The Imperialist wrote:Simply put, yes.
However, if one was to say, create a revolutionary governmetn calling all jocks counter-revolutionary and should be put to death in th ename of the state and the people, you might just like it.
One should also consider that authoritarian governments do get things done more quickly. (Besides, in war time, any government has to become authoritarian, and I consider this day and age a time of crisis where the people and the state must unify as one)
I suggest that you read my latest topic posted in the OFF TOPIC section of these forums.
The new barbarism: Keeping science out of politics ... f=7&t=4794
I was up all night typing it out on my computer, so I didn't get any sleep at all last night.
And so, you damn well better read it! OK???
Here in the USA, the Republican party has become more hostile toward science.
I am NOT going to join any unity under the Republican banner of religion inspired ignorance and anti-science!
No! I will fight my own government in any possible way!
Here in Texas, our State Board of Education (actually, Indoctrination) wants to remove Thomas Jefferson from the high school history textbooks and replace him with John Calvin, a 16th century religious fanatic who had people tortured to death in the name of his religion.
That's not surprising when I remember how their hero, President Bush, had allowed war prisoners to be tortured by water-boarding.
And these right-wing Funny-mentalist Christards also want to have Creationist fairy tales inserted into the science textbooks and eventually remove Darwin's Evolution.
Yeah, you're right! Authoritarian governments do get things done more quickly. They arrest more people quickly for lesser lesser and smaller offenses, impose greater penalties for lesser offenses, and they kill more people more quickly, and impose censorship, and take away our rights to academic and intellectual freedom, and they're very good at taking away freedom of speech, which they do very quickly.
Now, thanks to these Funny-mentalist Christards, it's going to be a lot harder for high school students in Texas to get a good education in science, and since Texas buys up more textbooks than all the other states, Texas has a greater influence on what kind of textbooks gets publish, and now, thanks to our State Board of Indoctrination, Texas is going to drag the rest of the USA down into the gutter academically.
Yeah! I guess since this is a time of war, we need to keep students ignorant of science and make them read Creationist fairy tales instead.
Also, in times of war, I guess students need to fold more paper footballs instead of learning science and math.
Then, when some other country decides to launch missiles toward us with nuclear warheads, we can throw paper footballs at them!
(Lighting up my pipe and blowing smoke in your face!)
I think you would have been very happy living in Nazi Germany or under the Stalinist Regime in Russia!
(Puffing on my pipe and blowing more smoke in your face!)
No, if anybody is causing disunity in the USA these days, it's the Republican party.
And you can put that in your VCR and suck on it!!!
I'm tired, I didn't get any sleep last night, and now, thanks to your most recent and most moronic post, I'm royally pissed off with you!
I don't know, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the one who's all fucked up in the head.
Yes, that must be it. Probably due to the fact I was denied a decent education in school and was beaten and raped by an older man when I was 17 years old.
So, you'll excuse me, if I don't have any great love form my own country and my government.
(Strikes match on your forehead to relight my pipe!)
I'm really tired right now, so I'm not in a very good mood.
Thanks to your most moronic post.
I'm anxious to see if you can top that one!
I just know you won't disappoint me!
You haven't so far!