I believe the reason why we are constantly bombarded with sports, and the reason why the quality of education has been on the decline in the USA, is to keep us dumbed down and ignorant of scientific facts so that we can be suckered into buying into their Doom's Day bullshit and make them rich!
Well, if we do vote Republican, then we will have, in a way, ended our world (as we have know it) through our own stupidity, and we will have deserved it!
But I believe I will survive the December 21,2012 "Doom's Day" and celebrate New Years Day January 1,2013 with the usual 12 pack of Amber Bock Beer, a Bloody Mary, some chips and dip, and pickled herring on fancy crackers.
Of course, I will not step out doors at midnight, because that's when all the redneck yokels like to fire their shotguns into the air, and puke on their front lawns, and pass out face down in their own vomit, and getting killed by the bullets falling down from the sky.
So, that will be their Doom's Day!
But not mine!
I'll survive just fine!
It's an election year, and if a Republican gets elected President, then we will be up Shit Creek with a broken paddle in a leaky rowboat!
But the end of the world won't come as predicted on December 21,2012, but rather in the months following January 20,2013 after a Republican President gets sworn into office, then he will have plenty of opportunities to fuck things up! It will be the end of the world, as we haven known it. Oh! The planet will still be here! We'll still be alive on it, but things will be so fucked up we will probably wish we were dead!
Of course, we could do something really stupid, like, have a world wide nuclear war, and thus, end the world at our own hands, but that's a possibility on any given year, 2012 or not.
Then there is the possibility that we could get hit by a large asteroid. It happened once about 60 million years ago, and most of the life on this planet was wiped out. That's how the dinosaurs became extinct. So, it could happen again. It's NOT a matter of IF, but WHEN. It could happen tomorrow, or a thousand years from now, or a million years from now.
But, if we do detect an asteroid coming our way, we might be able to do something to deflect it's path so that it will miss the earth entirely. So, unlike the dinosaurs, we can do something about it. The dinosaurs couldn't do jack shit, because they didn't have a space program.
Now, in the year 2012, the earth and sun is suppose to line up a certain way with the center of the galaxy, and this particular alignment occurs every 26,000 years because of the 26,000 year procession of the earth's axes. The earth wobbles like a top, and it completes this wobble every 26,000 years.
No big deal. We had the same alignment 26,000 years ago, and the earth came through it just fine! There is no geological evidence of any kind of world wide disaster happening every 26,000 years. So, this alignment will be just like the previous alignment. There is plenty of evidence of major extinction events happening every 300 million years or so, but nothing major happening every 26,000 years.
So, yeah! I think this 2012 thing in just a big hoax, a money making scam to scare the holy beejeebers outta us so we will give them money to buy survival kits or their phoney books, and they grow rich from this scam, laughing all the way to the bank.
Well, I do have a conspiracy theory though . . .
I believe the reason why we are constantly bombarded with sports, and the reason why the quality of education has been on the decline in the USA, is to keep us dumbed down and ignorant of scientific facts so that we can be suckered into buying into their Doom's Day bullshit and make them rich!
Well, if we do vote Republican, then we will have, in a way, ended our world (as we have know it) through our own stupidity, and we will have deserved it!
But I believe I will survive the December 21,2012 "Doom's Day" and celebrate New Years Day January 1,2013 with the usual 12 pack of Amber Bock Beer, a Bloody Mary, some chips and dip, and pickled herring on fancy crackers.
Of course, I will not step out doors at midnight, because that's when all the redneck yokels like to fire their shotguns into the air, and puke on their front lawns, and pass out face down in their own vomit, and getting killed by the bullets falling down from the sky.
So, that will be their Doom's Day!
But not mine!
I'll survive just fine!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

reposting and adding some more.
Reposting: It seems when I edited it last night I accidentally removed part of my post.
Cartoonnetwork just had their first sports award show last year...
