Letters 2025

15 March 2025


I have no connection with "I Hate Sports" other than I hate sports. And if you're reading this you do too. With good reason. Sports are given far too much adoration in our society. So-called sports stars are paid far too much for an ability that is a knack glorified as a skill. And the enormous salaries they are paid requires ticket prices that make access to sports unreachable for the addicted fans forced to watch them on television. But we know all this. And we know how rabid sports fans, how absurdly they worship so-called athletes, and how crest-fallen they become when their team loses. So here's the problem..

There are thousands of us who hate or resent sports, but very few who express their resentment. If you look at past letters to this site, you will see some fiery comments. We need more. Don't be shy in reporting how sports have affected you, Don't write just to unleash your anger, but to give credence to the millions of persons who are reluctant to admit how much they hate sports in a rah rah society that doesn't see that some sports are ridiculous, others mindless and violent, and that a guy who couldn't care less who won the Super Bowl can be just as macho as the bare-chested moron who paints his face with his team colors and swears allegiance to a group of men who he will never meet and more than likely have no connection to his city.


9 February 2025

Subject: Don't Keep Your Eye On the Ball

I hate sports generally, but I hate them even more during these troubled times. Why? Because they have become an impediment to reason. While I am watching Morning Joe to learn about the latest attacks on Democracy, the newest appointments of unqualified cabinet members, the latest firings of veteran government employees for just doing their job, when suddenly the serious newscasters get all giddy about sports. Joe himself now has a moronic grin as he lists his who-cares favorites in the who-cares Super Bowl. And his equally gushy gang follows suit. What happen to the crisis in our government that was so serious? Why are you all acting like teen-agers? What will become of our country seems less important than who will win a meaningless, forgettable game that only the wealthy can attend and millions will watch in mostly drunken joy while being brainwashed to adore the commercials. And this football fever will continue the entire weekend, while our nation, our history, our future --which demands constant care and attention-- is forgotten for the day and ebbs even further away to the sounds of cheering fans.


Evolution takes a turn for the worse
