Football > Football

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Football > Football

Post by Sergey »

Lol, all the AMERICAN jocks won't understand this, ah well good riddance! First off, football isn't mindless monkey boys running into each other, it's still so basic and nothing complex, but that is better than that jock trying to give a concussion, and football was made to detract the psychopathic jocks from the simple sports fans. So football > football, and Polite24 seems to defend football and not football. Football fans are simple fans with no hardcore desire to convert people, and Polite24 is a converter. So remember kids, football > football. :wink:

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Re: Football > Football

Post by Safety »

There's a lot of strategy involved in American football. You have to remember specific routes, plays, and who to block. If someone messes up, then the whole play can be a disaster. It's like a physical game of chess.
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Re: Football > Football

Post by i_like_1981 »

I see. Bringing back more old threads. Well, I guess if they've not been responded to after all these time, they deserve a little bit of attention.

Are you a fan of sports, Safety? I can understand that the game of American football is hard. I haven't got a clue how it goes but I do know some basic terms relating to it, such as quarterback and tight end. It seems a lot more complex and tactic-based than our variant of "football", although our game of football stays truer to its actual name. :D

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Re: Football > Football

Post by The Imperialist »

It is inferior to rugby, as people who play american football are all cowards who insist on wearing body armour.

I will actually listen more to somebody who plays rugby, than somebody who plays American football. (It is quite interesting also to see the difference in demographics between rugby players and American football players- the former will have a lot of aristocratic snobiness, the latter just plain stupidity)
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Re: Football > Football

Post by Safety »

I like playing sports, I just don't like watching them. There are probably more injuries in the NFL than there are the NBA, NHL MLB, or any other professional sport league.
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Re: Football > Football

Post by Indurrago » offense I prefer neither.
Warhammer 40k>Football>Football(American)
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Re: Football > Football

Post by Fat Man »

Football = crock of shit!
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All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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