These days the few channels I actually enjoy watching are becoming more and more saturated with reality shows(crap like Ax Men and Ice road truckers):Discovery and History which goes even further with crazy 2012 end of the world junk...and the Da Vinci code......it's suppose to be about history not speculation and psuedo-science. History channel also loves to carter to their Christian audience, ocassionally they have some things here and there from other religions but almost never a full program dedicated to any of them. Also fucking Cox decided to make the science channel no longer part of the regular bundle. Oh yes......you have to pay EXTRA to get there SCIENCE CHANNEL....its pretty FUCKED up.
Cartoonnetwork just had their first sports award show last year...

I was actually recording that and somehow all the episodes I recorded were deleted manually or auto. The only one I watched much of was the Arctic episode which was quite insightful. Human Planet, Blue Planet, and Life...I love series likes these. Oh yes I've seen tidbits "the haunted" on the animal channel personally I think its an imitation of the Discovery channel's "A haunting" series. Both channels are owned by Discovery Communications Inc btw.ChrisOH wrote:
One show I do recommend is one I've been watching on Sunday nights on Discovery called "Human Planet." I'm not sure how many episodes are left, but I'm sure they'll all be shown in reruns, online, or on DVD/BluRay.
"We believe in Vader, the Darth almighty, destroyer of Alderaan and the Sith. We believe in Luke, his only son, our Jedi. He was concieved by the power of the Force, and born of the senator Padme. Suffered under Darth Sidius, electrocuted, survived and partied with Ewoks. He descended to the Death Star, on the third hour he flew out in an Imperial ship and landed on Endor. He is seated on the right hand of Obi-Wan's ghost. He will come again to train Leia to be a Jedi. We believe? in Yoda.........

- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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- Location: El Paso, Texas, USA, 3rd Planet, Sol System, Milky Way, Local Cluster, Somewhere in The Cosmos!
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Re: Sports Taking Over More Cable TV Channels!!!
It seem that TLC, The Learning Channel is one of the first ones to go down hill. They use to have all kinds in interesting documentaries on legal matters, and science programs. You could actually learn something, that is why it was called The Learning Channel.
But now, it mostly shallow programming on fashion.
When I go to the Zap To It, web site for my Cable TV Listings, I see mostly . . .
Say Yes To The Dress, Say Yes To The Dress, Say Yes To The Dress, all the way across the board!
On the history channel, it's mostly either Pawn Stars, American Pickers, or mostly boring programs, or religious nonsense. It's been several weeks since I have seen anything I liked.
Tonight, there is nothing good on all the channels!
Well, there is one good program I'm going to watch on PBS at 9:00 PM. (My local time)
Yeah, I should not be surprised that Native Americans are getting abused by church workers. It is after all, Sarah Palin's home state, and she is probably responsible for church workers abusing people. She has probably authorized it. The contemptible bitch!!!
I remember hearing a short story that goes like this . . .
Of course, I did not believe that the universe was literally created in only 6 days, nor that the earth was only 6,000 years old.
When I was only in the 4th grade, I read about Galileo, that he was a Christian, that he was faithful and loyal to his church, even after his church persecuted him, and place him under house arrest for the remainder of his life, even then, onto his dying day he was still faithful to his church.
But he had a disagreement on some of the church's doctrine, namely, their belief that the earth was the center of the cosmos, and that the sun and all the planets revolved around the earth.
Galileo proved, through observations made with his telescope, that Jupiter had it's own moons revolving around it, that Venus went through phases just like the moon, a thin crescent, first quarter, full, last quarter, etc. etc. thereby proving that Venus revolved around the sun and not around the earth, and his observations proved that the moon was not a perfect sphere, but rather, it had a rough surface with high mountains, deep valleys and canyons, some smooth areas, and lots of craters, that the moon was not a divinely smooth polished heavenly object, but another world, not unlike our earth, except of course, the earth has air and water.
All his observations proved that the earth and all the planets revolved around the sun. Only the moon revolves around the earth.
So, his church was wrong, and he was right!!!
But he was punished for it!!!
When I was a kid going to Sunday school, I once said to my Sunday school teacher, "I believe in God and Jesus, and all of that, but I don't believe that everything was created in just 6 days, that the creation story is just that, a story." so even back then, I was skeptical about many of the commonly held beliefs.
Well, my Sunday school teacher told me I was going to go to Hell unless of see the error of my ways, and when I came home, I told my mother what my Sunday school teacher said to me, and she was pissed and called the minister of the church.
My mother encouraged me to read, and she also knew that not every belief held by Christians was right. A long time ago the church taught that the earth was flat, but today, we know that the earth is round. Back when the Bible was written, they didn't know what we know today, so there are errors in the Bible.
And so, my mother tried to reassure me that I was not going to Hell.
Yeah, I think I know how that poor Eskimo must have felt.
But now, it mostly shallow programming on fashion.
When I go to the Zap To It, web site for my Cable TV Listings, I see mostly . . .
Say Yes To The Dress, Say Yes To The Dress, Say Yes To The Dress, all the way across the board!
On the history channel, it's mostly either Pawn Stars, American Pickers, or mostly boring programs, or religious nonsense. It's been several weeks since I have seen anything I liked.
Tonight, there is nothing good on all the channels!
Well, there is one good program I'm going to watch on PBS at 9:00 PM. (My local time)
To me, the first two topics are more important.Frontline Episode: The Silence (NEW)
Abuse of Native Americans by priests and church workers in Alaska; outsourcing of airline repair work to lower-cost maintenance operations; Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei.
Yeah, I should not be surprised that Native Americans are getting abused by church workers. It is after all, Sarah Palin's home state, and she is probably responsible for church workers abusing people. She has probably authorized it. The contemptible bitch!!!
I remember hearing a short story that goes like this . . .
When I was a kid, I was raised a Christian, and I believed in Jesus Christ.An Eskimo overhears a priest and hears the word "God".
He walks up to the priest and says "What is god"?
And the priest says " He's the creator of the universe, and if you obey him and believe in him you go to heaven. If you don't you go to Hell."
The Eskimo then asks "Well, what if I didn't know about him"?
The priest gives a smile and says "Then you may still go to Heaven, however, if you know about him and choose not to believe him, you will go to Hell."
To which the Eskimo replies "Well then, why the Hell did you tell me about him"?
Of course, I did not believe that the universe was literally created in only 6 days, nor that the earth was only 6,000 years old.
When I was only in the 4th grade, I read about Galileo, that he was a Christian, that he was faithful and loyal to his church, even after his church persecuted him, and place him under house arrest for the remainder of his life, even then, onto his dying day he was still faithful to his church.
But he had a disagreement on some of the church's doctrine, namely, their belief that the earth was the center of the cosmos, and that the sun and all the planets revolved around the earth.
Galileo proved, through observations made with his telescope, that Jupiter had it's own moons revolving around it, that Venus went through phases just like the moon, a thin crescent, first quarter, full, last quarter, etc. etc. thereby proving that Venus revolved around the sun and not around the earth, and his observations proved that the moon was not a perfect sphere, but rather, it had a rough surface with high mountains, deep valleys and canyons, some smooth areas, and lots of craters, that the moon was not a divinely smooth polished heavenly object, but another world, not unlike our earth, except of course, the earth has air and water.
All his observations proved that the earth and all the planets revolved around the sun. Only the moon revolves around the earth.
So, his church was wrong, and he was right!!!
But he was punished for it!!!
When I was a kid going to Sunday school, I once said to my Sunday school teacher, "I believe in God and Jesus, and all of that, but I don't believe that everything was created in just 6 days, that the creation story is just that, a story." so even back then, I was skeptical about many of the commonly held beliefs.
Well, my Sunday school teacher told me I was going to go to Hell unless of see the error of my ways, and when I came home, I told my mother what my Sunday school teacher said to me, and she was pissed and called the minister of the church.
My mother encouraged me to read, and she also knew that not every belief held by Christians was right. A long time ago the church taught that the earth was flat, but today, we know that the earth is round. Back when the Bible was written, they didn't know what we know today, so there are errors in the Bible.
And so, my mother tried to reassure me that I was not going to Hell.
Yeah, I think I know how that poor Eskimo must have felt.

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!